Chapter Seven - Confrontation

“Get in the car; we’re following them." Jason finally spoke, and Timothy and him rushed into the car and tailed behind Christopher and Diana.


Diana held her baby in her arms in the small doctor’s office. She tapped her nails on the wall repeatedly as she waited for the results.

Christopher noticed her anxiousness and put a calming hand on her shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.

The doctor came into the room, and Diana got up from her seated position. “Is she going to be okay?”

"Yes, ma’am, your baby just has a fever. I suggest she take lots of liquids and get enough rest. It’ll go down on its own; no medication is needed.” The doctor assured Diana.

She let out a breath of relief. “Thank you so much.”

“Did you hear that, my love? It’s just a fever,” she said in a soft voice to her baby.

The doctor gave them both a soft smile before leaving the room.

“I told you, Di, there was nothing for you to be worried about," Christopher said.

He focused his gaze on Diana, a stern expression etched on his face: "Di, now that we’re here, I think it’s time we take the test.”

Diana tilted her head back and put her hand on her temples. "Chris, please don’t start with this now.”

“Diana I need to know if this baby is mine."Christopher’s voice came out higher than he intended.

The baby began to let out a loud cry: “Now you’ve upset Lana." Diana rocked her back and forth. “I’m sorry, baby.”

“Please take me home, Christopher; my baby needs to rest,” Diana said as she took her handbag and walked towards the door.

"Diana, don't..." she alked out before Christopher could finish his sentence.


Jason and Timothy had followed them all the way to the hospital and back.

“What the hell would they be doing at a hospital?” Jason said, tapping his foot on the ground incessantly.

He was now in front of the mansion once again, but now he was ready to confront Diana. Especially about the baby.

“Young Master, I think you should sit down for a while," Timothy said with concern.

Jason was about to object when he saw Diana alighting from the car.

Suddenly, all the different things he had planned to say to her escaped his memory, and before he could stop himself, he was already advancing towards her.

Each step he took closer to her made his blood pump faster. He felt a mixture of rage, betrayal, and uncertainty as he inched closer to her.

Diana, who had had her gaze fixed on her baby until she heard her name from a voice she was certain she would never hear again,.

“Diana, is that my daughter or his?” Jason hissed, his voice bitter on the last word.

Diana slowly lifted her head to confirm if her mind was playing tricks on her or not.

No, it wasn’t. Jason was actually standing in front of her. All the colour left her face as she locked her gaze with his.

She stared into his brown eyes, which once looked at her with so much admiration but were now filled with a much darker emotion.

Her eyes lowered down to his body, which was more toned, his muscles filling the tight black shirt that he had on.

“Jason?” She said it more as a question than a statement.

“I asked you a question, Diana,” he said, his voice stern.

Diana's brows furrowed and her jaw clenched in anger. “Who the hell do you think you are to come here and ask questions?” she hissed.

“I’m your fucking husband who was locked up for a year by your father and finally got set free only to find out that you’ve been hooking up with Christopher.” His eyes were red, and teardrops clung to the bottom of his eyelashes.

“My father? You're the one who left!"

Christopher, who was distracted by a phone call before, finally came out of the car. His face went pale when he saw Jason.

“What the hell is he doing here?”

“I should be asking you that. What the hell are you doing with my wife?” Jason got closer to Christopher, but Christopher pushed him back aggressively.

Jason staggered backwards but got his balance. It took everything in him not to punch Christopher square in the face.

He fixed his gaze on Diana again. “I can’t believe this. You really thought that I would leave you?”” He let out a sarcastic laugh. “It didn’t even take too much to convince you that I left before you ran into this moron’s arms."

Diana froze. She knew that Jason was right. She didn’t even put up a fight or even try to look into his disappearance. One text was all it took for her to turn her back on him.

But her stubbornness and pride didn’t let her reasonable side last long. “You’re a liar; my father had nothing to do with this; you ran away because of the way my family treated you.” Diana didn’t know when tears started running down her cheeks. “You gave up on us.”

“You’re still saying that bullshit?” Jason huffed in frustration. “And why are you crying? I'm the one who’s gone through hell for a year to come back and see that you might have a baby with my so-called brother!"

Diana was at a loss for words. She looked for something to say to defend herself and justify her actions, but she couldn’t find anything.

“Can you blame her if she does?" Christophe said, “I mean, look at you." He eyes Jason up and down with disgust. “You may have gotten tougher, but you’re still a low-life, a nobody who has nothing. Just a pauper who got lucky enough to marry an angel like Diana, and you still blew it.”

He was able to connect the dots at that moment. Diana wasn’t in on the plan, but she didn’t even bother to look for him.

Stephen probably took his phone that day and sent a text to Diana, telling her that he had left.

And that’s all it took for her to go running into Christopher’s arms without a second thought.

Jason looked at him, then at Diana again, then let out a sarcastic laugh. “You two actually deserve each other so much." He looked directly at Diana this time. “And I hope for your sake that the baby is Christopher's, because if it’s mine, I’ll make sure she grows up far away from you and the snakes you call family.”

Jason turned on his heel and left without saying another word.

He entered into the car and looked at Timothy who had a look of pity on his face as if he had gone through it with Jason

“Young Master…” he started but was intercepted by Jason

“Timothy, exactly how powerful are the Grey’s”

“Young Master if I were to compare I’d say they’re just as powerful if not more powerful than the French monarchy in the 1700s”

Jason smirked “That’s wonderful” He continued “You asked me what my plan was before, we’ll it’s simple. I’m going to make Christopher and the Sinclair’s pay. Every single one of them…Including Diana”

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