All Chapters of James Parker: The Return Of The Billionaire's Young Master: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
16 chapters
Chapter One. An irate young man was observed running down the street, his clothes soaked from the copious amounts of sweat that were dripping out of his body. The person was none other than James Parker. He had only ten minutes left on his wrist watch to get to the office, otherwise he is going to be queried by the Supervisor. And in order for him not to be questioned, he had no other choice than to run to his workplace. Upon getting to the front of the building, he took out a heavy sigh and exhaled exasperatedly. He was about to enter the company's gate when he was stopped by a lady. “Hey, Dull James! Are you arriving at work just now? The woman asked, pausing to glance at her wristwatch before answering, "Well, it does not matter if you are late or not! Get me a cup of coffee down the street!” She concluded, her voice was filled with derision. James, on the other hand, felt difficult and stared down at the money passed down to him by the lady. He had always been treated in t
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Chapter TwoIt hadn't been up to two minutes since James left the office. The lady who had asked him to buy a coffee, Linda, frowned deeply and walked up to Melissa's table. She crossed her arms under her breasts and demanded curiously, “What is that dull James trying to do? Is he trying to seduce you with that ugly face of his? Pfft… It's really disgusting!” She exclaimed and made a face with a disgusted expression. “You need to caution him, Melissa! He really needs to know his place. You can't be seen with him, he's such an unfortunate being. You should let him know a poor man like him shouldn't be crushing on you!” She ranted angrily.Melissa, on the other hand, was really embarrassed. Her face flushed in red as it was a secret between them. James and Melissa were lovers but both of them had agreed to keep their relationship a secret. Infact, the position she sustained in Sky Corporation, it was all thanks to James. But right now she thought about James not befitting for her
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Chapter Three James Parker stood at the door motionlessly, staring keenly at the two people before him for a period of time. Realization dawned upon him, he shouted out his girlfriend out of anger, “Melissa!!!”The lady, hearing her name all of a sudden, disengaged from the supervisor and stared shockingly at the man at the door. Quickly, she grabbed her clothes from the clothes and wrapped them around her body. Fear and shame were embodied over her face. She never expected James would ever catch her sleeping with the supervisor. James gritted his teeth angrily, “What are you doing with this Old Hag, Melissa? Are you cheating on me?" He demanded. The Supervisor and Melissa's face was occupied with shock and fear. Everyone had moved out of the company and they never thought someone would come back to the company. With a trembling voice, “What are you still doing at the company, James Parker? Did you forget anything?” The supervisor demanded. Disgustingly, James stared at them wi
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Chapter Four The next day, it was really bright in the morning, and the birds kept chirping and singing aloud. That woke James up from the deep sleep, and his head banged heavily. He stared around the room and he realized it was Melissa. He woke up naked on her bed and gasped loudly. He checked his phone for the time, and his eyes almost popped out of his sockets. Shit!” He cursed inwardly and wore his clothes in a rush. He thought he must be drunk yesterday and instantly, he was mad at himself. He dashed towards the company right away. The moment he stepped into the office, he could see everyone's gaze on him. They were looking at him intensely but he shrugged it off and went his way. He went in search of Melissa in her department but couldn't find her. Yet again, everyone's gaze in the department was on him. He wondered what might be wrong. Afterwards, he shrugged it off. He thought of reporting the incident to the Management by himself since Melissa wasn't in the office. J
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Chapter FiveJames Parker was astounded at the turn of events, and he stared at Melissa and the supervisor with a bitter look. Trying to convince the middle-aged woman, he begged profusely. “Mrs Biggs, I can explain. I was accused wrongly of everything, I didn't do any of them. You can't just fire me like that! This job is my source of livelihood.” “Melissa had plotted these lies on me because I'd sworn to report them to the Management. These are….” The middle-aged woman known as Mrs Biggs, interrupted him rudely. “I don't need any further excuses from you, Mr Parker.” She snapped rudely and then continued, “All evidence is pointing against you! You need to take your leave, Mr Parker!” James fell onto his knees instantly, and begged profusely. “Give me one more chance, Mrs Biggs. I can't afford to lose this job! That's all I've got!”James continuously begged the middle-aged woman but all his pleas went to deaf ear. Losing his job would cause a lot of damage to him. Mrs Biggs’
