Chapter Thirty-Eight - Question
Shadow had always been inquisitive and curious. That was one of the things that Jason liked about him. It was Shadow’s curiosity that saved Jason’s life. The warden who found Jason’s almost lifeless body in prison was only able to do so because Shadow was insistent on hearing noises like someone was being tortured.

No other inmates dared to speak because they knew that Rosco, the kingpin of the prison, was the one beating Jason. But Shadow insisted, and eventually, the warden decided to inspect the area. That's why Jason credits Shadow with saving his life, not the warden.

Shadow had also stayed with Jason until he fully recovered. He asked him so many questions during that time, and even though Jason was slightly annoyed at first, he later enjoyed it and liked the fact that Shadow was so interested.

Shadow’s eyes would always have an inquisitive glint in them when he was about to ask a series of questions. Jason knew it well; it was currently in his eyes.

Jason didn't know what Shadow
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