“Yes Emma. I want you to clear all my appointments for the next two hours,” president Hill stated.

“Okay sir. I would definitely do that,” Emma said, smiling politely but when her eyes met with that of Jamie's, the smile disappeared. She gave him an icy glare which threw him off guard. Jamie just had to throw his face away before she would kill him with her eyes.

“That would be all, Emma. Thank you,” president Hill said.

“Okay sir,” she responded before turning to Jamie. “Hmm, I wonder how a poor church rat got that expensive stuff from. You better come clean if you stole them because when you're caught, I'll make sure you get the right punishment you deserve,” she started walking out.

“Don't take anything my secretary says seriously. That's how she is. She's not a people's person. That's to say she's not good with people,” president Hill said.

“Well, I can see that,” Jamie said, nodding his head. What he wanted to say was, “are you sure she's not good with people or it's just me?”

Jamie has had quite an outstanding relationship with secretary Emma and it wasn't in a good way.

Secretary Emma has always and will always despise Jamie. She was always looking for ways to accuse him of something.

Jamie stayed in president Hill's office for a few minutes. President Hill was just busy looking at Jamie skeptically, while Jamie was also trying to avoid eye contact.

When he couldn't control it anymore, he cleared his throat.

“You said you wanted to ask me about something, sir?” Jamie asked as president Hill cleared his throat.

“Yes, I wanted to,” president Hill said then kept mute for some minute making Jamie anxious. “I'm going to ask you a clear question, Jamie and I need you to answer me correctly.”

“Okay sir. So what's the question?” Jamie asked.

“I was unable to understand why suddenly you have such a huge connection. I know you and your mum are struggling and that's why you're here on scholarship. So what I don't understand is, if you had such connections, why did you join as a scholarship student and put yourself in all those hardships you went through,” president Hill said still wondering.

“Excuse me, sir, what connection are you talking about?” Jamie asked.

“How do you know Mr. Keith? I know Mr. Keith personally and I know he's not someone who interferes in other people's business. He likes to keep to himself and mind his business. So for him to intercede for you, something serious must have happened. How are you two connected?” President Hill asked.

“I was asked to keep my identity hidden. I need to say something to this man for him to leave me alone. One wrong move and it's over for me,” Jamie thought.

“Are you going to say something or just stand there staring at me and not saying anything?” President Hill asked.

“I'm sorry sir. I was just trying to remember where I heard that name and then I remembered that I saved his life once,” Jamie said as president Hill was wide-eyed.

“You saved his life?” President Hill asked as Jamie nodded.

“Actually sir, when I was still working as a delivery guy, I saw him crossing the road holding a bunch of red rose flowers. He was smiling at them and didn't see an incoming truck. Luckily, I was there and I happened to save him. He promised to repay me to which I declined. I don't even know if he remembered me,” Jamie explained as the president laughed.

“Is that true? You did the right thing by saving him. You're truly a good boy,” president Hill said.

“Thank you, sir but what has this got to do with my current situation?” Jamie asked innocently.

“Mr. Keith called to have you reinstated back to school. I think he would be responsible for your education till you're done,” president Hill said as Jamie became happy.

“Is that right? I'll have to thank him,” Jamie said.

“Yes, you should,” president Hill said.

“Okay sir. Can I go now?” Jamie asked.

“Sure, you may go,” president Hill said as Jamie nodded and left.

“What a diligent young man,” he added, chuckling to himself.

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