Chapter 7: The Knight Templars!

“Yes sir, am dying to know.” Joe Cole answered the President, adjusting himself to the information coming his way.

“Okay Joe Cole, I’ll tell you a story.” The President took a seat opposite Joe Cole, crossed his legs, and began his storytelling.”

“50 years ago, a couple—adventurists and explorers of ancient relics and artifacts—, struck gold in one of their deep explorations. They found the lost treasures of the Knight Templars, the wealthy and powerful Catholic military order whose members combined martial prowess with a monastic life to defend Christian holy sites and pilgrims in the Middle East and elsewhere. After their death and the tragic end of their operations in 1312, it was rumored that their vast wealth was never found and was lost forever.”

Joe Cole wondered why the President was giving him history lessons, he had read about the Knight Templars and he too like everyone else considered the part of their lost treasures to be a myth. ‘The Catholic Church ceased that wealth for themselves.’ He said to himself.

Anyway, it was the President of the United States of America telling him a story, so he better listen and hopefully, the President will get to answering his questions.

President Carter continued,

“This couple were obsessed with the history of the Knight Templars, so they invested everything into studying them and searching out their history. After their breakthrough finding the lost treasures somewhere on the island of Cyprus, a controversy began. The governments affiliated with Cyprus—Greece and Turkey—and other governments connected to the Knight Templars’ history and operations—the Vatican, Israel, Palestine, and the French—all got involved in the discovery. Each, wanting to take the treasures for themselves.”

The news of the treasures being found triggered Joe Cole’s interest in the story. Now, he wanted to hear more and find out where the treasures are now. So, he sat up properly to listen attentively.

“The couple were wise enough to license and register their activities with the United States, they secured patents and IPs for all their works, and insured their operations with the US government. And when they were faced with the pressures from those nations to relinquish the treasures to them, and the government of Cyprus ceasing the treasures, they reached out to the US government for a deal. The US needed money to revive the crashing economy and also fund the Cold War operations, so when they came to the US for a deal we agreed to it. We put the CIA to work, the treasures disappeared, and the nations were forced to back off.”

“This is even more interesting than I thought.” Joe Cole said out loud.

The President smiled and responded,

“Wait till I get to the best part.”

“Now, the disappearance of the treasures meant, the United States took them and secured them with the Federal Reserve. This made the country rich enough to revive the economy and win the Cold War.” He continued.

“So, how about the couple, what happened to them?” Joe Cole asked curiously.

“Well, they are dead now.” President Carter answered him, showing some sympathy.

“So the CIA killed them and stole their treasures?” Joe Cole asked out in shock.

“No, Joe Cole. Nothing of such happened. The couples were protected until their tragic death in one of their adventures. A plane crash, actually.”

“Oh, okay. So what happened to their treasures?” 

“The couple, wise and smart, made a deal like I earlier said. The deal was this, they offered to loan the treasures to the United States in exchange for protection and also for interest. A sweet deal for both parties. 2% interest on the loan per annum for 50 years after which the treasures are returned and a 1% interest per annum is paid to them in perpetuity.”

“Wow. That's a smart move. The couple are really smart. I like them already.” Joe Cole grinned, appraising the couple for their smart business move.

“Yeah, they were. You want to know how much their smart move paid off?” President Carter affirmed and asked Joe Cole’s curiosity.

“Oh, yes. Definitely, sir.” Joe Cole’s curiosity rose even higher.

“Well, as of the 1970s when these treasures—mostly gold—were found, the value of gold was pegged for the deal at $500 an ounce. And the treasures were worth $300 billion.”

“Whoa!!! That’s massive.” Joe Cole exclaimed, “Meaning they were three times richer than the Sullivans?” He dragged his mortal enemies into the picture, comparing their $100 billion fortune to this smart couple’s $300 billion fortune.”

“Yeah. That’s right, Cole. But that is not as impressive as the next piece I am about to play.” The President said.

At this point, Joe Cole was down for what was coming next. The once boring history lesson had suddenly sparked his interest enough to make him want all the tea. He balanced himself for the next news,


President Carter, in his soft and slow storyteller tone, continued.

“You see, Joe Cole, the value of gold has risen to a pegged price of $2,000 an ounce in today’s market….”

“Wow! That is a whopping 400% increase in their fortune, I presume. Putting them at $1.2 trillion. Damn!” Joe Cole’s smart calculations and exclamation filled the room with awe.

President Carter looked at him with a smile and turned to his Chief of Staff,

“See, Reese, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.”

“True, Mr. President.” Reese's response made them all smile but Joe Cole was lost in their communication.

“Apple? What apple, sir?” He asked, showing they had lost him.

“Well, the couple had a child and the child was just a year old when they died. But before their death, they had set up everything pertaining to their wealth and sealed them with their DNA. Which means, only that child could access those accounts. There are two accounts, one that hosts the treasures when they are returned, and the other to receive the payment of all the interest. They lived a modest and humble life, away from their wealth without even touching a dime of the money. 25 years after the deal was when they had their child.”

Joe Cole sat still, waiting for the complete juice, and even wished the President would just hit at it already and not kill him with suspense.

“That child, an adorable baby boy, has now grown into a brilliant young man.” President Carter grinned brightly as he further stretched Joe Cole’s suspense string.

“That young man is you. Joe Cole."

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