Chapter Ten: Let there be light

Coral charged immediately, ignoring her question. He lunged at the solidifying mass of blackness that was turning human with every ticking second. He extended his arm, pointing the dagger forward, he struck! His knife, striking a surface with full force. Alas! It wasn't the surface he wanted to strike, no, the knife went straight through as if it had ignored the existence of the shadow, as if it had forgotten it. Its tip was caught on the wooden desk, Coral's arm in the body of the shadow.

"Em truh t'nac uoy," It said. "human turning from,me stop you can neither,"

Coral paused after he retracted his hand, this silly shadow just said actual words, he turned to the librarian and found that she was already almost all black. "Oh. Holy!" he gasped, the lady was starting to turn illusory.

∆And it shall come to pass that the soul of Lyris shall answer my call and bend to my authority.∆ the thick girl who seemed to have snapped out of the forgetfulness chanted.

Just as she did the whole hall went black and something crawled out of the darkness. It was a leopard, but without a body. All that it had was an outline of the beast traced with a bluish glow and an icy aura. It roared loudly and on the girl's command attacked Logged relic 460. Fortunately it's attack struck the shadow and in no time they engaged in a devastating combat.

Coral was elated and was about to thank the girl when she dropped to the ground in a thud, she seemed exhausted.

"Hell no!" he uttered in a depressed demeanor.

He analyzed his path of action and did the first noble thing, he took the librarian and slumped her on his back then rushed out with her whilst the beast and the shadow were butting it out. For whatever reason, the spirit was a perfect counter to it. Even when it now yelled "delete!" the spirit had refused to go down.

Just as he stepped outside with Faith, he dropped her on the ground and headed back inside... because he was an idiot. A fool. A crazy bastard. What the hell was he thinking? Rushing into a death scene.

He did it anyway. When he got inside the beast was pinning the shadow to a chair, but it seemed to be fading away. He picked the thick girl up immediately and ran. He was a few meters away from the exit when the shadow, seemingly blood lust, broke from the beast's grasp. The latter had faded away. Then it became a game of cat and mouse. This time the mouse was lifting another mouse. He ran, limping with the weight of the girl's body on top of him. In an instant the space between him and the shadow closed, like it had never been there in the first place. It was on top of him and he could feel the spear-like hand of the shadow coming for him. The only thing in his mind was Ag.

/Heaven's Winter Activated.

Cost: 10 MP./

He then twisted his body sideways, his hand came in contact with the angry shadow that seemed to want to impale him. Then a gale of ice left his hand, freezing the shadow's hand in place. He fell to his back, landing on his butts as the shadow howled, erasing the ice from existence.

∆It is written! God said! Let there be light!∆

A rippling vortex of light descended on the area. The shadow shrunk backwards in a scream and it let go of all the solid skin it had been accumulating.

A man walked into the library in the clothes of a priest. He turned to Coral.

"Are you a believer?"

Coral turned to him. "In Jesus?" he replied, confused.

The priest turned to him. "What?" he raised his eyes.

He didn't even wait to reply, he lifted the girl up and rushed outside. He placed the girl beside the librarian who was still shadowy. He checked their necks to confirm they were both breathing. They were. The librarian was breathing faintly though. He smiled a bit and rested his back. The priest guy came out of the library holding a square transparent glass, the size of a tea cup and a shadowy figure in it, moving around like a mass of black particles.

The priest wanted to speak to him, but the scene was immediately filled with different guards in their arms. A man with a golden one rode a horse forward.

"Take the victims, take the unconscious one to the healing wing. The infected one should be taken to the other facility. Bring the boy with me for questioning. When the girl wakes up, send her over." he said those orders loud and clear like the others weren't even there.

"Yes sir!" the soldiers screamed.

He turned to leave when the priest guy said. "Oi, Lyrak! What to do with the black patch."

"Do whatever you wish with it, Gbonka. Whatever! It is already corrupted and removed from the logged relics."

"Itch! Take care of your mess yourself." he replied. Throwing the black mass at Lyrak while the latter just pointed a finger at it, exploding it with an excessive light beam. When the beam died down there was nothing left. He only walked away.

It was around the evening, 05:30 L.T according to Ag. LT meant Loggian time. He was seated at the entrance to the office of the Head of Sorcery. He had been waiting for two hours, though he didn't notice. His mind was completely focused on Ag. She claimed she was now a fully operational AI and had downloaded every file on the planet Mianca, so he was giving him a rundown.

Mianca was a planet divided into five major kingdoms. The capital and the biggest was Unsk. The kingdom they were currently habiting. The other four were namely. Cero, Illyia, Aiyé, Vailand. They held underneath them different cities and towns.

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