In the school, chancellor Cole Blair, on hearing the tussle between Jamie and the guards had to intervene because it was disrupting the morning and was drawing curious glances from both students and staff. He immediately called the chief security to let his men allow Jamie in.

“Officer Wyatt, this is chancellor Blair. I need you to allow Jamie through. Ensure there's no further confrontation. He has been reinstated. He instructed, his voice steady and authoritative.

Jamie, who has been away for a while, arrived at the campus gates with his luggy, which looked expensive. His high-end bags and designer clothes began to make students whisper among themselves. Lucas, who was with his friends, noticed Jamie and began to whisper among themselves. Lucas, who was with his friends, noticed Jamie and all his expensive stuff had a scowl on his face. He narrowed his eyes and couldn't suppress what he was thinking. He immediately turned to his friends and nodded at Jamie's direction.

“Look at that,” Lucas muttered to his friends, nodding towards Jamie's luggages. “How does he afford all of that? It's like he's trying to flaunt them in our face.”

His friends turned to where Jamie was and immediately agreed to what Lucas had said.

“Yeah, it's pretty suspicious. Where did he get all that money to afford all this stuff?” One of them added, his voice dripping with disdain.

Before you know it, the murmurs quickly turned into accusations.

“Maybe he's been robbing places around campus. That's the only way he could afford all this,” another student suggested, his tone accusatory.

Jamie, overhearing the comments, felt his temper flare. The accusations they were throwing were baseless and unfair. The way they were talking made it clear to Jamie that they weren't about to let it go. Jamie turned and saw Lucas smirking.

“Seriously? You think I stole to get all this? Jamie snapped, his voice cutting through the noise. He had always tried to keep a low profile, but the accusations were really pushing him on the edge.

“You don't know anything about me, so don't jump to conclusions.”

Lucas, who has been the loudest in his accusations, stepped forward, his face a mix of anger and challenge. “Oh, come on, Jamie. You think we're blind? Look at you, rolling in luxury while people here struggle. You who were poor, running errands for the students here are now rich? And now you expect us to believe you didn't steal anything?” Lucas scoffed. “You must think we're stupid or something. Just admit it, you stole from all of us because there's no way you can afford any of this.”

The tension was thick as everyone looked at Jamie with judging eyes. Jamie's eyes blazed with anger, his fists clenched at his sides.

“I didn't take anything. I worked hard for what I have. But if you want to keep accusing me, fine. Just know that I won't stand here and take it.”

“You're not going anywhere till you tell us where you stole all this,” Lucas shouted as the students agreed.

The argument was drawing more attention, with students gathering around, their curiosity and excitement fuelling the confrontation.

Jamie clenched his fists hard when Bella came forward and pulled him out of the crowd of students emitting a shock from Lucas which later turned to anger and students began to whisper while looking at Lucas. It was pure embarrassment.

“What's going on, bro? What's your girlfriend still doing with that loser?” One of Lucas' friends asked. Lucas just kept mute looking around with anger etched in his face.

Amidst the chaos, the chief security officer arrived. He had received a call from chancellor Blair. Seeing the crowd and sensing the tension, he quickly stepped forward.

“Okay, everyone. Back to class. Step back and calm down. You wouldn't want to have problems with the school's security, right?” He asked as students began to back away not wanting trouble. Lucas angrily walked out and his friends followed him.

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