Chapter Seven

As soon as James Parker ran into the hospital, he headed straight towards the reception. 

With him being anxious, he asked the lady at the desk quickly, “Miss, Can I know my sister is?” 

The receptionist looked at him and spat, "Good day, Young Man! Who are you looking for? The name of the patient you seek! Your relationship with her.” 

"Alicia Parker! She is my sister! My biological sister!” He mumbled hurriedly, and the lady glanced at him once more before looking at the checkbook. 

The lady could notice how anxious he was, and she nodded her head pitifully. She averted her gaze from the checkbook, then to James, whose patience was running out. 

“Have you seen it? Where is she?" Without waiting for the receptionist, he demanded quickly. 

The lady sighed and answered, “The Patient, Alicia, is currently in the surgery room. You should find her there…..” 

She had not finished speaking before James Parker dashed towards the theater room. Different thoughts occupied his head, and they were flowing in and out, causing him to have a slight migraine. 

He was totally nervous at the moment. The young man doesn't have the money to pay for the surgery f*e yet.

Finally, James got in front of the surgery room, he was about to enter when he saw the doctors in the theater trying to save his sister. 

He sighed exasperatedly and waved the thought of going into the surgery room. He saw a metal chair along the passage and sat down. 

He was downcast and disappointed at himself for not being capable of saving his sister's life. Being unable to pay for his sister's medical fees, he had totally failed in life and nothing more.  

He is really nothing more than a loser. 

As his ex-girlfriend, Melissa, and the other co-workers had said, among the eight (8) billion people living on Earth, he really doesn't deserve to be called a human. 

He is nothing more than a worthless pauper, garbage, and many awful things in this life. 

As he thought about this, he was really shedding tears and regretted the life he had chosen. 

However, at this time, an obese man walked out from the theater room. Upon seeing him, James hurriedly got up from the chair and walked up to him.  

The Man was really known as the Vice Director of the hospital. 

When the obese man saw James, he frowned deeply and said. “I think I have seen you before! I know you, right?”

"Yes sir! The brother to the sick patient in Ward 47B” He responded, bowing his head shamefully. 

The Vice President finally recollected and snapped angrily at him. “What? You are the guy! We sent you the medical bill last month but you haven't paid it yet. Are you really joking with us, young man? Do you think the service rendered to the people in the hospital is free?” 

James Parker was dumbfounded, and didn't bother to say anything since he knew he was at fault. His emerald eyes were filled with guilt, regret and pleas. 

The Vice President cleared his throat, and continued to say, “What are you doing here by the way? Are you here to pay for the medical fees?" 

“Erm….. My sister…” James was speechless, he didn't know what to say to him. 

"You really can't talk! What are you doing at the front of the surgery room? Shouldn't you be in your sister's ward?” The Vice President demanded, an utmost rage was coursing through his face. 

Swiftly, James answered. “My sister is in the theater room. She is about to be operated on." 

The countenance of the fat man changed drastically. His face was occupied with rage and fury. 

“What? Your sister is in the surgery room! Have you paid for the surgery fees? What about the hospital bills, have you settled everything?" He demanded for an answer. 

James was shaking vehemently due to fear, and his voice came out as a stutter.. "N..no… I haven't!" 

The Vice President stared at him menacingly, “You must be joking, right?" Noticing how serious he was, he snapped angrily, “You really think everything is for free! Well, according to the rules of this hospital, you must pay for the hospital bills or pay for the surgery fees first. Otherwise, your sister will be stopped from undergoing surgery.” 

He continued to say, “You are nothing more than a lazy fool! You can't afford to pay your sister's medical fees, what is your usefulness? If you don't pay for the surgery fees, I promise you, the operation isn't going to be performed.” He swore defiantly, and his expression could attest to it. 

He walked over to the door of the surgery room and claimed, “The moment I walk inside the room, I'm going to ask them to pause the surgery.” 

James was furious and scared at the same time,  he knew if the surgery was stopped, her sister was going to die. For his sister not to die, he had to pay for the surgery fees and yet, he doesn't have that kind of money. 

Despite how furious James was, he had to go down on his knees and plead with the fat man. 

“Please sir, I can't allow my sister to die! She's all I've got! I'm going to pay for the medical fees, please don't stop the surgery!” He cried, and tried all his possible best to stop the Vice President from going into the room so as to save his sister's life. 

At this time, the door of the surgery room opened, an angry doctor came out and shouted to them asking why they were making noise here.

“What's going on here? This is a surgery room and making noises is prohibited. You guys should scrap out of the place right away…..” 

However, when he saw the Vice president's face, his expression suppressed instantly and his face was covered with fear instantly. 

“Mr. Vice President, I don't know you are the one at the door! I thought it was some people fighting about some unnecessary things.” He mumbled frighteningly, his body was shaking vehemently due to fear. 

The Fat man was really pissed, as he shouted angrily at the doctor, “Why would his sister be in the surgery room when the f*e hadn't been paid for? Have you forgotten he is still owning some substantial amount of money and now, his sister is in the operating room. Are you going to pay for the surgery f*es?” The Vice President was screaming so loudly that he gained people's attention.

The Doctor looked confused, and mumbled with so much confidence in his voice, “You are really mistaken, Mr Vice President! The Parker's have paid for the medical and surgery fees. They've really cleared their debts this morning.” He stated. 

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