Chapter 6: Privileged, Spoilt, and Entitled!

President James Carter had only visited the school twice until now, but of course, everyone knew who he was. But his arrival at a time like this left them confused and wondering what was going on. Why would he interrupt them in such a moment?

The President's Secret Service Agents quenched the protest, controlling the crowd and making sure everywhere was safe for the President to come out. Once done, the President came out of his car, the Beast, and the students cheered at him.


Marquis and Mercury, to their surprise not knowing why their father came to their school and even, without a prior notice, rushed to meet him immediately.

"Dad! What are you doing here?" Mercury asked.

"Hey Dad, how's the White House?" Marquis joined her.

"Good day to you two. And how are you doing today?" Their father asked.

"We are fine." Marquis quickly responded, wanting to conceal the event at hand. But Mercury disproved him sharply.

"No, we are not, Dad. Marquis and the thugs he calls friends are trying to mob an innocent person." 

"Thugs? Really, Mercury? These kids are as rich and fortunate as we are." 

"Y'all are privileged, spoilt, and entitled bun—"

"Shut your mouth, Mercury. You're only trying to defend your boyfriend who is a thief." Marquis' words interrupting Mercury, stating Joe Cole was her boyfriend, made her mad. 

"Call him my boyfriend one more time and I'll give you a dirty slap." Her anger aroused, everyone watched as they displayed before their father.

"That's enough, you two!" President Carter, having had enough of his squealing children, silenced them with his words.

He looked at them for a minute to ensure they were calm, then he walked past them to Joe Cole where he sat on the bare floor. This left everyone with mixed reactions, President Carter was a very interesting man, jovial and down-to-earth. Many considered his actions as the usual acts of humility he displays everywhere. 

"I think he's here because of our protest. Am sure he will deal with the matter rightly." One student murmured to another. 

"Hey, Joe Cole. Wanna get up, now?"As he got to Joe Cole, he called his name and helped him up, dusting his body with his hands. 

Joe Cole was even more surprised by the President's gestures as he couldn't imagine why. But then, he remembered the President's involvement in his release from prison and his return back to school, yet he didn't know why.

"We'll take our leave now, kids. I don't want to hear any more quarreling and fighting from you two. I love you." The President led Joe Cole to his car and entered with him after kissing his children, Marquis and Mercury goodbye. They drove off, leaving the school premises.

This left everyone in disbelief, why would the President come to their school by himself for someone like Joe Cole? 

Some of them wondered, considering how despite the status of their parents, most never got the opportunity to meet with President Carter. Even those whose parents were rulers of kingdoms and presidents of nations would have to go through processes and extended periods before they could secure a meeting with President James Carter, or even, wait until he invited them. Yet, the President came to their school for a nobody and even stooped so low as to dust his body and have him sit with him in his Beast, the world's most sophisticated vehicle.

Marquis and Mercury were not left out in the wonder, their father would not leave his office and come to their school to surprise them but he came for Joe Cole. What is going on? They kept asking and even called their mother, the First Lady — Victoria Carter, to question what was happening.


The President's motorcade arrived at the White House and Joe Cole was ushered in with the President into the Oval Office. All of it seemed strange and unbelievable to Joe Cole as he kept wondering what was going on all along.

As they got into the Oval, the President called the Chief Butler to prepare a meal for them. They ate and Joe Cole was refreshed from his stress, all the while still questioning his reality. Was this real? Him dining with the President? The same Joe Cole who everyone saw as unfit to even exist within the same walls and space as them, is now dining with the most powerful man in the world inside the most prestigious government office in the world. 

This must be a dream, he kept thinking of that moment when Robert would bang on his door to rain insults on him for not washing his car, cause this kind of dream takes a long time to wake from.

Whilst he enjoyed the dream and waited for Robert to wake him up, he looked further to when someone would explain things to him. Why is the President of the United States now involved in his life since he made that call from jail?

Still, in his thoughts, a young beautiful woman in her late 20s entered the room, and the President instructed his Chief of Staff,

"Clear the room, Reese."

"Alright people. That will be all for now." Reese Bolton, the President's Chief of Staff, ordered the staff and security to exit the Oval Office.

"Welcome Rachael," the President welcomed the young man who just entered the room, and turned to Joe Cole to introduce the lady, "Joe Cole, meet Rachael Donald."

Rachael walked to Joe Cole and bowed to him,

"My pleasure meeting you in person, sir."

Rachael's words and gesture lost Joe Cole for a moment but he quickly reconsidered it as just formalities for being in the President's office.

"Nice to…meet you, Miss Rachael." He stammered his response a bit.

With the room cleared and left with just Joe Cole, the President, Rachael, and the Chief of Staff; the President turned to Joe Cole and asked him the question that would lead the way to the answers he had been waiting for all along.


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