Chapter 3: Go and Sin No More!

Emily was Joe Cole's crush since the very first day he saw her on Campus, they were in different departments but he studied hard so he could help her with her schoolwork. He loved her from afar and couldn't summon the courage to ask her out because she was in a relationship with one of the school's kings. His opportunity came a month after her breakup and unprecedentedly, they became friends. With his wit and charms, he finally got her, she agreed to date him because of how much he helped her academically, and she insisted they keep the relationship secret.

This would be the first time he was taking her on a date, he had cashed in all the money he saved from working tirelessly for months just to plan an expensive date for Emily in one of the school's top restaurants, Palace Dining.

A full-course dinner at Palace Dinning cost $30,000 at the least level, and Joe Cole labored hard to afford it with much sacrifice to himself just to please the girl of his dreams. But she turned against him faster than he could blink, running after Jake because he offered her $300,000.

The pains of his poverty had never really hit him this much until now, he felt so betrayed, and all the insults and embarrassments from the very first day he stepped foot in the school began flooding his mind.

“Joe Cole!” An officer called out.

“Yes sir.”

“You’re free to go. Go and sin no more.” The officer said to him as he set him free.

Joe Cole left the police precinct and went back to school. Getting on Campus, he was immediately called to the director’s office and there he met with the Sullivans, Jake’s parents, and Mr. Ravioli Martinez, the school’s chairman and Emily’s father.

“So you are the riffraff who dared to lay his filthy hands on my son?” Mrs. Sullivan jumped at him immediately he walked in.

Joe Cole kept quiet, the Sullivans were one of the families he did some menial work for on weekends to earn some money, and now he had laid his hands on their son which could only spell trouble for him.

“Now young man, since you have chosen to be unruly and uncivilized in this prestigious institution, I’ll have to put you in your place.” Mr. Martinez said to him.

Joe Cole already sensing what comes next, knelt down to plead with the school director in the hopes that he could find mercy,

“Ple– please sir, it was all—”

“You’re a stupid boy to think you can open your stink mouth and say anything. Who asked for your apologies or explanation?” Jake’s mother, interrupted him sharply as she moved to hit him before being pulled back by her husband.

“Come on, honey. Don’t break a sweat because of him, he is surely going to get what’s coming at him.” Mr. Sullivan gently responded to his wife’s action.

“So, here is what’s going to happen to you, dirty scumbag.” Mr. Martinez had set his eyes fixed on Joe Cole to pass his judgment on him, “I do not know why and how you got a scholarship to study in a school that is way beyond your class, but I’ve always wanted to send you away and now I have my opportunity. I hereby revoke your scholarship and expel you from this prestigious institution.”

Joe Cole broke down in tears at the sound of Mr. Martinez’s words, he tried to approach Emily whom Jake held in his arms, hugging her from behind,

“Emily please, don’t let them do this to me.”

“Who are you and why should I care?” Emily disdainfully replied him.

“Thank you, Mr. Martinez. Now that your part is done, we will take it from here.” Mr. Sullivan said as he shook the school director’s hand.

“Hello, yes you can come in now.” Mrs. Sullivan said on the phone.

Within minutes, some police officers came in.

“That’s the foolish boy who assaulted our children. Take him away and make sure he never again sees the light of day.” Mr. Sullivan instructed the officers.

“Please sir, it’s my final year, do not do this to me I beg you.” Joe Cole cried out as the officers tried to take him away.

“So you dare to tell me what to do. Officers wait.” Mr. Martinez answered, halting the officers.

“Since he still has the mouth to speak, beat him up and make sure he has no voice left in him.” The officers without delay got on the job, beating Joe Cole mercilessly until he couldn't cry anymore.

“Drag his filthy body out of here.” Mrs. Sullivan insturcted.

The police officers carried Joe Cole out of the director’s office into their car and drove off to the police precinct. 

Immediately, the news of Joe Cole’s rustication and arrest was trendy on the school’s social media and all manner of comments were flowing. It was almost like a celebration for the students as those who knew him found it a thing of joy that finally he was out of the school to where he truly belonged, the prison yard.

The students soon elevated their respect and fear of Jake, considering him the true and dreadful king of the school. He had promised to get rid of Joe Cole for long, and now he finally did, keeping to his words. 


At the police precinct, Joe Cole was locked in a cell for hours where he was unconscious after the merciless beaten he received at the hands of the officers. He stayed there for three days and when he had fully regained consciousness, he called out to the officer guarding his cell.

“Hello sir, please I need your help.”

The officer having zero sympathy for Joe Cole fired at him,

“You piece of shit. Shut up before I come in there to beat your ass again.”

“Please sir, I just need to make a phone call.” Joe Cole pleaded continuously.

“And who do you have to call…huh? A lowlife like you knows no one.”

“Just help me, sir. Please.” Joe Cole continued.

“Now you’re pissing me off. Here’s my phone,” the officer stretched out his phone to Joe Cole, “Call the loser you want to call but if they don’t come to get you out of here, then I’ll have to give you the beating of your life today and every day.”

Joe Cole thought about those words carefully before taking the phone, and although he wanted to call John or Mercury, he didn’t have either of their numbers in his head. But just then, his memory juggled and a very familiar number came to him.

He dialed the number, and it rang to his surprise. A voice responded,


“Yes, hello. This is Joe Cole—”

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