Chapter 5: Most Likely to Steal!

Emily and Jake being the latest trending school couple worked to turn the school against Joe Cole, no one was giving him his usual menial jobs anymore but he didn't need those as he already earned $100,000 compensation from the Police and the School.

"That bastard thinks he can embarrass me in this school. Damn—" Jake pacing around in a meeting with Emily and his friends, said furiously.

"Come on Jake, relax. We'll deal with him." Marquis said, trying to console him.

Marquis was Mercury's elder brother and the son of President James Carter of the United States, he was Jake's right-hand man who equally despised Joe Cole with passion.

They came up with a plan to finally get Joe Cole out of the school.


Whilst in class, Jake began pacing around looking hard and meticulously for something he thought was lost. He searched himself and his belongings thoroughly but couldn't find them, his anger soon attracted the whole class to him and everyone began to enquire about what was going on with him.

"Hey man, what's up?" Robert asked him but got no response back.

"Come on bro, what are you searching for?" Another student asked him.

"Seems like he lost something. What could it be?"

"Jake, talk to us."

He kept them quiet for a while but as the persistent concerns became too much, he lashed out at them in a very angry tone.

"Fuck guys. Let me be!"

"He just lost his stuff," Emily's voice rose to break up the built-up concerns of the students, "His phone is gone, so also his 250 grand Rolex, and a stack of 100 grand."


This aroused the whole class as everyone knew Jake would turn the entire school upside down just to find his items. They joined him in his search and sympathy.

"Guys, hold on. I know this wouldn't sound right considering who we all are, but I think we need to search everyone in this class." Emily suggested. And although some students considered it disrespectful to them, they yet agreed to it knowing how ruthless Jake can be.

Joe Cole kept them quiet not wanting to intervene in their rich kid things but they wouldn't let him be. 

"Why don't we start with our King of the Poor here? We are all rich enough to never steal a dime but we can't say the same for some broke-ass wannabe who, unfortunately, sits amongst us." One of the students quickly suggested 

"True, he is most likely to steal and be a thief. You know how the poor behalf." Another student said in agreement with the first.

As the students gathered around him, he didn't even think to object to them but gave them his bag quietly to search. Immediately they dug into his bag, they started bringing out the lost items one after the other. 

"Wow…he truly is a thief!" The student who searched the bag shouted. The whole class went nuts with their discovery of Joe Cole's action.

The shouts of surprise and disgust flaunted the air as the students all began to rain abuses on Joe Cole for stealing Jake's properties. Jake rushed at him with slaps as well as other students without giving him any chance to defend himself.

The cries of "thief!" soon rose to the hearing of other students, and since it was something new to the entire school as such was never seen before, students began coming out of their classes towards the source of the uproar.

Mercury suspected foul play but wasn't sure what the truth was. She immediately stepped in between them covering Joe Cole and scaring them away from touching him any further. No one would dare lay their hands on the President's daughter so they backed off but continued their chants.


Mercury helped Joe Cole escape them and went outside running from the growing crowd of students converging towards them. John came out from his class and immediately ran to meet Joe Cole and Mercury to help shield him from the crowd.

The gathering of the angry rich mob and their inability to touch Joe Cole because of Mercury soon erupted into a school protest. They began to demand that the school expel Joe Cole and lock him up for being a thief.

"Hey Marquis, get your sister. She's shielding him and disrupting our plans." Jake, angry about Mercury's actions assigned his right-hand man the task of taking her away.

Marquis who was Mercury's elder brother, got to her and pulled her away from Joe Cole, 

"Let me go, Marquis!" Mercury screamed at him as he carried her on his shoulders. With Mercury out of the way, the other students pulled John away leaving Joe Cole standing alone.

The security guys around the school watched from afar as Jake already paid them to not interfere. Finally, their long-awaited opportunity to pounce on Joe Cole and beat him to death had come, Jake and Emily's plan to finally get rid of Joe Cole had worked.

With the angry mob set to rush at him, Mercury and John held tight away from him. Their struggles to break free and cover him proved futile, Joe Cole closed his eyes to say his prayers.

Just then, the sound of sirens from a fast-approaching motorcade halted the students as they all watched the motorcade approach them. The closer it got the more they got a glimpse of who it was. Finally, it came to them, stopping right before them all.

"Wait…is that who I think it is?"

"What's going on, man?"

"Guys! Stay calm, see who's here."

The crowd immediately calmed themselves as they muffled words, curious about the unprecedented intrusion of the motorcade before them.

"Wait, is that dad? Did he tell you he was coming?" Marquis quickly let go of his sister at the sight of their father's motorcade. 

"Thank God he is here, I'm reporting you to him, stupid." Mercury pushed her brother and made her way to meet with their father.

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