James Parker: The Return Of The Billionaire's Young Master
James Parker: The Return Of The Billionaire's Young Master
Author: Blue Hydra

Chapter One. 

An irate young man was observed running down the street, his clothes soaked from the copious amounts of sweat that were dripping out of his body. 

The person was none other than James Parker. He had only ten minutes left on his wrist watch to get to the office, otherwise he is going to be queried by the Supervisor. 

And in order for him not to be questioned, he had no other choice than to run to his workplace. 

Upon getting to the front of the building, he took out a heavy sigh and exhaled exasperatedly.  He was about to enter the company's gate when he was stopped by a lady. 

“Hey, Dull James! Are you arriving at work just now? The woman asked, pausing to glance at her wristwatch before answering, "Well, it does not matter if you are late or not! Get me a cup of coffee down the street!” She concluded, her voice was filled with derision. 

James, on the other hand, felt difficult and stared down at the money passed down to him by the lady. 

He had always been treated in this manner. Always getting bullied by his fellow workers, and calling him all sorts of names. Ordering him to and fro like he was their slave. 

For once, there was never any calm in the office, and he is currently having some difficulties. He was not surprised, though. In Sky Corporation, James held a minor position and his role isn't that important to the company. 

James took a quick look at the cash before turning to face the woman. He began to say, “I'm just getting to work. My present should be acknowledged before the time runs out.” He mumbled. 

The lady's countenance turned stoic and shouted angrily at him. Do you intend to turn me down, James? You dare not. I do not care how you do it, but I need to see my cup of coffee at the desk within the next 20 minutes." 

With a pleading expression, he tried to implore. "Please let me just register my name on the attendance list, and I will get a cup of coffee later."

“You foolish boy," The lady bellowed, “I won't tolerate any form of disrespect from you! I'm still your superior and you will do whatever I ask you to do!” She sneered disparagingly, "Remember, you have just twenty minutes to get my coffee," as she threw the cash on his body. 

With that, the lady hissed and walked into the entrance and closed the gate behind her. 

Looking at her receding figure, James Parker was fuming in anger. “Fuck! Bitçh!” He fluffed his hair and swore silently to himself. 

Without any delay, he ran down the street to get the Coffee at the cafeteria. After about fifteen minutes, he arrived at the office sweating profusely. 

He went over to the lady's desk and delivered the cup of coffee to her. “Here is your coffee!” He passed the coffee respectfully to her. 

With a smirk on the corner of her lips, the lady muttered. “What took you so long? You are always dull and lazy on everything!” 

James was really disgusted by her utterance and before he could say anything, an angry voice suddenly erupted across the office. 

Chills ran down James’ spine and blood washed over his face. He turned to an unfriendly expression of his angry supervisor. 

“I….I…I'm sor…sorr…sorry ..!” He stuttered, not knowing what to say. 

“James Parker, this will be your fifth time coming late to work. Is there any reason for this illicit behavior?” The Supervisor asked angrily, his unfriendly gaze making James uncomfortable. 

James exhaled  heavily and tried to explain the reason for his lateness, “I had arrived early this morning but I was sent to the coffee shop even before entering the gate.” He pointed at the lady who had sent an errand earlier. 

The supervisor's expression became more stoic. “Shut up, James Parker! There ought to be no justification for your tardiness. Therefore, there would be a fifty percent pay cut for this month’s salaries.” 

Hearing the devastated news, James Parker glanced over at the lady, and glared contemptuously at her. 

“Mr…I..” He tried to object but the supervisor cut him off, “You don't have to say anything! My decisions are final!”

Jame was desperate, but he must treasure this job. Sky Corporation was one of the best companies in this city. He didn’t want to be fired, that’s why he must be eating humble pie here.

In Sky Corporation, he had no companion as he was always alone. He was treated like an outcast, and was despised at anything he did. 

Everyone turned him into an errand boy. Despite not being pleased with this, he had no choice but to carry out the disrespectful works. 

There's not a single day he stepped into Sky Corporation that he won't be tormented by his co-workers. 

Not having any choice, he nodded his head in agreement. “Sure sir!” His tone was occupied with sadness and disappointment. 

After lashing out his anger at him, the supervisor continued with an order, “Go grab a tray and serve everyone a chilled glass of water!” His voice was still laced with rage and contempt. 

With that, the supervisor walked into his office. Wasting no time, James carried out the order, and went over to the kitchen. 

He began to serve everyone a chilled glass of water and when he got up to a particular table, his lips parted into smiles, and handed over the water to the lady. 

“Thanks, James!" The lady in question, Melisa,  mumbled appreciatively and James nodded before walking out of the office. 

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