Chapter Seven: Freshman

After a while, he was led by one of them into one of the rows of houses and when he entered, he met a young blonde woman waiting for him, and a bed beside her. She extended her hands towards the bed. She held an almost seductive smile, her dress was a blue shirt tucked in a large long white skirt.

Are you kidding? Carol's thought already swung, what sort of world is this? He thought. He complied, and laid down on the bed, his heart beating fast. He was already imagining lots of lewd imagery when the woman stuck a syringe right in his abdomen. He screamed, and before he knew it he was shrouded in darkness once again. Just moments before he passed out, he felt the only thing he has been doing for the past few days was pass out.

He woke up in a different room, with one other person in the room with him. The person was on a bed beside him, they were flipping a book, cross legged and a pair of glasses placed carefully on their nose. They glanced up at him as he shrugged and stood up.

"Hello, at last you are awake," the person said, removing the glasses and tucking them into a case beside him. "My name is Magelius," he stretched his hands out. "I'll be your roommate, nice to meet you."

Carol didn't know whether to first take the hand or to just fall back to bed again, he felt really exhausted. "Where am I?" he blurted.

"The dormitory," Magelius replied.

"Huh? Why am I in a dorm? I... We were brought here, my city, my parents..." he tried to act the way the character he was now hosting their body would.

"Presumably, if you are here. Your city probably had a labyrinth open up within it so, yeah. Dead. Everyone you prolly know and love is dead." Magelius replied.

"Huh?" he squinted his face, he was sad, for some reason, sadness cut deep into his heart.

He wanted to say something else when Ag popped a notification up.

/Side Task:

Complete the side task to earn MP: Reach class in time


The time beneath counted down the seconds, he was still trying to gather his thoughts when Magelius spoke once more. "You need to get ready, Classes begin in thirty minutes." he said, showing him time from a crude design of a wrist watch.

"Classes?" he blurted once again and looked over his shoulder to get a good look at Magelius. He was short, brown skin like his, brown eyes and a very rough and bushy black hair that seemed like it was tied into a series of careless knots. He wore an orange shirt and long black trousers. His boots were like a pair of canvas.

He stood up and replied. "Yes. Classes!"

Coral got up not knowing where to go next. "I didn't sign up for any class!" he said and Magelius pointed him in the direction of the bathroom.

He entered the bathroom and he raised his eyes. For some reason, it was sophisticated, almost earthlike. The toilet was at the far corner, a large metal looking water closet system. The bathroom held half of the left hand side and it was barricaded with a glass wall. The room was otherwise empty except for the small metal sink attached to the wall. "No one signs up. Once you are a refugee, you will be placed in different fields. For someone like you younger than twenty one, you will be placed in school."

He was already washing up when he decided to reply to Magelius. "Why didn't they at least brief me or give me a choice."

"Obviously. Because they don't care about your opinion. You are expected to fall in line. Obey!"

Not this shit again. He thought. He spent half his past life obeying. Not again. Never again. He'd rather die again. He will forge his own path. He switched off the tap and walked out with a fluffy towel wrapped around his waist. His roommate already helped him to select the clothes he would wear and for some reason they were exactly his size.

"Um, I am Coral," he smiled at his roommate. "Thanks for briefing me and for your help."

"I know," The boy turned back and smiled. "No qualms. If Magelius is a bit of a handful to pronounce. Call me Magus, my friends like to call me that."

"How did you know my name?"

"It is on your Identity Card." He pointed to the card on the table at the far end of the room in between both beds. He noticed how neat the room was. His bed held two bags underneath them, he guessed they were his clothes. How did they do all these so fast? Or has he been asleep for longer than he thought. He shook off his thoughts and decided to just thank the friend.

"Thanks." they stared at each other for a while before Magus broke the silence.

"We are late!"

The two left the room, Magus, still with his book and Coral checking out his ID. It was like a normal earth ID. They even gave him an identity number. Four three one and nine. The only thing different was his ID held a section that said magical tier and in front, they wrote sorcerer. It was the same thing Ag wrote during his transmigration.

After a while they left the large halls of the dormitory, with different students heading out. People chatted with each other and walked in groups of four or five. They navigated through the crowd and entered the school. A series of storey buildings built in rows and columns. Their class was at the far end of the school with the building covered with the painting of a quill's drop of ink on a scroll. When he asked Magus what it meant, he said it signifies the beginning. The beginning of Authority.

They were about to reach class when Ag's notification popped up.

/Side Task:

Complete the side task to earn MP: Reach class in time


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