The next day, president Wiebe Hill went to the university. Chancellor Blair was shocked to see him. Although president wiebe is a man of his words, chancellor Blair didn't actually think Mr. Hill would come to school because of Jamie's case. After all he was a nobody.

In the office, president wiebe briefed about Lucas's parents involvement in getting Jamie rusticated when he quickly cut chancellor Cole Blair short by letting him know of a call he received from the top and that he should reinstate Jamie back to the school campus with immediate effect.

“Look, chancellor Blair, let's not escalate the matter. Reinstate Jamie back to the school campus with immediate effect,” president hill said.

“What?” Chancellor Blair shouted looking wide-eyed. “You can't do this, president Hill. You can't afford to offend the Boswells because of a pauper,” chancellor Blair added.

“If he's a pauper as you claim, then why did I receive a call from the top because of him?” President Hill asked.

“Receive a call from the top? Because of Jamie?” Chancellor Blair asked not sure of what he was hearing.

“If we reinstate him back, we'll have the Boswells on our neck but if we don't, then we can as well lose the school,” president Hill said making chancellor Blair speechless.

“So, he's really from a powerful background?” Chancellor Blair asked as president Hill nodded in.

Chancellor Blair sighed, bowing his head in defeat. “So, what are we going to do about the Boswells?” He asked.

“Let me handle the Boswells. Now reinstate that boy back,” president Hill said.

“I'll do that as soon as possible,” chancellor Blair said leaving the office.

“So many problems everywhere. Peace is no longer an option,” president Hill muttered craning his neck. “Time to face the Boswells.

Jamie got the news about him being reinstated and happily prepares to go back to school the next day.

“I can't remember the last time I saw you this happy. It's contagious,” Victoria said entering her son's room.

“Well having you as a mother is good enough to make me happy. Good morning, mother,” Jamie said, pecking his mother on her cheeks as she cooed.

“Look at that mouth of yours. Just like your dad's. Knows how to flatter someone,” Victoria said smiling.

“I can't deny that. I'm my father's son after all,” Jamie said, winking at his mum.

“And that I can't deny,” she said, watching her son arrange his things. “Speaking of your father, he sent new things for your school,” Victoria added.

Jamie turned to his mother. “ Did he now?” He asked as his mother nodded. “He's really bent on spoiling me,” Jamie added.

“Of course. He's your father. He should spoil you. He's just trying to make up for the years lost,” Victoria assured her son.

“Does he know about me being rusticated?” Jamie asked.

“Well, he doesn't. Your father is a force to reckon with, Jamie. If he finds out, he might close down your school and dead bodies will flow,” Victoria said as Jamie became wide-eyed.

“Is that really true, mother? Can my father do that?” Jamie asked as his mother chuckled.

“It's just a figure of speech, Jamie. He won't actually kill someone unless he needs to,” Victoria said as Jamie nodded in understanding.

“I'm happy you got someone like my father, mum. I want to be like my dad but more powerful,” Jamie said.

“And you will be because you are his son. You do perfectly anything you set your mind to do,” Victoria said, placing her hands on her son's cheeks.

“Thank you, mum,” Jamie said, holding his mum's hand.

“You're welcome,”

Jamie arrives at school the next day and surprises everyone but his identity is still hidden. The security guards stopped him and asked for his name. Jamie told the security guards his name.

“You can't enter the school. You've been expelled already,” the guards said.

“I've been reinstated back to school,” Jamie told them and they laughed. The guards thought he was joking and they decided to drag Jamie out of their security post.

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