Chapter Six - True Identity

Jason and the man were now seated in the black Escalade that was parked opposite the prison.

“I’m sorry that I don’t remember it. Please, can you start by telling me your name?”

"I'm Timothy Young Master; I was your grandfather’s right-hand man and butler”

“So who is my grandfather?” Jason asked as he anxiously fiddled with the hem of his shirt.

“Michael Allen Grey, the owner of Grey Enterprises, or as most people know him as..."

"The Captain,” Jason completed. He felt himself sink into the car seat, his breath escaping him.

He had heard that name countless times. in the Sinclair mansion; particularly from Stephen and Andrew, they both admired the man and the waves he made in business.

They had been trying to enter into various business deals with Him, but the captain always declined. Being very picky about who he did business with.

“Precisely Young Master” Timothy continues, “He has been looking for you for years.”

“My mother always said that I never had any family, that it was just her and me." Jason’s eyes became distant as he recalled his mother’s words.

“Young Master, your grandfather believed that your mother was being threatened by something or someone." Timothy’s voice lowered as though others were listening to their conversation.

“When you were two years old, she took you in the middle of the night and ran away; we never saw either you or her again."

So many things about Jason’s childhood made sense at that moment. Why his mother always seemed anxious, why she never let him talk to anyone without her being present, why they were always moving...

“Who could she have been running from?”

“I wish I had the answer to that question, Young Master.” Timothy now has a sad expression etched on his face “But the only one who knows is your mother and she..”

“Is dead” Jason said coldly

Jason shifted uncomfortably, with all this information about his family overwhelming him.

"So, what do you want from me now?”

“Young Master, you’re the sole heir to the Grey Fortune."

Jason's eyes got so wide, he swore he could feel them threatening to pop out of their sockets.

“Me? the sole heir? That’s like hundreds of millions of dollars.”

Timothy huffed a laugh. "Actually, Young Master, all of the companies and estates alone are worth hundreds of billions of dollars.”

Jason let out a breath that he didn’t know he was holding in. He wanted to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.

“Your grandfather also left this for you. It’s got one hundred million dollars in it. As a way of saying,I'm glad to have you back,” Timothy handed Jason a black American Express card.

Jason took the card with his shaky hands, examining it like it was something from another planet.

One hundred million dollars??? He never even had up to ten thousand dollars in his account.

“The pin is your birthday, Young Master."

“This is all insane." Jason let out a small laugh and waved his hands across his face. “How are you even sure I’m the guy you’re looking for?”

“We tested your DNA, of course." Timothy said that it was a normal thing. He noticed the expression on Jason’s face and explained further. “I had one of the wardens cut a strand of your hair while you were asleep.”

“But that’s not important now. Young Master, you need to return home; your grandfather is eager to see you, and you’ll be taking over soon.”

Jaison's brows furrowed in confusion. “Taking over? Is he dying?”

"Well, not yet, but he’s very old.”

Jason shook his head and faced Timothy. "No, I can’t leave New York yet.”

“Why not, Young Master? Everyone is so excited to see you.”

“I can’t leave because..." Jason paused, not completely sure if the decision he was about to take was the right one. But he just had to. He had to know if she was aware of his suffering.

“I need to pay my wife a visit first.”

“Your wife?”

“Yes, my wife, Diana Sinclair."

Timothy's face was twisted in confusion, and he raged at the mention of Diana’s name, "Sinclair. As in Stephen Sinclair’s Daughter. Isn’t that scumbag the reason you’re in jail?” Timothy hissed.

"Yes, how did you know that?”

“I did some research on the case Young Master, and some things just didn’t add up.”

Jason resisted the urge to lean over and hug Timothy. Finally, someone believed his side of the story.

“Exactly. That’s because that bastard Stephen Sinclair screwed me over.” Jason’s eyes darkened and his jaw clenched when he remembered everything he went through because of Stephen’s manipulation.

“I need to know if Diana knew about any of it. She never came to see me once while I was locked up, and that can only mean two things."Jason’ lifted his pointer finger to indicate ‘1’ “Either she didn’t know I was locked up or..." He lifted his middle finger, indicating, “Or she was in on her father’s plan. And I need to know which one it is before I take my next step."

"And what’s your next step, Young Master?" Timothy stuttered, threatened by the look Jason had in his eyes when he talked about the Sinclair’s.

“Let’s pay Diana a visit first. How fast does this thing drive?” Jason smirked as he stroked the wheel of the Escalade.


Jason and Timothy were crouched down behind the rosebushes in front of the Sinclair mansion. It was a Sunday, so most of the help and gardeners were not around. Plus, Jason knew the blind spots of the security cameras, so it was easy for them to go undetected.

“Young Master, I thought you were going to talk to Diana." Timothy said, emphasising the ‘talk’

“I know I just need Stephen to leave the house first; he should be out any minute now." Jason said while checking the time on his wrist watch.

The front door of the mansion opened, and Jason and Timothy expected to see Stephen, but instead Christopher was the one walking out of the mansion.

“Christopher?” Jason whispered

He was surprised to see him there, but it wasn’t abnormal. He would usually come to the mansion from time to time, sticking his nose where it didn’t belong.

But nothing could’ve prepared him for what he saw next.

Diana walked out after Christopher, with a baby in her arms. The child couldn’t have been more than three onths old.

“Is that her?” Timothy asked

“That’s her,” Jason answered, dazed.

Christopher then kissed Diana and gave the baby a kiss on its forehead. The three entered Christopher’s car and drove off.

Jason blinked several times as if it would erase the image he just saw. He felt his heart tighten in his chest and air leave his lungs.

His fists were clenched so tight that he didn’t even realise when his fingernails cut the skin of his palm, causing them to bleed.

My Diana couldn’t have; she wouldn’t do that to me. Jason internally tried to conceive himself.

“That bitch," Timothy said under his breath.

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