Chapter Eight

“What? That's not possible! How can he afford to pay for the medical fees? The money is really substantial!” The Director mumbled unbelievably, and his face was filled with skepticism. 

Nevertheless, he was surprised the debt had been cleared but yet, he doesn't believe the medical and surgery had been paid.  

On the other hand, James Parker was dumbfounded and couldn't believe what he was hearing. 

‘Someone had cleared the bills, who could that be? I don't think I know anyone that is capable and rich enough to pay for the medical bills. Could this be a mistake?’ He mumbled to himself and thought of who could have helped him clear the hospital debt. 

All in his mind was to beg the director and the director to give him some period of time to look for the money but hearing the doctor's words, he was terrified and shocked. Who could have paid for him? 

“It's impossible! There must be a mistake! The money might not be sent to clear the debt for his sister's bills, it might be that of another person." The Director mumbled and stared maliciously at James. 

James was annoyed, he doesn't like how the director was looking down on him. “What do you mean by that, Mr Vice President? Are you claiming I can't afford the hospital bills? Someone had paid for it, and my sister's operation should be carried out immediately. What else are you looking for?" He spat disparagingly, the Ugly fat man's words had really pissed him off. 

“Shut up! How dare you talk back to me?" The Director snapped, “You are nothing but an unfortunate being! No one deserves to know a loser like you! You don't deserve any man's help." 

James Parker seethed his teeth angrily, hot blood was running down on veins but he couldn't do anything to him. 

“Are you trying to beat me up? You dare not, I will make sure your sister's operation is paused until you bring the money over to the hospital! You loser! Get lost!” The Director snapped. 

Suddenly, an Old Man walked in from nowhere, and gave the director a thunderous slap on his face. 

Everyone gasped and stared at the Old man in shock. James, on the other hand, got up from his knees, and snapped at the old man. 

“You shouldn't have slapped him! I'm still begging him for my sister's surgery and here you are, making the matter worse.” He snapped angrily at the man as he was annoyed. 

Saving his sister's life is his utmost priority and he would do anything just to save her life. 

The Director held his cheek furiously and glanced at the old man, “Who the fuçk is this old man? How dare you lay your freaking hand on me? Are you gullible enough not to know who I am?” 

The Old Man once again, went forward and slapped the director heavily on the face for the second time. 

The Old Man was really calm and confident, he glanced over to James and then to the director. 

“How dare you look down on him? How dare you call him a loser? Do you know who he is?” The Old man demanded, his demeanor had changed drastically. 

James and the people were stunned by his sudden outburst. The aura coming from the old man was threatening and dreadful. 

The Director clenched her fists, and stomped his feet on the ground angrily. He glared at the man in a dangerous manner, and spat, “Who the hell is this Old hag? What are you doing here?”

“The medical and surgery bills you have been complaining and shouting all about, I paid for it. I paid for Alicia Parker's medical bills.” Immediately he mumbled, everyone went wide-eyed, not believing anything he had been saying. 

James Parker stared at the old man, and gulped down nervously. He never knew this man from anywhere, so why would he help me with the hospital bills? He thought. 

“What? That's not possible! How can a shameless Old man like you afford to pay that amount of money? This is ridiculous!" The Director laughed hysterically. 

James went over to the old man, and knelt down in front of him. “Thank you very much, sir! You don't know what you've done for me! I will forever be grateful to you! Thank you so much, I really appreciate your kind gesture towards me and my little sister." He appreciated it. 

The Director yelled angrily, "What is this nonsense you are talking about? Your sister's operation is going to be paused till everything is cleared about.” 

He continued to say, “Someone should call the guards and throw this Old hag out from this vicinity. He had been spouting nonsense ever since he stepped into the hospital." 

But soon a group of men in black came, obviously they were not the hospital guardians. The people were skeptical and curious about who they were. 

The Men in black went behind the Old Man and bowed slightly to him while glaring dangerously at the director. 

Cold shivers ran through the director's spine, and he began to tremble vehemently. He doesn't know the Old man was quite an important person. Therefore, he was indeed afraid.

He stuttered, “I don't know who you are before. I didn't mean all the rubbish I'd said earlier. I'm really sorry sir!” He implored immediately. 

 The old man just scoffed and ignored him totally, he walked to James and with a smile on his face, he bowed to him, then said finally. 

“I found you, young master.”

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