Chapter Nine: Logged Artifact

Panic ensued immediately after that. Coral forgot about hunger as the logged relic turned on him. He ran. The relic seemed to find this amusing as an eerie laughter escaped from it. Then it followed Coral.

"Oh shit!" he screamed. "Don't follow me. Don't you. I am new here idiot."

"Toidi ereh wen ma I. Uoy tond. em wollof tond." he replied. "Tihs ho!" and it laughed.

The librarian was screaming nonstop as Coral jumped off a table and the shadow just walked right through it whispering something that made Coral lose control and land on the ground.

"Ih, woh era ouy!"

Coral screamed. "I DON'T SPEAK SHADOW!" he rolled off the ground and removed his dagger from thin air. A feat he didn't know how he pulled. He will worry about that later.

"Get down," a voice came from the door.

Coral dove off the ground and all he heard was a boom!

Chapter Four:

The splinters of wood shattering against his back, and the stench of smoke feeling his nostrils didn't compare to the sound of the slithering shadow's voice. It made a howling sound that seemed similar to cynical laughter. Coral rolled away from his original position, further away from the sound of the shadow, he stood up and began to scurry towards one of the windows, he didn't even care to look at the back to see who'd saved him; he would inquire after he was safe and sound.

He was given a chance at a second life, no matter how hard it was for him to currently accept the truth, death wasn't one of the things he would ever rush towards ever again. He jumped across the carefully arranged furniture, he was about to lift himself through the window when a veil of blackness knocked him back.

"yawa gninnur uoy era?" the shadow said from behind him. He glanced back to see it standing, its shape more humanoid, it had fingers now, its features had changed to become a bit feminine. Its shadowy body had started to possess an illusory brownish color. It looked more solid, as if... As if it was mutating right there and now.

∆Book of Authority. Verse of hell! It is written that the chains of heaven shall bind you! It is written!∆ the same voice who'd told him to get down and had caused the destruction of the wooden chairs surrounding the shadowy figure. The voice was from a lady standing at the entrance of the library, holding a book that seemed to emit glowing light, a bioluminescent book. She wore the orange and black colors every other student wore. Her skirt was short, really short, so that it exposed her , fair thighs, and her shirt's front button could barely hold itself together against the enormous bulging skin hidden beneath the orange shirt. Her eyes were brown, her hair dyed into a mixture of purple and deep cream Her eyes were focused on the figure with a deadly intent.

Just as she casted her spells, the shadowy figure had chains, made of a green light snap around it. They bound it.

"Revaewslleps!" the shadowy figure said. "Eteled," it said again and the chains vanished.

"Hey, new guy," the girl screamed to him. "Try to help the librarian out of here. I am gonna distract it,"

"I don't think yelling plans is a good idea." Coral screamed, trailing away from the shadow as the girl engaged it.

Coral could hear a series of spells from the girl, all of them were immense light rays. They didn't seem to stop the shadow. It just yelled 'Eteled,' whatever that meant. Coral didn't care, his objective was to get to the librarian and drag her out to give the girl and shadow all the privacy they needed. By the time he rounded the corner and found the librarian, he was shocked beyond resolve.

"She is... turning into a shadow."he blurted out.

"Yes and we are all gonna turn into shadows if you don't get her out and we can retreat." he didn't think twice. He held the half shadowy, half human figure on the floor. He started to drag the librarian who was whimpering. He groaned before pulling her up and lifting her in his shadows.

He started to run off when he paused. He seemed to have forgotten the reason he was here, what was he running from, why was he lifting the librarian on his shoulders? He had forgotten completely about the shadow. He looked up and the new girl was also confused. There was nothing in the building, but him carrying the librarian and the girl staring at him confused.

/Your memory seems to have been altered. Do you want to run a reset program?/

Ag seemed to have noticed something amiss too. He said yes and he felt himself being a little light headed and after a while his memories were restored. He could clearly see the shadow now, who seemed to have been there the whole time, but somehow they had forgotten about it, and the new girl still looked confused. How could he make her remember? Can he even do that?

Maybe he didn't need to wake her, he only needed to let her see that a threat is still here. He exhaled, once again he was about to rush directly at death. He dropped the librarian calmly and turned to face the shadow who didn't seem motivated to attack them. It just stood there smiling and it seemed to solidify with every passing second, and the librarian became more of a shadow. He turned forward, selecting the dagger from his weaponry once again. It seemed anytime he loses it, it comes back. Once he selected it, his mind held a rundown of information.

/Ordinary Dagger

Strength: 2

Info: Used for piercing and striking solid objects./

He removed the dagger seemingly from the void and turned to the shadow.

"What is going on?" the girl asked, as she seemed to have snuffed out of the momentary confusion.

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