Chapter 164: The Game House Party.

When they arrived at the party, they all brought out their barcodes to be scanned at the entrance. They were surprised by the entire layout of the venue, and their jaws dropped as soon as they stepped inside.

The first thing that caught my attention was the joker's mouth entrance, which led to a kids' dream party with lots of arcade and casino games to play.

Their expectations for the celebration were exceeded, and when Joe Cole and his friends arrived at the location, they were greeted with cocktails and could not wait to start playing the various arcade games. However, Betty interrupted them to snap a group photo before they could get started.

Following the images and videos, everyone went to their designated gaming stations to play the arcade games, and Alice, Andrew's assistant, called Joe Cole over to the poker table.

He was given cards to play with as soon as he arrived at the table, and Andrew introduced him to every man there, including Mr. Normans, Mr. Boston, Mr. Sullivan,
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