Chapter 8: Get the Doctors Here!

“That child, an adorable baby boy, has now grown into a brilliant young man. That young man…is you. Joe Cole." President Carter's words broke the heightened suspense in the room but also made Joe Cole burst into laughter.


The President and everyone else stayed calm, knowing the news would sound ridiculous to Joe Cole and they were right. So, they allowed him to have his fill.

After about a minute of solid laughter, Joe Cole spoke up,

“Am sorry, Mr. President. That was very rude of me. It's just tha—” He still couldn’t hold the sensation within himself, he burst out again for another round.

“Alright. Alright. Am truly sorry, sir.” 

“No, it's fine. Take your time, we understand it's a lot for you to take in. So, take your time.” The President said to him.

“Wait, you’re serious?” Joe Cole stopped laughing for a moment after the President’s response, and he decided to allow President Carter finish the story.

“I understand that this is beyond you right now, but you called for it and that’s why we are unveiling it to you now.” 

“I called for it, how?” Joe Cole inquired, feeling surprised by the President’s claims that he called for it, he couldn't imagine calling for such news. It was too surreal for him to believe.

“Before the tragic death of your parents,” the President continued, “they made arrangements against the event of their demise, knowing how risky their job was. So, when they died, you were taken to an orphanage where you grew up and had life the way you did. Their instruction stated that until you were in dire need and triggered the system, this secret should be kept from you. So—” President Carter’s words already dawning on Joe Cole, he picked off the President’s next line of words.

“So, when I made that call from the police cell, I triggered the system.”

“That's correct,” the President affirmed to what he said.

“And that's why all the things that happened next till now all happened the way they did.” Joe Cole said further, nodding his head to finally understanding everything.

“Very well so.” President Carter confirmed.

Growing up at the orphanage, Joe Cole was given a number and was told to memorize it until it stuck in his head. That exercise made that particular number the most prevalent memory in his head other than his name. He did not know his parents as he was too young to cement memories of them in his head.

Joe Cole, at this point, was in tears. Tears rolled down his cheek for the sacrifices his parents made, although he never got to know them. The Chief of Staff handed him an iPad, on it were pictures and videos of his parents and of him when he was little even till recently. A proof that the government kept watch over him all this while. Joe Cole scrolled through the pictures, crying and laughing at the same time to the mixed memories of his life. 

“Your parents had asked that we keep watch over you, in the event of their death. You were their life insurance and we were the protectors of that insurance. Your scholarship to KQU was all our doing and many more.” The President continued.

Joe Cole thought of these facts for a moment, he remembered receiving certain unexpected interventions whenever he was in trouble. Almost like he knew someone was watching over him. He remembered the day he received the email from Kings and Queens University that he qualified for an all-expense-paid scholarship program with them, he ignored it thinking it was a scam. But the persistent request from the school made him give it a chance, and to his amazement, it was real. 

“So, all of this is real?” Joe Cole asked.

“Very much so. All the information and proofs, documents, and all your parents’ life’s work are stored on the iPad you’re holding. Others are locked up in a vault which you would be given access to whenever you’re ready.” President Carter strengthened Joe Cole’s convictions and signaled Rachael to make a call.

“Yes, you can come in now.” Rachael, on her phone, instructed the listener on the other end while Joe Cole remained lost in the pictures and videos he was viewing on the iPad.

The door of the Oval Office opened and three smartly dressed men, looking sharp and young, walked in. One held a huge briefcase like that of the nuclear code launcher. As they came in, they acknowledged everyone including Joe Cole, and by the orders of the President, they laid the briefcase on the table facing Joe Cole.

“This briefcase should finally validate everything,” President Carter said, “In it is the authentication process and only your DNA can unlock it.”

The men had set up the briefcase and presented it to Joe Cole,

“All we need from you, sir, is to place your thumb here for a second.” The lead guy said to Joe Cole.

Joe Cole did as they asked, placing his thumb on the exact spot,

“Ouch!” He cried out, taking his thumb off the spot. Looking at his thumb, it was bleeding slightly.

“We’re sorry, sir. The device is designed with a pin on it that pierces your thumb to get a drop of blood for the authentication process, together with your fingerprint.” Rachael explained to him.

After a few seconds, the device loaded up and printed the following words on the screen.



“Would you like me to display the content of your accounts, sir?” The device read out in a female robotic voice.

Joe Cole smiled at the sophistication of the device and replied,

“Yes, please.” His heart racing with anticipation to see what the contents were.

The device loaded for a second and opened up an interface that showed the balance on the two accounts featured. Joe Cole looked at the figures printed before his eyes and he froze for some minutes. 

“Mr. Cole?” Rachael called out but no answer.

“Mr. Cole!” She called again but still no response.

“Joe Cole?” President Carter called him, waving his hands before his face but Joe Cole did not even budge a bit.

“Come on, check on him.” He instructed his Chief of Staff, Reese Bolton.

Reese, who sat close to Joe Cole, touched him but the next action erupted in panic for them all.


“Get the doctors here, now!” 

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