Mr. Keith thanked the chief lieutenant for a swift response and for getting Jamie out. The chief lieutenant just nodded telling Mr. Keith not to bother about it and that they are good friends.

After Mr. Keith finished talking to the chief lieutenant, he quickly turned to Jamie's mum and said Jamie's face looks like someone he knows.

“Thank you, old friend,” Mr. Keith said, shaking hands with the chief lieutenant who just smiled at him.

“There's no need for that Keith. You're simply embarrassing me. I didn't do anything. You've come through for me so many times. This is the list I could do for you. If you want to pay me back, let's hang out for a drink some other time,” the chief lieutenant said as Mr. Keith simply laughed.

“I'll hold you on that one but still thank you,” Mr. Keith said.

“Okay. I'll leave you to it. I still have some things to do,” the chief lieutenant said as Mr. Keith nodded okay, while the chief lieutenant went inside.

Immediately the chief lieutenant went inside, Mr. Keith quickly turned to Victoria.

“He looks like someone I know,” Mr. Keith said, narrowing his eyes at Victoria who looked at her son.

“Is everything okay mum? Is this man bothering you?” Jamie asked.

“Bothering her? I think that's a very strong word for someone who just saved your life,” Mr. Keith said, folding his arms, staring down at Jamie with a blank face.

“Who knows? You may have a hidden agenda or did the Boswells send you?” Jamie asked.

“Send me? Do I look like an errand boy to you or do I look like a pizza delivery guy to you?” Mr. Keith asked, putting his hands on his waist while Jamie laughed.

“Who knows? You might be one if you've allowed the Boswells to use you,” Jamie said while Victoria tried to settle the rift between both men.

“Use me?” Mr. Keith scoffed as he turned to Jamie's mum.

“Victoria, your son has a funny way of using words,” Mr. Keith said.

“Don't call my mum's name,” Jamie said sternly.

“Why? She was my friend before she became your mum,” Mr. Keith argued back.

Jamie was about to give Mr. Keith back a retort when Victoria shouted.

“Why are you shouting?” Mr. Keith and Jamie said in unison making Victoria laugh an angry laugh.

“You two are unbelievable. Here I'm here trying to separate you two because you two have been on each other's neck for like 30 minutes now,” Victoria said, scoffing as she turned to Mr. Keith.

“I thought you would have grown up. All this year and you're still a baby in a matured man's body,” Victoria scolded Mr Keith making him pout while Jamie chuckled but a glare from his mum muted him. “And you, is this how I taught you to behave in front of elders?” She asked.

“But mum…,” “No buts. Leave us now. I'll have a talk with you when we get home,” Victoria said, folding her hands and turning her back to her son.

Jamie looked sad with his head bowed.

“Okay. I'll wait for you,” he said, excusing his mum and Mr. Keith.

“He really is something else,” Mr. Keith said as Victoria nodded in agreement. “So would you tell me which person's son he is?” Mr. Keith asked as Victoria just sighed.

“It's you know who,” she said as he looked confused.

“I know who? Can you be clear?” Mr. Keith asked as Victoria rolled her eyes.

“Think fast, Keith. I can't believe you're still slow in thinking,” Victoria said as Mr. Keith's eyes showed with shock on finding out who Jamie's father was.

“You mean…?” Mr. Keith asked as Victoria nodded. “How did this happen and mind you, I'm not slow in thinking. Now I know where your son gets his wit from,” Mr. Keith said as Victoria just smiled.

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