The Clash of Blood and Words

The night was growing late, and the revelers in the Marco estate’s grand ballroom were finally beginning to filter out, their excitement over the shocking revelation still buzzing in their conversations. Jason, however, had retreated to his private quarters, away from the eyes of the guests and the burden of his newfound status. The emotions of the evening weighed heavily on him—relief, confusion, and the simmering anger at how his life had been manipulated without his knowledge.

As he sat on the edge of his bed, lost in thought, there was a sharp knock on the door. Before he could respond, the door swung open, and Jared Marco, his brother-in-law, strode in with the kind of arrogance that made Jason’s skin crawl. Jared was dressed impeccably in a dark suit, but the sneer on his face ruined whatever charm he might have otherwise possessed.

“Jason,” Jared drawled, his tone thick with sarcasm, “or should I say, *Mr. Ravenelli*? Congratulations are in order, aren’t they? You’ve really out
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