Chapter nineteen

Jaxson's phone rang while he revised a contract deal that had been sent to him. The details of the contract were somehow shady, but Jaxson wanted to ensure he didn't leave any stone unturned.

He picked up the phone and it was a strange number. Jaxson frowned as he picked up the call.

"Mr Green. Or should I say, Mr Brown?" Detective Parker said from the other side of the phone and Jaxson smiled. The Detective was getting on his nerves.

"Detective Parker, why did you call?" He asked Parker.

"I called to let you know that I figured it out. I must say, Mr Brown, you did an excellent job hiding your real identity. I'm certain it was for a purpose. Isn't that why we all do what we do?"

"What do you want? I know you didn't just give me a call to say this." Jaxson asked. He was setting a trap for the Detective but Parker didn't know. He chuckled with amusement and then sighed. Jaxson started recording the call.

"I want you to pay m off to keep your secret. I don't know why you hide your iden
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