The stranger, Mr. Keith, is Mark Hankins' assistant, who came to pay a visit to the chief lieutenant of the police since he was driving past the police station.

Mr. Keith immediately saw and quickly recognized Jamie's mom's face.

“Victoria,” Mr. Keith called as Jamie's mother turned to see him.

“Mr. Keith,” she called as he laughed.

“Please just call me Keith. You were never able to call me by my name in the past. Just Keith, please,” Mr. Keith said as Victoria nodded.

“How long has it been since we last saw each other?” Mr. Keith asked as she just shrugged her shoulders.

“I don't know. I just lost count,” Victoria said as Mr. Keith nodded before remembering where they were.

“So, what are you doing here in the police station? Don't tell me you got into some sort of problem?” Mr. Keith asked anxiously.

“My son was locked up,” Victoria said, using the situation at hand to get her son out. Keith was her last trump card.

“Your son? You have a son?” Mr. Keith asked, confused as Victoria nodded.

“Don't worry. I'll explain later but please help my son,” Victoria said as Mr. Keith sighed then nodded.

“Don't worry. I'll help you but you have to tell me in detail what happened. That's the only way I can help your son,” Mr. Keith said as Victoria nodded okay. “But if he's at fault, I won't help,” Mr. Keith added sternly.

“I know my son. He can't do anything wrong,” Victoria said.

“Okay. Let me hear it,” Mr. Keith said as Victoria explained her situation and why she showed up at the police station.

“Hmm…,” Mr. Keith said, lost in his thoughts before raising his head to see a mother who looked like her hope was lost. “There's no need to panic. The Boswell's are quite troublesome. We usually stay out of their business but that doesn't mean I can't do anything,” Mr. Keith said as Victoria sighed in relief.

Getting to hear her son's situation, he used his influence on the chief lieutenant to get Jamie out of the police cell when something struck him when he saw Jamie.

Jamie was still lost in his thoughts looking devastated when an officer came to his cell.

“Hey kid, you're free to go,” he said but Jamie couldn't hear him because he was still lost in his thoughts. “Are you dear? Do you not hear me?” The officer asked, hitting the cell gate hard before Jamie came back to reality.

“Sorry sir. What were you saying?” Jamie asked, standing up from the floor.

“You're free to go. The charges have been dropped,” the officer said, making Jamie look confused.

“Are you sure officer?” Jamie asked to confirm if he heard really well or he was going crazy.

“Do I look like I came here to joke around with you? Get lost,” the officer said, quite annoyed as he opened the cell for Jamie to come out but Jamie still looked confused as he came out.

“What's Lucas's plan? I don't understand what's going through his head. I'm sure he has other plans. I'll just have to find out,” Jamie thought as he left the station when he heard his name.

“Jamie,” he turned to see his mum. He smiled when he went to meet her.

“Mum,” he called when he noticed a man standing next to his mother. “Who's this man and what is he doing with my mum?” Jamie thought of weighing Mr. Keith with his eyes who stared back at him.

Jamie was interrupted by the voice of his mother who threw herself at him weeping. Jamie immediately felt bad.

“I'm sorry mum. I made you cry. I'm a bad son,” Jamie said, holding his mother to see her face.

“It's okay dear. I trust you. You wouldn't hurt anyone for any reason,” Victoria said as Jamie nodded, pulling her in for a hug.

Mr. Keith watched the mother-son duo until he looked at Jamie closely and something struck him.

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