Jamie Salter: Rise Of The Campus King
Jamie Salter: Rise Of The Campus King
Author: Wright Clone

An excited Jamie is seen smiling from ear to ear as he calculated his savings. He was so engrossed that he didn’t hear his friend, Anderson come in.

“It looks like someone is excited about a supposed date,” Anderson teased lying beside Jamie on the bed.

“You have no idea. This is actually the first time Bella agrees to a date. I just need to gather all my savings then I’ll be out of here,” Jamie said standing up.

“Okay. Have fun and good luck pal,” Anderson said as Jamie nodded leaving.

Jamie, 24 years old, 5’8. He is actually handsome with curly black hair, baby eyes, pulls out of a taxi as he arrived at the restaurant he reserved, while Bella came in with her Porsche. Jamie smiled on seeing his girlfriend. He couldn’t control himself as he walked up to her about to kiss her but she pushed him away.

“What are you doing, Jamie? I told you no PDA. So don’t,” Bella said feeling disgusted by the place Jamie chose.

“Sorry. I couldn’t control myself,” Jamie said smiling, while Bella rolled her eyes.

“Then learn to control yourself. Unbelievable,” she said walking in as Jamie followed her.

As they sat to eat, though she wasn’t feeling his cheap dinner, she had to pretend for his sake and her sake. While they were eating, they got interrupted by Lucas and his friends. The look on Bella’s face was one of shock and anger. Shock because Lucas caught them and anger because Jamie chose a place where someone could recognize them.

“Look who we have here.” Lucas said with a sinister smile on his face as he looked at his friends who laughed. “If it isn’t the school’s most beautiful and the school's poorest scholarship student,” Lucas said as his friends chuckled.

“Jamie, what the heck is this?” Bella asked angrily, covering her face in shame.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know this would happen,” Jamie said feeling distraught.

Lucas saw what was going on between Jamie and Bella and instantly he knew what was happening. He has been asking Bella out for a very long time and she has always rejected his proposal. So he finally found the opportunity to force Bella to accept his proposal.

“Well your little game is over, Missy,” Lucas taunted, smiling.

“Fuck off, Lucas,” Bella said.

“Yes, I will and then I’ll go to school tomorrow and announce to the entire school that Bella Blair, the most beautiful, is dating the school’s poorest student if you don’t agree to be my girlfriend,” Lucas threatened, smiling at himself. “What a splendid caption,” he said, clapping his hand.

Jamie stood up slowly from his chair. “You would do no such thing,” he challenged Lucas.

“You want to dare?” Lucas asked.

“I’ll do it,” Bella said, interrupting Jamie.

“What?” Jamie and Lucas asked at the same time.

“I’ll be your girlfriend Lucas,” Bella said then turned to Jamie, “we’re done Jamie. Pretend like you never met or knew me,” Bella said as Lucas laughed while Jamie looked like his life was sucked out of him.

“What just happened, Bella? You can’t do this to me. You can’t just break up with me,” Jamie said distraught.

“Why? Are you God?” Bella scoffed. “What did you think would happen if we were seen together? Did you think I would accept you? There’s a reason I didn’t want to be seen with you,” she sighed as she put her hand into her bag and brought out a wad of cash. “this is what I owe you. Never come close to me again,” Bella said as Jamie bowed his head folding his fist. He was angry, while Lucas laughed and made jest of him.

“This is all your fault,” Jamie said as he punched Lucas’s face.

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