Chapter 4: I’ll See to That!

A few minutes after the call, the officer in charge of his cell received a call from his walkie-talkie with certain instructions. Immediately after the call, he approached Joe Cole’s cell looking at him most surprisingly,

“You lucky bastard, who did you call.”

“That’s none of your business, sir.” Joe Cole responded with confidence in his voice.

“Well, soon I’ll find out and when you’re back here, I will make sure to teach you my business.” The officer opened the cell door for him and he came out.

“That’s never going to happen.” Joe Cole responded.

The officer led him straight to the Lieutenant’s office.

“Thank you, officer, you may take your leave now. I want to speak with him alone.”

The officer saluted the Lieutenant and left. Then the Lieutenant turned to Joe Cole with a surprising look,

“You may have your seat, Joe Cole.”

“Thank you, sir. But am I free to go now?” Joe Cole asked.

“We’ll get to that Mr. Cole, I just want to ask you some questions if you don’t mind.” 

“Okay sir, ask all the way.” Joe Cole replied adjusting himself properly.

“First, who are you and how do you know the President?” The Lieutenant asked with keen interest as he awaited Joe Cole’s answer.

“I Am Joe Cole, a student of business administration at Kings & Queens University. Or at least I was before I got expelled. And well, I do not know the President, but I think he is the Prince of Wales.” Joe Cole answered him back to the best of his knowledge.

“Prince of Wales? Wait, who are you talking about?” The Lieutenant confusedly asked Joe Cole.

“You asked me of the President right?” He asked back and the Lieutenant nodded in response, “And I told you what I know, the President of our school’s Student Governing Board is the Prince of Wales, Brad Hermlington. I don’t—”

“Whoa…stop…stop…” the Lieutenant quickly interrupted, “Am not talking about the President of your school or whatever, am talking of the President of the United States.”

At this point, Joe Cole’s eyes opened wide in shock, surprised at what the Lieutenant was asking him,

“I do not know him, other than his name, President James Carter, and by his children who are my schoolmates, Marquis and Mercury.”

“Well, I got a call from the Washington Chief of Police demanding your immediate release with apologies by order of the President. And you claim you do not know him personally?”

“Yes, sir. I do not know him personally and I’m as shocked as you are right now.” Joe Cole responded.

The interrogation continued for some time but it was clear to him that Joe Cole was right by what he said despite making a call to a strange number which they could no longer find. The Lieutenant apologized to him and called all the officers who laid hands on him at any point to also apologize to him.

Joe Cole watched in smiles as these officers who treated him as trash because they were paid by the world’s richest man, now stood before him rendering apologies. For once, he felt what it was like to be powerful.

The Lieutenant himself drove Joe Cole back to school after cleaning him up and feeding him well, he also gave him $50,000 as compensation for all they did to him. Joe Cole was in shock as he had never been treated like that before. The Lieutenant took him right to the director’s office and walked with him inside.

“Hey Lieutenant, to what do I owe—” Mr. Martinez was about to welcome his special guest when he saw Joe Cole with him and paused, “What is this fool doing in my office? Isn’t he supposed to be in jail locked up for all—” Before he could finish, his phone rang to interrupt him.

“Martinez speaking.”

The call continued for about two minutes, enough for Mr. Martinez to hear all he needed to hear and it ended with his calm and humble response,

“Yes sir, I’ll see to that, sir.”

He turned afterward to look at Joe Cole with such surprise all over his face as he asked,

“Who are you and how do you know the President?”

At this point, Joe Cole himself began wondering why all of a sudden everyone was asking him that question. The Lieutenant hoping Joe Cole would reveal more than he told him watched and listened to them carefully. 

Joe Cole’s identity inquiry with Mr. Martinez went the same as it did with the Lieutenant, with none truly finding out the answer they wanted.

“I was just called by the Minister of Education instructing me to restore your scholarship, revoke your rustication, apologize to you, and compensate you with the sum of $50,000 otherwise I will lose everything, all by order of the President.” Mr. Martinez said in a shaky tone.

“Well, the same thing happened to me. But we still can’t figure out who he is.” The Lieutenant responded to the director’s words.

Mr. Martinez swallowed his pride and in fear of who Joe Cole might be, he apologized to him and did all that he was instructed to do. 

Joe Cole accepted his apology and left his office being $100,000 rich. For the first time in his life, he saw powerful people who once treated him as trash, apologizing to him and even compensating him. 

As he returned to the school, the news of his release and return was everywhere and everyone began to question if Jake truly was the king he claimed to be. This threatened Jake’s authority in the school and he didn’t like it. 

He and Emily called their parents to inquire why Joe Cole was back to school but their parents advised them to leave Joe Cole alone and not trouble him anymore. Jake refused to adhere to their advice and chose to confront Joe Cole.


“So, you think you can undermine me in this school and get away with it?” Jake said to him in a public confrontation with Emily by his side.

“You both should please leave me alone.” Joe Cole responded to them.

“We will make your life here hell, you watch and see.” Jake threatened him.

“Do whatever you want, man. I don’t care anymore.”

Jake and Emily got even more furious by his confidence, the students watching the confrontation between them.

“Let’s go, hun. I’ve got a plan.” Emily pulled Jake away, leaving Joe Cole for the moment.

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