Jamie was overjoyed. He was really happy he had a father. When his mum told him everything surrounding his birth, he didn't know how to feel or what to make out of it but seeing the DNA results and actually confirming that Mark Hankins is his father. A lot was going through his mind when he felt a hand on his back. He turned to see that it was his mum. She knew what was going through his mind. She just gave him a nod and a smile which calmed him down.

Mark saw what Victoria did and smiled.

“Jamie!” Mark called

“Yes sir,” Jamie answered, turning to his dad.

“I'll permit you on the sir because you don't know me yet and that's not on you but I hope it doesn't stick?” Mark asked as Jamie looked at his mum who smiled.

“Yes sir,” Jamie said smiling.

“Okay,” Mark said as Mr. Keith handed something to him. “Have this,” Mark added, handing him a black premium card.

Jamie was wide-eyed. He was shocked. He looked at his mum and then back at his dad.

“Is it really okay for me to have this?” Jamie asked.

“Yes kid. You're from a wealthy family so start acting like it,” Mark Hankins said, handing out the card to Jamie.

“Thank you, sir,” Jamie said, stretching out his hand to receive it.

“There's 10 billion dollars in there,” Mark Hankins said, making Jamie drop the card choking on his saliva. Mark and Mr. Keith began to laugh while Victoria didn't find it funny.

“Sorry sir,” Jamie said, picking the card up.

“That's not funny, Mark,” Victoria said, dragging her son over to her side.

“What? I was just joking,” Mark said, shrugging his shoulders.

“You were making fun of my son. You're still a big jerk,” Victoria said, talking to Mark, while Jamie just smiled.

“Come on Victoria. I didn't mean it that way. It was just a harmless prank,” Mark justified.

“What are you, five? You think you're still in the 10th grade?” She asked, folding her hands.

“Hey, Keith. Back me up here, please,” Mark said to Keith.

“No can do,” Mr. Keith said, moving away.

“So much for being friends,” Mark said, throwing a glare in Keith's way.

“So you still run to Keith for backup?” Victoria asked.

“I don't know what you're talking about,” Mark said looking away.

“Mum, it's okay. I'm good,” Jamie said assuring his mum who huffed facing another direction.

“Hey kid, how do you deal with an angry Victoria because I had it hot back then,” Mark said.

“I can see that,” Jamie said as they both looked at a fuming Victoria hitting Mr. Keith on the head. The two men chuckled.

“Jamie, on a serious note, 10 billion dollars is in that card. If it's not enough, you can always tell me. I'll double it for you,” Mark said as Jamie turned to him wide-eyed.

“Sir, 10 billion dollars is already so much. It's okay for me. I assure you that,” Jamie said.

“Are you sure? Don't pity me if that's what you're thinking,” Mark said.

“Yes dear. Don't pity your father. Actually 10 billion dollars is nothing compared to what he hasn't,” Victoria said smiling, while Jamie looked at his father as if he was seeing a ghost. Both parents laughed at their son's face.

“Seriously sir, 10 billion dollars is enough for me,” Jamie said after clearing his throat.

“Very well then,” Mark Hankins said, then cleared his throat. “I still need to ask for a small favor from both of you,” he added.

“What is it?” Victoria asked, puzzled about what the favor could be.

“Let's all keep this between us. Whatever has happened here should stay between us,” he said as Victoria and Jamie frowned. “Let me explain before you jump to conclusions. Victoria, I make this promise to you that I'll make sure Jamie takes over my company because he's my legitimate son but still, I want your identities to be hidden for now because of the nature of my family. I promise to fix it as soon as possible,” Mark explained.

“Okay, but how long will it take?” Victoria asked.

“It won't take long, love,” Mark said.

“Okay. We understand. I understand you're doing this for our son, so do what you've got to do,” Victoria said as Mark gave a sigh of relief.

“Thank you, love. This means a lot to me,” Mark said before turning to Jamie who gave him a nod of reassurance. Mark just nodded back and they both departed.

“Want me to do anything for you sir?” Mr. Keith asked as Mark nodded.

“Look into Jamie. He's your responsibility,” Mark Hankins said as Mr. Keith nodded in agreement.

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