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Chapter SixJames Parker arrived at the bank, sweats covered his body. Definitely, he ran his way here to the bank, his worried expression was still on his face. He ran hastily to the clerk available at the front desk, “Good morning, Miss! I'm here for an….” He hadn't been able to complete his words before he got interrupted by the clerk. Without taking a glance at him, the Clerk shouted angrily at him. “Hey man, how can you be so rude and impolite? You should join the queue if you need to be attended.”James glanced at the long queue he hadn't noticed when he got into the bank due to his anxiousness. He could see some people glancing at him in disdain and contempt. .He smiled lightly and mumbled gently to the clerk… “Oh sorry, thank you!!” With that, he joined the long queue. He waited patiently for his turn and fortunately, it arrived. He mumbled softly, “Good Morning, I would like to apply for a loan, Miss!” The Clerk brought a paper, and dumped it on the table, and respond
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Chapter SevenAs soon as James Parker ran into the hospital, he headed straight towards the reception. With him being anxious, he asked the lady at the desk quickly, “Miss, Can I know my sister is?” The receptionist looked at him and spat, "Good day, Young Man! Who are you looking for? The name of the patient you seek! Your relationship with her.” "Alicia Parker! She is my sister! My biological sister!” He mumbled hurriedly, and the lady glanced at him once more before looking at the checkbook. The lady could notice how anxious he was, and she nodded her head pitifully. She averted her gaze from the checkbook, then to James, whose patience was running out. “Have you seen it? Where is she?" Without waiting for the receptionist, he demanded quickly. The lady sighed and answered, “The Patient, Alicia, is currently in the surgery room. You should find her there…..” She had not finished speaking before James Parker dashed towards the theater room. Different thoughts occupied his hea
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Chapter Eight“What? That's not possible! How can he afford to pay for the medical fees? The money is really substantial!” The Director mumbled unbelievably, and his face was filled with skepticism. Nevertheless, he was surprised the debt had been cleared but yet, he doesn't believe the medical and surgery had been paid. On the other hand, James Parker was dumbfounded and couldn't believe what he was hearing. ‘Someone had cleared the bills, who could that be? I don't think I know anyone that is capable and rich enough to pay for the medical bills. Could this be a mistake?’ He mumbled to himself and thought of who could have helped him clear the hospital debt. All in his mind was to beg the director and the director to give him some period of time to look for the money but hearing the doctor's words, he was terrified and shocked. Who could have paid for him? “It's impossible! There must be a mistake! The money might not be sent to clear the debt for his sister's bills, it might b
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Chapter Nine James Parker was utterly shocked, and nodded his head in denial, “I really think you have taken me for someone else! I'm not your Young Master. I'm from a Poor Background and doesn't have anything to do with the wealthy family.” He claimed, looking at the old man kneeling in front of him, in a weird manner. The Old man got up to his feet and uttered confidently, “Yes, you are ! You are our Young Master!”He paused, noticing the expression on James's face… and then continued. “Alright, I'm going to explain everything to you!"James nodded his head, keen on listening to him attentively. Because to him, he doesn't believe the Old man knew him. The Butler continued. “If you could remember, your company, Sky Corporation, had run a blood test for all their employees last week! Am I right?” He demanded. Feeling nervous and confused, James nodded his head in response. He thought they were just trying to examine them and that's all. “Well, you are right! What has that got to d
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Chapter Ten The Doctor rushed out of the surgery room in panic and yelled at the nurse, “Contact the Head hospital for blood right now! The patient is in critical condition at the moment. Be Quick about it! Nothing must happen to the patient." The Nurse nodded her head affirmatively and responded, “Yes sir! I will do that right away!" With that being said, she ran into another direction. James was trembling in utmost fear, he was afraid that his sister might not make it and would die. At the thought of this, goosebumps suddenly appeared on his skin. His sister was his everything, he was the reason he is still living on this earth and now, he is at the risk of losing her to death. Earlier today, he was humiliated by many people, including his girlfriend, Melissa, who had cheated with the supervisor and framed him for rape and assault. Now, he was revealed as the Young Master of the Westwood family, all of his sorrow and anguish had disappeared and now this, his lovely sister dyi
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