Chapter Ten

The Doctor rushed out of the surgery room in panic and yelled at the nurse, “Contact the Head hospital for blood right now! The patient is in critical condition at the moment. Be Quick about it! Nothing must happen to the patient." 

The Nurse nodded her head affirmatively and responded, “Yes sir! I will do that right away!" With that being said, she ran into another direction. 

James was trembling in utmost fear, he was afraid that his sister might not make it and would die. At the thought of this, goosebumps suddenly appeared on his skin. 

His sister was his everything, he was the reason he is still living on this earth and now, he is at the risk of losing her to death. 

Earlier today, he was humiliated by many people, including his girlfriend, Melissa, who had cheated with the supervisor and framed him for rape and assault. 

Now, he was revealed as the Young Master of the Westwood family, all of his sorrow and anguish had disappeared and now this, his lovely sister dying. 

He gnashed his teeth angrily and punched the wall repeatedly. ‘What type of fate is this? Now that he has found his new identity, his sister is about to leave him in this world.’ He thought, clenching his fists, an adrenaline of anger and pain rushed through his veins. 

The moment he was the face of the director, his expression darkened the more and went mad instantly. 

He pointed at him in anger, “You motherfucking bastard!” He yelled at the top of his voice. ‘If it wasn't for the shameless bastard, his sister would have been okay and fine! But he went ahead and stopped the surgery, and now, his sister is suffering from his stupid and wicked actions.’ He thought. 

He had finally put his sister in danger, he punched the walls once again, rage and fury coursing through him. 

The Director trembling in fear, he could see how angry the young man was. All of this happening was because of his actions, and he wasn't sure if the patient was going to survive it. He might kill him if anything happens to his sister, and he looked frightened instantly. 

Knowing he was at fault, the obese man looked around for an escape route to flee from the hospital. In case anything happened to the patient, he would have escaped from the city by then. He doesn't want to dare the Westwood family. 

As he began to move backward, looking for perfect time to take to his heels, the men in black surrounded him, and glared at him dangerously. 

He halted and smiled sheepishly to them. He began to sweat heavily, and at that instant, he knew he was doomed. 

One of the guards walked up to him, and slapped him on the face and hit the back of the gun on his head. “What are you trying to do? You want to escape? How dare you!?” The man seemed to be the head of the security guards, his face was filled with disdain. 

The Director slumped to the ground instantly, and held his head in pain. Blood gushed out of it due to the injury caused on his head. 

“I'm sorry! I'm really so sorry! I don't know something like this would happen! Please, forgive me, Young Master!” He begged profusely. 

James stared at him indifferently and decided not to say anything. Due to the anger coursing through his body at the moment, he might kill him on the spot. 

At this time, the Nurse rushed out of the surgery room and said to James, “The hospital has currently run out of blood and we need blood urgently!” 

James's heart raced in terror, and said to the Nurse, “Please, you have to do everything in your power to save my sister! Call every hospital and ordered for blood as soon as possible! She is the only I've got! She mustn't die!" He implored. 

The nurse sighed exasperatedly and tried to explain to James, "We are really trying our best to save her and we don't want her dead also! But your sister is critical at the moment, and her only source of survival is the blood or else….!” 

James interrupted and yelled angrily, “Shut the crap up! Don't telling me stories, you should be looking for the blood.” 

The Nurse took a step back as she was frightened, "I'm sorry but it would take 1 hour to get the blood from another hospital,  and the patient may not make it. She has less than thirty minutes!” She explained, "I'm sorry, Mr Parker! There is nothing we can do about it!” 

Instantly, James gripped onto the lady in front of him, and shouted angrily at the top of his lungs. “What do you mean she has less than thirty minutes? Are you saying she would be dead?” His eyes reddened instantly, they were bloodshot. The aura emanating from him was really deadly. 

The nurse shook in fear and struggled to free herself from his hard grip. "I didn't say that! Please, don't kill me!” She said in a shaking tone. 

The security guards rushed to him and tried rescuing the lady from him. James's gaze met that of the Director's and he rushed towards him. 

He held the Director's shirt and punched him on the face heavily and said furiously, “Because of you, I'm at the brink of losing my sister! Because of your wicked actions, my sister is lying lifeless on the bed, struggling for her dear life. 

I begged you severally but what do you do? You bastard! I'm gonna kill you today!” He ranted angrily and began to punch the Director once again. 

The Director was shouting for help as he yelped in serious pain. He was about to collapse due to James's hard punches. 

Witnessing the scene before him, the butler rushed over and stopped him. He said, “Nothing is going to happen to your sister! I'm going to call for some help! You shouldn't panic too much. Everything will be alright, Young Master!” 

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