Chapter Four: The Interface

Just as his drop of blood landed on the piece of paper a surge went through his system. The world closed down. Veins bulge from his body, he felt himself being drawn into a whirlpool. Pain attacked his nerves like a series of piercing needles. His heart bloated like it was going to explode, he felt his teeth were way more than thirty two. He held his chest and fell to the ground crouching in pain. He tore at his own face, tearing the skin off it. His body began to squirm like a worm was passing through his insides. He rolled on the floor, his body jerking unnaturally and his fingers were curled like a leper's. He felt his bones crack, till he couldn't contain the pain anymore and he let out a piercing scream that was followed by an explosion of his head.

And silence became prominent. All noise died.

He opened his eyes, and a large screen hung over the space right above his eyes. The screen held a blue color and a little information was written on it. It possessed the vibes he got from a game.

/Welcome, New Player! Would you like to continue?/

/YES or NO/

He paused, finding it difficult to understand. What the hell was going on? He discovered he couldn't move his legs, did he even have one? He lifted his hand and pressed YES. A beeping sound escaped the screen and it flipped to a new screen.

/My name is Ag! I will be your very personal AI. You have been resurrected into the body of a new character. Would you like to continue with the character's default information? Choose YES to continue and NO to create your own./

/YES or NO/

He chose NO. He wasn't interested in using a default system. He hated it, even when playing games with his sister. The beeping sound came again and it switched to the next scene.

/CREATE YOURSELF! loading.../ The system kept loading for a few minutes before bringing up a new screen with the color pink this time.


A keyboard popped up from underneath the screen. He decided he wasn't gonna play as Arlo. No. Arlo was dead. He decided to become someone new, something else. Something of his own making and not what the world made him to be. Something that encompassed who he was and his heritage. If his second chance was in a game or anywhere he would live it to the fullest.

He typed in. CORAL ARAMIDE. The system ran, humming gently in his ears. Then a full name was displayed.



He accepted easily. The next screen popped up and the system had already created an algorithm that contained elements like his Age! Sex, occupation and all. They were not really important stuff at least it's what he thought and he moved to the next screen.

/CHOOSE YOUR PATH!/ the system displayed an alarming red background and a purposeful beat sounded silently beneath his ears. Five different paths were listed vertically and with different insignias.

The first one was Combatant. /COMBATANT: ⚔️/ It listed no information in front of it. He wasn't interested in being a soldier again so he looked to the next one.

/HEALER:✝/ he wasn't no healer, he wasn't living a new life and attending to diabetic patients. That would kill him faster than dying.

/MECHANIC:/ Hell, Nah, he wasn't going to be dealing with automobiles. The thought repulsed him.

/MAGICAL PRACTITIONER:/ This was tempting. He paused and was about to choose it. It would be cool. He'd always loved being a magician and he would have chosen it, if not for the last option.


He exhaled and took his time. He wanted to live a new life, and obviously this was one of the important choices that will affect his life. He exhaled. Choose between Magic and an unknown path.

He chose the unknown. He selected INTERFACE and the system stopped humming like it'd shut down. Then a humming sound was followed by a blip. A question surfaced.


He typed in that he wanted to try a new thing.

The system seemed to clap happily and the system moved to the next screen. It contained a bit of information on the Interface.

/THE INTERFACE: Created by Amis Gordon. If a player chooses this, they have chosen a freer path to their own fate. This path is governed by Will and so it allows the user to choose all four of the listed paths but the user will be presented with a shuffle of data by the system. The system is currently arranging the sequence./




HP: 100

ES: 0

MP: 5




Lvl: 1






The system displayed the information and then displayed another screen containing stuff like strength and stamina.

/Strength: 2

Speed: 1

Stamina: 1

Trickery: 2

Intelligence: 3/


He clicked proceed and the system hummed and the system displayed another information and this time the display screen showed a vortex and series of lightning in its midst like the eye of a storm.

Then the system displayed, /CONGRATULATIONS!! You have created your profile! You are now being transmigrated into the planet Mianca where your mission begins! GOOD LUCK!/

His eyes shut involuntarily, and he was then cloaked in silence, but this time he felt as if he was levitating.


He opened his eyes and this time the first thing he felt was pain, he knew he was alive and probably human. He was lying down, a sticky liquid stuck to both his palms. He instinctively raised his palm ignoring the searing pain in his abdomen. He looked at his palm and saw it was covered in blood, he jolted, and struggled to stand up immediately, the ache in his abdomen slicing into his nerves. He groaned and slowly got up.

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