Bella grabbed Jamie to the side, grabbing his arms, her eyes burning with suspicion and resentment.

“How did you get all this stuff, Jamie? Did you take out loans? Get involved in some shady business? This doesn't make sense!” Her voice was a mix of anger and disbelief.

Jamie, caught off guard by her accusations, was sad. His emotions were all over the place and then it turned to anger. Who was she to ask him such questions? Bella, his ex-girlfriend who had left him for Lucas. She was always too quick to judge and too fast to speak her mind, but she was insinuating that he had resorted to illegal means or that he was involved in something as bad drug dealing hurt more. He clenched his fists, trying to keep his composure.

“Bella, you don't know what you're talking about. How can you say that?? You think I would do drugs or get involved with bad people? Jamie asked, shaking his head. “Everything I have, I earned. I've been working hard, saving up. This is all mine. I don't need to explain myself to you or anyone else here.”

Bella's eyes narrowed, her anger only growing.

“Yeah, right. That's what they all say. But you didn't exactly come from a wealthy family, Jamie. How do you explain this luxury? I'm aware you can't even afford a t-shirt. The Jamie I know is a good definition of poor. You think we're all stupid?” Her tone was scornful, her words cutting deep.

The crowd around them, sensing the drama, began to gather, their whispers growing louder.

“How can you say such a thing to me, Bella? You know you really didn't need to say all that,” Jamie said, then scoffed at himself. “You know I'm really a foo. A little part of me thought that if you see this new me, you'll come back to me. You'll leave lucas and maybe, just maybe we can be together again but this time in the open, not in secret,” Jamie stated sadly.

“Eww… please, don't you ever think such a thing would happen. That would never happen and don't change the topic. Just come out clean. Where did you get all this stuff?” Bella asked, getting frustrated.

Before Jamie could respond, before he could confess about his little turnover and that he was super rich now, president wiebe Hill appeared at the entrance of the main building. Seeing the commotion and recognising Jamie's face, he immediately stepped forward.

“Jamie, come with me. We need to talk in my office, now.” His voice was firm, carrying an authority that gave no room for argument.

Jamie, still reeling from Bella's accusations, nodded reluctantly and followed Mr. Hill into the building.

Bella turned and saw students still gathered and looking at her. She became upset.

“What are you looking at? Show's over. You all should get lost!” She shouted.

Students began to disperse, while whispering to one another.

“What a mess,” she muttered walking away.

Inside the president's office, the atmosphere was tense. Mr. Hill closed the door behind them, his expression serious.

“Jamie, I received a call about your situation. There are some serious accusations being made against you, and I need to understand exactly what's going on. Bella mentioned something about loans, about you getting involved in some dubious activities. I want to hear your side of the story.”

Jamie took a deep breath, trying to prepare his nerves. The room felt smaller, the weight of the accusations pressing down on him.

“Mr. Hill, I don't know where Bella got those ideas, but they're completely false. I haven't taken any loans, and I'm not involved in anything illegal. I've been working hard, saving every penny, and investing wisely. That's where all this came from.

Mr. Hill leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on Jamie. “I see. But the rumors are flying, Jaime. People are talking, and not all of it is good. You understand how this looks, right? A sudden wealth, expensive luggage, and high-end items, it raises questions. I need to know the truth. Is there anything you're not telling me?”

Jamie looked at president Hill and nodded. “Yes sir. All I've said is nothing but the truth. I'm not hiding anything from you.”

Mr. Hill nodded slowly, his expression softening slightly.

“Alright, Jamie. I believe you but I need to ask you just one last question,” president Hill said when a knock was heard and the door opened. It was his secretary, Emma.

“You called for me, sir,” she said, throwing a glare Jaime's way.

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