Chapter Eleven. 

The Butler had placed a call to the HQ hospital in the city, and given them ten minutes to deliver 100 pints of blood to the hospital they were currently at. 

“You don't have to worry anymore, Young Master James! The blood will be delivered in a blink of an eye!” The butler mumbled and placed a hand on James's shoulder to calm him down. 

James, on the other hand, nodded his head in response. Still, his heart was beating erratically, and he couldn't put his mind at rest. 

James waited for the blood anxiously. He wasn't patient at all, he strode across the hospital, hoping it would pass time but everything seemed slow Jame's eyes. 

It wasn't until the tenth minute when the sound of a helicopter was heard. James, the Butler, the doctors and nurses ran outside. 

Putting up a smile on his face, the Butler spoke. “Finally, the blood is here! Your sister will be saved!" 

While speaking, a man in his fifties ran towards the butler and bowed his head slightly. 

"Mr Addams, I hope we are not late! I didn't know you were the one who had needed the pints of blood! I had to come and deliver the blood to you, myself!" 

“I’m sorry if I have caused any problems!” 

James was getting pissed at the long conversation. His sister is in danger and has little time on her side. 

He snapped angrily at the man, “Enough for the apologies! Get the fuçking blood out of the helicopter!” 

The Man in fifties lifted his head up and took a glance at James. Mere looking at him in his faded clothes, he felt disgusted and provoked. 

He never expected such a poor man to speak to me that way. He was about to speak rashly at him not until he heard what the Butler said. 

“Young Master! I'm sorry about that! The blood will be carried into the hospital instantly!” He apologised in a calm tone and took a glance at the man before him. “You heard what the young Master said! You should instruct your men to do the right thing before you make him angry." 

At this time, the butler, Mr Addams’ tone was raised. His countenance had changed drastically and that made the man tremble in fear. 

“Y…yes Sir!” With that being said, he ran over to his subordinates and ordered for the blood to be delivered into the hospital. 

The man who was known as the Director of the First Hospital in the city, was shocked at the scene that just unfolded. 

Who wouldn't know Jerry Addams in the country? The most entrust worker who worked under the most powerful person in the country. 

The Westwood family! 

He had always wished to be in his favour and become friends with him but he wasn't able to achieve that. 

Seeing Mr Addams being respectful to the young man baffled him. He also called him the Young Master. 

He remembered vividly that the Westwood family were looking for their Lost Heir but could he be that young man? He wondered as he took a glance at James. 

“I have to know who this young man is!” He thought to himself. 

It'd been up to thirty minutes since the operation commenced. Surgeons and nurses are running in and out of the operation room, and that makes James worried and perplexed.

He strolled down the corridor relentlessly and prayed silently for his sister's recovery. 

Mr Addams and the Director of First Hospital, were watching him and glancing pity at him. 

Amidst this, the man brought up a conversation, “Mr Addams, I'm curious! Is that young man the real heir to the Westwood family?”  He asked in a calm tone and waited patiently for his response. 

Mr Addams glared at him dangerously, “Is there a problem? Doesn't  he look like the Missing Heir? Albert, you are going beyond your boundaries.” He snapped at him disparagingly. 

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