All Chapters of Jamie Salter: Rise Of The Campus King: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
16 chapters
An excited Jamie is seen smiling from ear to ear as he calculated his savings. He was so engrossed that he didn’t hear his friend, Anderson come in. “It looks like someone is excited about a supposed date,” Anderson teased lying beside Jamie on the bed. “You have no idea. This is actually the first time Bella agrees to a date. I just need to gather all my savings then I’ll be out of here,” Jamie said standing up. “Okay. Have fun and good luck pal,” Anderson said as Jamie nodded leaving. Jamie, 24 years old, 5’8. He is actually handsome with curly black hair, baby eyes, pulls out of a taxi as he arrived at the restaurant he reserved, while Bella came in with her Porsche. Jamie smiled on seeing his girlfriend. He couldn’t control himself as he walked up to her about to kiss her but she pushed him away. “What are you doing, Jamie? I told you no PDA. So don’t,” Bella said feeling disgusted by the place Jamie chose. “Sorry. I couldn’t control myself,” Jamie said smiling, while Bella
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Lucas laughed after receiving a punch from Jamie. “You're quite bold,” Lucas said, chuckling as he wiped out blood from the corner of his lips. “I'll give you that. You really got me but it wouldn't be right if I don't return this kind gesture you've shown me. Right boys?” Lucas asked, facing his friends as they responded positively. “Get him,” Lucas said as his friends charged towards Jamie but Jamie took them down. “I think you'll be next,” Jamie said, giving Lucas two more punches. “This is for humiliating me,” Jamie added with a punch. “And this is making Bella, the woman I love break up with me,” Jamie said as he punched Lucas on the face, breaking a nose. “He's the one. Please arrest him. He has been behaving unreasonable and being a mad dog,” Bella said, arriving with security. “What are you doing Bella? What is all this?” Jamie asked, shocked at what Bella did. “What does it look like to you? I'm getting rid of you once and for all,” Bella said smirking. “Didn't
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The stranger, Mr. Keith, is Mark Hankins' assistant, who came to pay a visit to the chief lieutenant of the police since he was driving past the police station. Mr. Keith immediately saw and quickly recognized Jamie's mom's face. “Victoria,” Mr. Keith called as Jamie's mother turned to see him. “Mr. Keith,” she called as he laughed. “Please just call me Keith. You were never able to call me by my name in the past. Just Keith, please,” Mr. Keith said as Victoria nodded. “How long has it been since we last saw each other?” Mr. Keith asked as she just shrugged her shoulders. “I don't know. I just lost count,” Victoria said as Mr. Keith nodded before remembering where they were. “So, what are you doing here in the police station? Don't tell me you got into some sort of problem?” Mr. Keith asked anxiously. “My son was locked up,” Victoria said, using the situation at hand to get her son out. Keith was her last trump card. “Your son? You have a son?” Mr. Keith asked, con
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Mr. Keith thanked the chief lieutenant for a swift response and for getting Jamie out. The chief lieutenant just nodded telling Mr. Keith not to bother about it and that they are good friends. After Mr. Keith finished talking to the chief lieutenant, he quickly turned to Jamie's mum and said Jamie's face looks like someone he knows.“Thank you, old friend,” Mr. Keith said, shaking hands with the chief lieutenant who just smiled at him.“There's no need for that Keith. You're simply embarrassing me. I didn't do anything. You've come through for me so many times. This is the list I could do for you. If you want to pay me back, let's hang out for a drink some other time,” the chief lieutenant said as Mr. Keith simply laughed.“I'll hold you on that one but still thank you,” Mr. Keith said.“Okay. I'll leave you to it. I still have some things to do,” the chief lieutenant said as Mr. Keith nodded okay, while the chief lieutenant went inside.Immediately the chief lieutenant went inside,
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“What happened? How did all this happen?” Mr. Keith asked and then Victoria burst into tears. “What happened?” He asked again.Jamie saw his mum cry and frowned. He was about to go over when his mother shakes her head telling him not to make him pause at his steps.“Your son looks like he's going to have my head,” Mr. Keith said, making Victoria laugh before she went back to crying.“I'm sorry. It's just still a bitter memory for me,” Victoria said as Mr. Keith nodded.“I understand. Take your time,” Mr. Keith said, folding his arms, waiting patiently for her to get herself together. “Are you ready to talk?” He asked as she nodded. “Okay, I'll be all ears,” he added.“It happened so many years ago. You know how it was between me and Mark. Our relationship was a forbidden one. I was just his assistant and I wasn't supposed to fall for him but God, I was okay with that and I think he was too until I found out I was pregnant,” Victoria said as Keith turned to her.“What did you do when y
