Chapter Eleven: Commendation

Just similar to earth's countries and states. The difference was the size, for a planet holding two suns, Mianca was quite small in comparison to earth, it was barely larger than its moon in fact and habitable zones were actually smaller in percentage than earth's. This is mostly due to its south pole possessing a dangerous area called the Lava zone. More than thousands of miles covered in flowing lava.

The information was quite unnecessary to Coral, but he still wanted to make himself familiar. He skipped through the different languages and cultures. He was about to start checking out his profile and rewards for surviving the logged relic when he was called into the office. He glanced up and saw the thick girl standing in front of him. He nodded at her and she did the same.

He stood up and they both entered the office together. It was neatly arranged with the statue of a man covered in wings erected beside the office table. The statue seemed to hold an ample amount of life, like it was alive, but pretending to be dead. Behind the office table, Lyrak was seated, this time in an official dressing of a suit and tie, with a pair of glasses on his oblong face. His elbows were placed on the table behind a plaque that had his name; Lyrak H. Hemingway, and his hands clasped together hiding his mouth and nose from scrutiny.

"Take a seat please!" he commanded, his right hand gesturing to the two chairs directly opposite him.

"Thank you," the girl said, and Coral just grunted and sat down.

He flipped open some files and he began to speak. "Aduke Adedeji Spiralson. and Coral Aramide Haller," he cleared his throat. "You were both actively involved with the current escaped logged relic and were the only survivors."

Coral squinted his face. "Yes. The librarian, Faith is dead!" he announced blankly.

Coral exhaled but was shocked as Aduke broke into tears, sobbing into her handkerchief. "I understand," Lyrak began, "that both of you were close, so I will excuse your presence in the library. However, I cannot overlook yours," he turned to Coral. "What were you doing in the library during teaching sessions?."

"Reading!" Coral replied with an assertive tone, his expression though, blank. He'd been a soldier in his past life, had worked his way from being the lowest of low to being a captain. He didn't do it by flinching in the face of authority. No! He in fact had a good experience in the war of words.

"Considering that you are new, I will let you off the hook this once, with a slight punishment. The teaching sessions are compulsory for every student. You may not leave your class at any given time during the teaching sessions. If you want to pee. You hold it in." he replied, his voice laced with the aura of command.

Coral shifted in his seat. "I will agree, that I didn't know of such rules, and will try to readjust next time," he paused, then said on purpose. "Though the school didn't seem inclined to adhere to their own rules, if a logged relic-" he said that last word to create a notion of familiarity. "-can just escape."

The man adjusted his glasses. "The rules were made to protect the students, so their location will be noted at all times. No unnecessary wandering. The school will not take responsibility for anyone who dies while breaking the rules."

Coral smiled. "And I suggest the Librarian was breaking a rule?"

"Her predicament was quite unfortunate. Turned into a shadow by 460 isn't a fate anyone would pray for. Her family will be sent compensation, if she does have one."

"And that is supposed to be what... Bring her back." Aduke stood up angrily. "You sit here arrogant as a toad. You talk about rules. She died doing her job! I only rushed there to get her, to..." she broke down in sobs and was about to collapse when Coral's hand wrapped around her. She didn't resist, she sobbed into his chest.

"Hmm." Lyrak grunted after the sobbing died down. "The school has asked me to commend you both for taking an active role in keeping Faith alive long enough for an official to arrive," he said.

"I will give you a pen and a paper to write down a statement of all that happened, your rewards have been sent to your dormitories."

"And miss Spiralson, I am really sorry for your loss! Unofficially-" he stood up and bowed down to Aduke. "Accept my condolences." He stood up and turned to Coral. "And to you new guy, thanks for trying your best!" he bowed to him too.

They were dumbstruck and even Coral was shocked. They grumbled a reply and they both filled out the papers he supplied to them afterwards. Later, Coral headed home with Aduke's address written on a folded paper slipped into his trousers.

He headed back to his dorm to meet Magus waiting for him patiently. He explained all that happened to him and the boy could only say one sentence.

"First day in school, and you already have an address?" Magus exclaimed. "I hate you man! I hate you so much."

Coral smiled. "That means I can go see her anytime right?" he said, examining the bunch of new books sent to him by the school as a reward and a pair of shoes.

"No it means you can eat the paper," he said seriously. "Papers with addresses written on them are nutritious."

"What?" Coral asked, confused.

"Yes dumbass, you can go see her," he said. "And probably get to do the do!" he said with raised eyebrows.

"Oh, okay." It seemed it was the same as exchanging numbers on earth or exchanging social media handles.

Magus smiled heartily and said rather seriously. "You are different. I don't know what it is about you. But you are different. Weirdly different!" he said and smiled. "And if you ever need the room to yourself, for any girly purposes, I will just sleep outside."

Coral smiled, this guy was energetic. "I will go shower now."

"Yeah, go go..." he said, picking up his book and flipping it as Coral entered the bathroom

He then analyzed his rewards on Ag!


HP: 85

ES: 4

MP: 20



Lvl: 1 (89% complete)




He flipped to the next page.


The stone identification skill allows users to identify different rocks and stones. Each use costs 1 MP./

He decided to use the skill for a test run. He checked out the stone on the walls.

∆Identify stone!∆

/A mixture of Limestone and Granite/

His profile then changed into 19 mp. He smiled. Elated.

Next he decided to set down goals, as Ag already gave him a run down that would mean he could set goals for himself and use them to earn mini points.

He spent a few minutes on it, and after setting the goals, he showered and went to bed. By the time he got out, Magus was already sprawled out on the bed snoring softly.

He crawled to his bed and slept. This life he would enjoy very much.

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