Robert's doubt

About an hour later, Robert arrived. Aura was giving the last sip in the cup of tea. Damon is sitting just opposite Aura. Robin takes permission from Damon to talk with Aura. As soon as Robert came, Aura breathed a sigh of relief. Robert sat down in front of Aura and said,

"What's the story? On what basis did you get arrested? And also without any conversation brought you straight to the police station. What does all this mean?

" Will you let me tell you first? How do I answer so many questions together?

"Sorry, actually I was surprised and also frightened too much. Tell me what's happened."

Aura told Robin the whole story in detail. Robin is silent for a while. After thinking for a while, he says,

"The bustered Martin killed Marrow by himself. And he blamed you. I'm sure. I don’t let him go."

"Oops, you are wrong. Mr. Martin did not kill Marrow."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because Mr. Martin is not as stupid as killing his son just to hurt his son's wife.  He is a very cunning man.

" Maybe because of your flat "

"No way. Tell me the price of the flat!  At the current price of 75 lakh to 80 lakh.  Not even one-twentieth of his black money.  He has no children except Marrow, Marrow can be called the treasure of his yaksha. I heard that after many vows, it became good. Before Mahir, Mrs. Davidson had two miscarriages.  Another point I know is that Marrow has not done anything to drown his name so far. He was in a very good position if he didn't have an addiction to women. Marrow is an Executive Engineer of City Corporation but not a less respected profession. Taking bribes, misappropriating government money, he used to do all these things with great precision.  His secretary and others' mouths would not open against him. So he would not kill Marrow just for a flat. He must not want to kill his own child and become childless and give all his property to someone else."

" It could also be proof of his cunning. 

From your point of view I agree with you, he did not kill. But he is deliberately misleading the police. I mean maybe he's involved with the knife thing. The flat is named after you and Marrow.  So if one dies the other will get the whole flat.  So your benefit is the most in the death of Marrow. Your fingerprints were also found on the knife.  So the law will think you are the main killer."

 "Your point is correct. Maybe my ex-father-in-law manipulated this knife. It came to my mind too.  Now the question is who killed Marrow?

 Robert tapped the table with the pen in his hand for a while. Aura is sitting with her eyes closed.  All the scenes of that day are floating in her head.  Did she miss anything?  She is not avoiding anything!  Then, Robert put his hand on Aura's shoulder and said in a low voice,

 "Dude, prepare yourself mentally."


 "Today is Thursday, the court is closed for the next two days.  So you have to stay here until Saturday.  And there is no guarantee that you will get bail on Sunday.  That's what I was saying ...

 " Don't worry."

 "But, how can you survive? You know Damon is angry with you, he will take advantage of this situation. How will you deal with him?"

Aura sighs, 

"I'll take care of it. You just have to find out something at any cost."


"As for the postmortem report, Marrow was killed by a knife. The only thing you should try to find is that knife at any cost."

 "Ok,but where I can get it, The murderer did not put it before our eyes. Certainly not in a place where we would find it."

 "In my building. It could be my intuition. But I think the knife is in the building. I got back to the building in exactly fifteen minutes. When I saw Marrow,  his pulse was running. The current came on after coming to my building. In the middle of these fifteen minutes, he has to hide his shirt and knife. Otherwise, there is a possibility of being caught. And with these, you can't even get out of the building.  Now you tell me where to throw things!"

 "In a cramped area of ​​the building, or an abandoned place."

 "No way. I am sure enough."

"Ok, let me check first. You are right then everything will be under control"

"Yes." Aura, folded her hands, 

"Robert, you are my last hope.  Please help me to out of this." 

Robert shook her head and reassured Aura. Aura smiled and felt very helpless. Stuck in a maze whose numbers are hard to match. 

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