“Who is going to the hospital?” Jamie asked, startling both of them. He looked at Keith then his mother. “Are you okay mum?” He asked his mother.

“Yes dear. I'm fine,” Victoria said.

“Then what's going on? Why do you have to go to the hospital?” Jamie asked as his mother sighed, then looked at Keith before turning to Jamie.

“Jamie, you've got to trust us. I promise to tell you everything on the way,” Victoria said, placing her both palms on her son's cheeks. “Please, just trust me and come with us,” she added.

Jamie sighed looking at his mother before muttering an okay.

“Well, since this is settled and we're done here, can we all go? I'll take you all there in my car,” Mr. Keith said as Victoria nodded and they all left.

In the hospital, Mark Hankins was waiting with an anxious look. He kept checking his watch. Every minute seemed like an hour and his continuous tapping if his legs wasn't helping matters for those around him.

“Sir, are you okay?” A nurse asked.

“Um… yeah. I'm good,” he said smiling.

“Are you sure?” She asked again because they've all been watching him.

“Yes, I am. Now please run along and continue with your work,” he told her dismissively, not giving her a chance to say anything. She just nodded and walked away.

Mr. Keith gets to the hospital with Victoria and Jamie. Immediately Mark heard the sound of the hospital doors opening, he turned to check if it was them. He gave a sigh of relief when it was them. Victoria and Mark Hankins were speechless when they set eyes on each other. It was really a long time.

“Mark,” Victoria called so softly that you couldn't even hear her while Mark was really speechless. He couldn't believe the woman he ever loved was standing before him. He had so many scenarios on how he would meet her and what he would do if he ever met her but none of them prepared him for this present occasion. He just wanted to hold her in his arms and cherish the moments with her.

“Sir, the nurse and doctor assigned to carry out the DNA test are ready,” Mr. Keith said coming out from a room.

Victoria heard this and became angry. She folded her arms facing another direction while Mark glared at Mr. Keith.

Jamie just stood aside watching his parents. He had never felt so left out especially by his mother but it was quite amusing how childish his mum was acting in front of her true love.

“Was this how it feels to be loved?” He asked himself.

“Why are you glaring at me sir? What did I do?” Mr. Keith asked, feeling confused.

“Couldn't you read the room? You just spoiled a very beautiful romantic atmosphere. No wonder you've never had a woman by your side and if you continue like it, you may remain alone,” Mark Hankins said, while Jamie chuckled so hard. Mr. Keith glared at him and Jamie just shrugged his shoulder making Mr. Keith shake his head sighing.

“He claims he loves me and yet he couldn't trust me. Does he think I'll just thrust someone else's child to him?” Victoria asked to talk to herself but enough for Mark Hankins to hear. He walked over to her and stood in front of her.

“This has got nothing to do with you love. Several women have come with kids that are not mine claiming them as mine. I just don't want that to happen and I trust you. Just looking at the kid, I know he's my son but this DNA results is to shut the mouths of people who would want to cause problems for us,” Mark said to her as she turned to him.

“Don't call me love,” she scolded.

“Why? It's what I call you and it's not going to change,” Mark said as she blushed a little.

“Whatever,” she said looking away, while Mark just smiled before turning to Jamie.

“Jamie, is it?” He asked.

“Yes sir. I'm Jamie,” Jamie said not knowing how he was supposed to respond to his father, while Mark just nodded.

“Please follow them so they can start with the DNA procedures,” Mark Hankins said.

“Okay. I understand,” Jamie said, going with Mr. Keith who showed him the way.

After all the waiting, the test results were finally done. Mark Hankins was in an euphoric mood when the doctor confirmed to him that Jamie was his son. With the happiness and joy in his heart, he turned to Jamie and told him, “My son, I'm about to change your life.”

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