Journey Of The Elemental Master
Journey Of The Elemental Master
Author: RnD

For hundreds of years, the Viltrum nation has been tasked with protecting artifacts believed to have the power to rule the universe. One nation that really wants to control this artifact is the Dark Mist nation. Dark Mist is led by General Ustanac who has the ambition to dominate and colonize all the planets in the universe. The war between these two different races has continued for hundreds of years and someone unexpected will end it all.

- Planet Nemeris-


Several fiery explosions were seen on the planet which is very far from Earth. Dozens of warships floating in the air fired purple laser beams towards the land of the planet which was being shrouded in mist. There were also screams and screams from creatures in pain. Hundreds of people were seen fighting each other. Casualties can no longer be avoided. It looks like a big war is taking place.

“Don't let them get the artifact!” A man with a thick mustache wearing white clothes with purple patterns ordered his men to continue attacking the hundreds of four-armed monsters that continued to press forward.

“Oke, General Alvar!” A man wearing clothes similar to that man suddenly released wisps of fire from both hands. He immediately shot a plume of fire at the monster whose face resembled a lizard.

It's not just this man who has powers, several people wearing white clothes similar to General Alvar are also seen showing off their superpowers. A large man clenched his fists and raised them. At that moment a large rock rose from the ground. He immediately smashed the large boulder into several monsters in front of him.

"Good job, Benedict!" praised General Alvar.

A great war between the Viltrum race and the Dark Mist is taking place. Although the Viltrum race has the strength as an element controller, they are still overwhelmed in the face of the Dark Mist race. In addition to being outnumbered, Dark Mist also has sophisticated weapons to fight the Viltrum humans.

“I must destroy that warship! Cover me!" General Alvar ran quickly towards one of Dark Mist's warships. One of his subordinates named Laura pointed her hand at General Alvar who was running. Immediately a transparent bubble appeared surrounding the general's body. Apparently the bubble was a protection bubble created by his subordinates.

Alvar continued to approach the golden brown warship. Several monsters tried to block the brave man's advance, but the laser shots from their weapons could not touch Alvar's body which was protected by a transparent bubble.

When he felt close enough, Alvar stopped in his tracks and looked at the warship hovering above him.

"Ergghh..." Alvar growled while clenching his fists tightly. Immediately an electric current resembling lightning appeared intermittently around his body. Both of his eyes glow bright blue. The electric current gathered in Alvar's two hands and Alvar immediately shot the lightning energy towards the warship.


Instantly the wings of the Dark Mist warship burned violently. Everyone on land was stunned by the sight.

“Yeahhh!” The Viltrums cheered in joy as the Dark Mist warship caught fire and crashed onto land.

“General Avar is truly great!” said Benedict.

When one of the Dark Mist warships was destroyed by Alvar, the Viltrums thought that their victory against the Dark Mist was in sight. However, in fact the Dark Mist troops were not that easy to defeat. Suddenly, from another warship, a monster jumped down to land. The monster looks different from other monsters. He only has 2 hands. His body is taller and bigger. He also wears gold armor. His attitude is calmer, not wild like other monsters. He walked over to Alvar who was not far from him.

"Isn't that General Ustanac?" Bennedict and Laura were pensive looking at the monster. So far, they have only heard about the Dark Mist leader's fighting prowess from other people's stories.

“This is dangerous. We have to help General Alvar,” said Laura.

Laura, Benedict ran quickly to help Alvar. Alvar realized when General Ustanac came towards him. He had already prepared himself to face the 2.5 meter tall monster.

While walking, General Ustanac immediately took out a weapon in the form of a mace.

“We're coming, General!” Bennedict and Laura ran quickly to help Alvar. Bennedict immediately took out his fireball and shot it straight at General Ustanac. Unexpectedly, the fireball attack was easily repelled by the general's mace.

“What?! That easily he repelled my attack?” Benedict was shocked. This is the first time there is an enemy who can easily repel his fire attacks.

General Ustanac continued to step forward towards Alvar. This time it was Alvar who attacked the monster with his lightning power. Quickly, General Ustanac took out a shield from behind his back to repel Alvar's lightning attack.

Alvar and several Viltrum humans were surprised by General Ustanac's abilities. It turns out that the news about General Ustanac's martial arts prowess was not just a figment of imagination. General Ustanac ran quickly towards Alvar and immediately smashed his mace at Alvar.

Alvar did not have time to ward off the attack. Luckily, at that time there was still a protective bubble provided by Laura, so that the mace hammer that General Ustanac swung did not hit his body.

General Ustanac was confused by the protective bubble, but he continued to swing the mace hammer repeatedly until the protective bubble cracked and finally broke. Alvar was shocked and immediately released his lightning power again, but before he could shoot the lightning at General Ustanac's body, the general immediately hit Alvar so that Alvar's body flew far away.

"Arghhh...!" Alvar groaned in pain and his body hit the ground.

Benedict and Laura try to help Alvar. They immediately launched attacks on General Ustanac. The general was too strong for the two of them to defeat. All of their attacks were repelled by him, even General Ustanac managed to counterattack the two Viltrum humans.

“He's so strong! We can't beat him!” said Benedict.

After defeating the three Viltrum humans, General Ustanac ordered one of his warships to fire its laser weapon again.


The laser beam shot hit many Viltrum humans. Suddenly the situation changed drastically. The Viltrum nation is on the verge of defeat. Alvar, Bennedict and Laura, who are the three leaders of the Viltrum nation, have also been defeated by General Ustanac.

General Ustanac stared at a blue glowing triangular object embedded in a rock.

“The artifact will be mine…”

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