
The method to enter the green river middle realm was by using a special coat of fluorescent paint to coat the outside of a space vessel. The materials used to create this coat of paint were unknown, as it was the greatest secret that belonged solely to the four overlords of the green river middle realm.

After paying his very expensive toll, Clover went ahead to a spot further inside the fortress where those who had already been granted access to the middle realm would go to get their pass.

This pass was naturally the paint that was needed to enter the green river. Without if one would be quickly dissolved into a mess of goo should they enter the corrosive green river carelessly.

The paint was green colored and Clover watched as his original silver spaceship was completely covered in green paint that showed in the darkness of space, making his spaceship look like a huge glowing piece of space rock.

Clover found the green color to be tasteless and tacky. Al

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