Chapter 74

At the same time, an Audi R8 stopped at the entrance of the Empire Hotel for a security check. Before one could enter the hotel, a check needed to be done.

The person driving was none other than Oliver Storm.

Seeing Oliver's face, the security guard leading the inspection seemed to be respectful.

"Sir, it's you. Nice to see you again." He spoke in a calm tone.

The security guard was the same guard who disrespected Oliver and later apologized a few weeks ago.

Oliver nodded with a smile and replied.

"I need to get inside, so do what you have to do so I can get inside."

"Sorry boss, there's no need to waste your time checking you; you can just go straight." He replied.

"Hey, allow sir to enter; he's a good person. There's no need to waste his time." He said this to the other security guards, who also opened the gate for Oliver to enter.


Meanwhile, in the study room in the mansion of Ynes Larkin, five blindfolded young guys were forced to kneel.

Oliver would have been shocked if he ha
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