Chapter Eight: School Library

He had only a minute left to complete the task, so he told Magus, who obliged with no questions, to run. He reached the class when the seconds were at the dot of 5. He exhaled as Ag's Message popped up.

                                /Side Task: Completed

                                 Reward: 5MP received

                                       Total MP: 10

      Complete more side task to earn mps/

He caught his breath for a while before walking towards the two vacant seats at the far end of the class. Magus walked smiling at everyone, eagerly greeting the students, and for some reason, none of them answered. They seemed to want to keep as much distance from him as possible. Coral shrugged, he glanced back towards Magus and in that second noticed someone's leg stretched out fast enough that Magus would collide with it. He held him back just mere moments before he collided with the leg. The owner of the leg, a blonde fair guy with a pair of glasses, looked up angrily.

"Everyone," he said, resetting his spectacles with two fingers. "The Nihilist seems to have a friend." 

"I am just an escape artist, no need to over exaggerate things." Magus replied, turning serious. 

The blonde fair guy snickered, the focus of everyone in the classroom zoomed in on them. Coral could sense them whispering stuff to each other. The fair guy stood, brushing Magus forward, so that he now stood between them. 

"My name is Alcove," he extended a hand towards Coral. "You must be the new sorcerer. The harvesters are in need of recruitment, I would like you to join." 

Coral raised his eyebrows and walked past the stretched hand and past Alcove making for a seat beside Magus who had since left them for a seat. The whole class gasped.

Alcove smiled, "you will come to regret that.  No one survives Logia Academy alone." he said smiling. 

Coral didn't dignify him with an answer, he only turned to Magus with furrowed brows. "What's a Nihilist?" he whispered.

The latter turned to him. "Are you serious?"


"You... don't know what a nihilist is? Where did you come from? The valley under the rock?" 

"Humor me," he replied.

"A Nihilist is the third order of the void magicians tier." he replied. 

"Interesting." Coral who didn't understand a word said. He was about to ask a question when Ag popped up. 

                                /⚠Important Message⚠

To increase your level, you need to gain more knowledge. 

Increase in level accumulates to increase in order.

Rewards are Essence, Mini Points and various abilities to unlock. 

Do you want to proceed to increase your knowledge?/

He didn't use his hand this time, instead nodded a yes with his head. 

/Head to the library at the south end of the school. 

A mini map is placed on the top right corner of the screen/

A small map appeared, showing his position and the series of buildings all denoted by white squares, while the library held a red color. 

He was so going to enjoy his day today, he was just going to let it play out without thinking too much about it. After the end he would then collect his thoughts and then fiddle a bit with Ag. He stood up from his seat and turned to Magus. 

"I am heading to the library."

"The teacher is gonna be here in like a minute."

He smiled. "I don't care." he said and walked from his seat and followed the map ignoring Alcove's scowl. On his way to the library he passed by a series of students and teachers, but didn't even glance at any of them. He headed straight into the brown building labeled library. 

/You have made it to the library!

Search for a book named: Magical Tiers for beginners./ 

He followed his AI's instructions and after finding the book, quite easily since the books were all in order and the fair librarian was more than ready to help. Coral sat down and got to reading. He wanted to catch up as much as possible. He needed to know how things work here. Since magic and all were normal, he wanted to know their terms and rules. 

After a few hours of reading he started to feel his stomach churn. He needed food. He headed forward to meet the librarian and ask her how he could get food since he had no money on him. 

"Use your ID at the canteen, you have the option for four free meals every day. Every meal you miss will have the money refunded to you in the evening." she smiled. "What is your name? You are quite interesting." she bulged her gray eyes. 

"Coral, you?" 


"Nice name."

She only smiled back and Coral turned towards the exit reminiscing on whatever he'd read. 

The world seemed to be built on the world of magic and considering what he just read. Magic was split into two classes and six tiers. The pure magic class contains three tiers; Sorcerer, Spellsweaver and Diviner. Then the Impure class also contained three tiers; Void Magician, Discord Smith and Corruption invoker. 

The book only mentioned that magician's from the impure tier are dangerous, and to be kept under strict watch like Logged Relics. Coral didn't really know what a logged relic is, but he got the idea of how dangerous it would be. 

His main point of interest was the different orders each tier contained. He was still trying to draft out what the orders and their names meant when he felt the twisting turn of hunger. 

He had only walked about ten steps from Faith when the ground floor a few yards from him broke open. The floor shook and he fell to the ground. Right in front of him a black shadow was standing. It looked solid and at the same time like an apparition. He wasn't sure it was real until Ag popped up.

/A magical entity has appeared!

   Threat Level: Order: 4

   Chance of Survival: 10%

Mission: Survive!

Mission Rewards: 2 ES

                                     Craft Skill: Stone Identification

                                      20 MP/

All that information ran through his head in less than a second. Then a loud voice boomed. 

"Evacuation of all students and staff is advised. A Logged Relic has recently escaped from the school research facility. Log 460 is very dangerous. It's informed of a shadow, please if seen run as fast as you can, do not try to engage it! VACATE PREMISES IMMEDIATELY!”

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