Jason Grey’s Inevitable Rise to the Top

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Jason Grey’s Inevitable Rise to the Top

By: Daisy Munachi OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 186 views: 7.8K

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What does Jason Grey, who was once underestimated and belittled by his in-laws and wrongly imprisoned, do when he uncovers his true identity as the heir to the billionaire Grey fortune? Read to find out how he rises to power, grapples with the unforeseen challenges of his new status, and makes those who mocked and betrayed him sorely regret it.

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  • oriyomi olabode


    I definitely got hooked up with this book. seeing how the family is treating Jason and now that his father in-law slumps in front of him is not going to be good. I hope he's okay though

    2024-03-22 00:08:00
  • Nor-nor


    Nice story Author. I am loving this...

    2024-03-21 21:56:40
  • Wisdom Nkwocha


    This story is out of this world ............️ I was literally shouting as I kept on getting surprised by the turn of events. I can't really wait to see how Jason will make the Sinclair's pay for their atrocities ...🥲......

    2024-03-19 15:41:14
  • G.Aden


    This story got me hooked, like the storyline, Jason went through a lot, and I love the way he face-slapped the Sinclairs

    2024-03-09 21:06:40
  • Android Editing x


    Not like others. Keep rising to the top Jason! I'm rooting for you all the way

    2024-03-07 09:23:28
  • Florence Amaize


    I'm addicted to this book. It's not like any other on this app. it's nice to read something fresh and new. keepi it up author

    2024-03-07 09:19:44
  • Florence Amaize


    I'm obsessed with this novel. Reuben is my best character!!