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“Who is going to the hospital?” Jamie asked, startling both of them. He looked at Keith then his mother. “Are you okay mum?” He asked his mother.“Yes dear. I'm fine,” Victoria said.“Then what's going on? Why do you have to go to the hospital?” Jamie asked as his mother sighed, then looked at Keith before turning to Jamie.“Jamie, you've got to trust us. I promise to tell you everything on the way,” Victoria said, placing her both palms on her son's cheeks. “Please, just trust me and come with us,” she added.Jamie sighed looking at his mother before muttering an okay.“Well, since this is settled and we're done here, can we all go? I'll take you all there in my car,” Mr. Keith said as Victoria nodded and they all left. In the hospital, Mark Hankins was waiting with an anxious look. He kept checking his watch. Every minute seemed like an hour and his continuous tapping if his legs wasn't helping matters for those around him.“Sir, are you okay?” A nurse asked.“Um… yeah. I'm good,”
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Jamie was overjoyed. He was really happy he had a father. When his mum told him everything surrounding his birth, he didn't know how to feel or what to make out of it but seeing the DNA results and actually confirming that Mark Hankins is his father. A lot was going through his mind when he felt a hand on his back. He turned to see that it was his mum. She knew what was going through his mind. She just gave him a nod and a smile which calmed him down.Mark saw what Victoria did and smiled.“Jamie!” Mark called“Yes sir,” Jamie answered, turning to his dad.“I'll permit you on the sir because you don't know me yet and that's not on you but I hope it doesn't stick?” Mark asked as Jamie looked at his mum who smiled.“Yes sir,” Jamie said smiling.“Okay,” Mark said as Mr. Keith handed something to him. “Have this,” Mark added, handing him a black premium card.Jamie was wide-eyed. He was shocked. He looked at his mum and then back at his dad.“Is it really okay for me to have this?” Jamie
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Mr. Keith, having learnt about Jamie's rustication, felt a surge of urgency and concern. There was no way he was going to let Jamie get rusticated. When he learnt that Lucas's parents had accused Jamie, he became furious because they potentially wanted to damage Jamie's future. He made a mental note to tell Mark Hankins about that so he can personally deal with them but right now, he was going to deal with the matter at handWithout wasting another movement, Mr. Keith picked up the phone and dialed the university's president, Mr. Wiebe Hill. The phone rang several times before Mr. Hill answered, his voice calm and steady, showing no hint of the turmoil that Mr. Keith was feeling.“Mr. Keith, to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?” Mr. Hill's tone was polite but there was a hint that showed that this would be a serious matter because Mr. Keith wasn't one to call to just say hi.“Mr. Hill, it's about a boy in the university you govern,” Mr. Keith began, his voice steady despite the
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The next day, president Wiebe Hill went to the university. Chancellor Blair was shocked to see him. Although president wiebe is a man of his words, chancellor Blair didn't actually think Mr. Hill would come to school because of Jamie's case. After all he was a nobody.In the office, president wiebe briefed about Lucas's parents involvement in getting Jamie rusticated when he quickly cut chancellor Cole Blair short by letting him know of a call he received from the top and that he should reinstate Jamie back to the school campus with immediate effect.“Look, chancellor Blair, let's not escalate the matter. Reinstate Jamie back to the school campus with immediate effect,” president hill said.“What?” Chancellor Blair shouted looking wide-eyed. “You can't do this, president Hill. You can't afford to offend the Boswells because of a pauper,” chancellor Blair added.“If he's a pauper as you claim, then why did I receive a call from the top because of him?” President Hill asked.“Receive a
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In the school, chancellor Cole Blair, on hearing the tussle between Jamie and the guards had to intervene because it was disrupting the morning and was drawing curious glances from both students and staff. He immediately called the chief security to let his men allow Jamie in.“Officer Wyatt, this is chancellor Blair. I need you to allow Jamie through. Ensure there's no further confrontation. He has been reinstated. He instructed, his voice steady and authoritative.Jamie, who has been away for a while, arrived at the campus gates with his luggy, which looked expensive. His high-end bags and designer clothes began to make students whisper among themselves. Lucas, who was with his friends, noticed Jamie and began to whisper among themselves. Lucas, who was with his friends, noticed Jamie and all his expensive stuff had a scowl on his face. He narrowed his eyes and couldn't suppress what he was thinking. He immediately turned to his friends and nodded at Jamie's direction.“Look at that
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