    2024-02-27 20:01:55
  • Victoria Allison


    Wow I love this book, you're a really great author ...️

    2024-01-24 19:48:28
Latest Chapter
186 chapters
Chapter One - Birthday Dinner
“Happy Birthday, my love.”Jason smiled from ear to ear as he presented Diana, his wife, with a tiny jewellery box.She hugged him and excitedly took the box from his arms.She was honestly surprised that such a gift was coming from Jason. Or should she say that any gift at all was coming from Jason?Usually, on her birthdays or any other celebration, Jason would write her a love letter.There was a box full of them on her bedside table, and while she cherished them, it was nice to finally switch things up, she thought.As she opened the box, the gleam in her eyes disappeared, and her excited look was sealed with one of disappointment.“it’s empty?” She questioned."Yes, love, I plan on filling it with precious jewels in the future,” Jason stuttered.Diana sighed She knew that if Jason had the means to do so, he would get her a thousand pieces of jewellery, but sometimes she couldn’t shake the feeling of disappointment.“Thank you, Jason.” Diana said stiffly and offered him a fake smi
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Chapter Two - Golf
The drive back to the Sinclair mansion was a quiet one.Everyone was taken aback by Stephen silencing them at dinner and standing up for Jason.He’s never approved of him. Although his disapproval was more silent, It was always a form of disappointed gazes, backhanded compliments, and sometimes he would completely ignore his existence. But it seemed as though hell had frozen over.Jason kept replaying the moment in his head. Was his father-in-law finally warming up to him?He scoffed at the thought. Of course not. He was probably thinking of his daughter’s feelings and not his own.He turned to Diana, who was sitting behind him. Her head was tilted towards the window, and she seemed to be lost in thought. Jason held her hand, but she didn’t reciprocate the action or even turn to acknowledge him.“I’m sorry” was all she whispered; her voice was so low that Jason thought he imagined the apology.When they finally arrived at the mansion, Jason didn’t go up to He and Diana’s room.He sat
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Chapter Three - Jason to the rescue!
“Someone help; Mr. Sinclair is unconscious!” Jason shouted, and immediately, dozens of the club’s employees rushed to the scene.They took him to the clinic in the club, and after thirty minutes, he regained consciousness.“Sir Thank God you’re awake. Is everything okay?”Stephen had a sombre look in his eyes. "No, Jason, to be honest with you, I don’t have much time left.”"What do you mean, sir?"“I’m dying”Jason was at a loss for words. He didn’t know how to reply to what he was just told; he simply sat in a chair in the room and listened to Stephen as he spoke.“Brain Cancer. Inoperable” Stephen said, “I don’t want you to feel sorry for me or anything like that. All I want to do in my last days is spend time with my children and grandchildren, but I won’t even be able to do that.”“Why Sir?” Jason managed to say, his voice shaky.“There’s people conspiring against me at the company. They want to get me voted off the board and put me in jail, so they’re framing me for fraud and em
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Chapter Four - Guilty
The doors of the Sinclair mansion burst open, revealing a distressed Diana."Welcome, Darling, you’re home early." Annette said it with a smile on her face.“Morher, where’s Jason?” she asked, completely disregarding her mother’s greeting.The smile completely faded from her mother's face when she heard his name: “How should I know? He’s probably off somewhere being useless.”Diana gave Annette a look that genuinely scared her. "More, I'm not joking around, and I don’t have time for your nonsense. Have you seen him?” She gritted through her teeth.“Well now that you mention it. I haven’t seen him today, but it’s not like I keep tabs on the damn boy,” her mother drew closer to her. "But I'm glad you’re here. Your brothers are coming home soon!”"Mother, I need to know where Jason is!” Diana finally lost it and screamed at her mother.“What’s going on in here?” Stephen asked as he walked into the living room.“It seems like our good-for-nothing don-in-law has gone missing,” Annette said
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Chapter Five - Release
One year laterIt had been a year since Jason was locked up in prison. A year without a single visit. A year of constantly watching the guy next to him in case he pulled out a kinife or any other weapon. A year without Diana.In that year, he got stronger—not by choice but by necessity. His first night there, he was beaten mercilessly by inmates. No doubt they were sent by Stephen. "Please, I didn’t do anything or cause trouble with anyone." Jason cried that night, but all the men did was laugh in his face.“My chain," the one who seemed to be the leader of the group said to his goons.They brought out a long metal chain and handed it over to the man. Two others held Jason down and poured ice-cold water on his back. Jason squirmed when the cold liquid made contact with his skin.“Please I… I'll do anything. I’ll be your slave if you want me to-“. His words were cut short by a wrenching scream when the chain made contact with the bare, wet skin of his back.By the eighth whip, he wa
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Chapter Six - True Identity
Jason and the man were now seated in the black Escalade that was parked opposite the prison.“I’m sorry that I don’t remember it. Please, can you start by telling me your name?”"I'm Timothy Young Master; I was your grandfather’s right-hand man and butler”“So who is my grandfather?” Jason asked as he anxiously fiddled with the hem of his shirt.“Michael Allen Grey, the owner of Grey Enterprises, or as most people know him as...""The Captain,” Jason completed. He felt himself sink into the car seat, his breath escaping him.He had heard that name countless times. in the Sinclair mansion; particularly from Stephen and Andrew, they both admired the man and the waves he made in business.They had been trying to enter into various business deals with Him, but the captain always declined. Being very picky about who he did business with.“Precisely Young Master” Timothy continues, “He has been looking for you for years.”“My mother always said that I never had any family, that it was just
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Chapter Seven - Confrontation
“Get in the car; we’re following them." Jason finally spoke, and Timothy and him rushed into the car and tailed behind Christopher and Diana.***Diana held her baby in her arms in the small doctor’s office. She tapped her nails on the wall repeatedly as she waited for the results.Christopher noticed her anxiousness and put a calming hand on her shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.The doctor came into the room, and Diana got up from her seated position. “Is she going to be okay?”"Yes, ma’am, your baby just has a fever. I suggest she take lots of liquids and get enough rest. It’ll go down on its own; no medication is needed.” The doctor assured Diana.She let out a breath of relief. “Thank you so much.”“Did you hear that, my love? It’s just a fever,” she said in a soft voice to her baby.The doctor gave them both a soft smile before leaving the room.“I told you, Di, there was nothing for you to be worried about," Christopher said.He focused his gaze on Diana, a stern expression e
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Chapter Eight - Take him down
The Escalade parked in front of a luxurious apartment complex in Soho. The building exuded opulence and was only occupied by the top one percent in the country.Timothy tapped Jason’s shoulder, pulling him out of his thoughts. “We’re here, Young Master.”Jason blinked. He had been thinking of Christopher and Diana, but most of all about the baby girl. Helooked at the apartment in awe. “My grandfather owns this.""Actually,Young Master , you are the owner."Jason stared at Timothy, stunned, so he explained further. “Your grandfather bought different properties around the world as birthday gifts for you, in hopes that one day you’d come back and claim rightful ownership of them."Jason muttered an ‘Oh my God’ under his breath. This was definitely going to take some getting used to, he added internally.Timothy alighted from the car and opened the passenger door for Jason.That was also going to take some getting used to. Jason thought, stepping out of the car.“So,” he started, but was
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Chapter Nine - Take down
“How so? Jason questioned Timothy and eagerly awaited his response.“I have a friend who wanted to do business with QuantumPower, but he decided against it after getting a tip that their financial directors had been concealing large debts.”Jason’s eyes had a glint in them as the words left Timothy’s mouth, and he urged him to continue.“He wanted me to help him look into it, but I was too occupied at the time with more pressing matters, so I put that on hold, but I did get a name, Christopher Mathews.”“So if we can prove that he’s been concealing debts..." Jason started"The company will lose all current and potential investors, and he’ll be fired." Timothy completed the statements with a smile.“But how the hell are we supposed to prove that?” Jason sighed.“You’re Jason Grey!” Timothy exclaimed “A member of one of the most powerful and influential families in the world. All we need to do is find someone who’s going to talk and figure out their price,” Timothy said, lifting up the
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Chapter Ten - Going back
Jason’s brows furrowed, his face twisting into a mix of surprise and confusion.He looked over at Timothy, who was still praising Reuben, then tapped him to draw his attention."Yes, Young Master,” Timothy said as he turned to face Jason.“Is the SIM card in this phone new?" Jason questioned him as he held the phone up."Yes, Young Master, Why do you ask?” Timothy said, worry etched on his face.Jason shook his head. "Nothing. Never mind. Let’s get back to the apartment." Jason saidWhen they arrived back at the apartment, Jason said goodnight to Reuben and Timothy, then went into his bedroom.He replayed Christopher’s takedown in his mind with a proud smile on his face.Then his face dropped once he remembered the message he had received. He opened his phone and checked the message again.His mind was racing with different thoughts, especially wondering if it was actually Diana.He looked at the number.It wasn’t Diana’s.Could she have gotten a new number? He thought to himself.His
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