Great Sacrifice

General Ustanac continued to walk closer to the very valuable artifact. Alvar, who was already injured, could only look on helplessly as the monster was about to take the triangular shaped object.

“We can't let him take the artifact. Everything will perish..." With his remaining strength, Alvar and his two friends rose to their feet to fight General Ustanac again.

“Hey, ugly monster!” Bennedict shouted for General Ustanac while shooting fireballs at the monster. General Ustanac stopped in his tracks and turned to Bennedict. Once again he managed to fend off the thick-bearded man's fire attack. Even though his attack seemed futile, Bennedict continued to shoot fireballs at the formidable general. The goal was not to defeat the general, but simply to distract him.

While General Ustanac was distracted, Alvar quickly ran towards the artifact embedded in a rock. He immediately released his electric power and shot it towards the stone embedded with the artifact.

Instantly the stone fell apart. The artifact fell to the ground. Alvar immediately took the artifact and took it away from the battlefield. General Ustanac realized that the artifact he wanted had been brought by Alvar. The lizard-like monster felt irritated, he immediately took out his laser gun and shot Benedict.

"Arghh..." Benedict screamed in pain and he died immediately.

“Benedict...!” Alvar's eyes widened when he saw his best friend dead. Even though he was very shocked by the incident, Alvar remained focused on his mission. He continued to run away from the battlefield to keep the artifact away from General Ustanac.

General Ustanac tried to chase Alvar, but Laura blocked him. She released a protective bubble that surrounded General Ustanac's body. The lizard-like monster looked confused as the protective bubble restricted its movement. He swung his mace hammer and hit the bubble continuously, hoping that the bubble would be destroyed.

“He's so strong…” With all her might, Laura tried to maintain the bubble, but General Ustanac's strength was too strong. The protective bubble finally broke and the monster managed to escape.

Even though General Ustanac was able to escape from the bubble, he was no longer able to catch up with Alvar who had already left him far away. Alvar rushed into his plane.

Knowing that the artifact was brought on board Alvar's plane, General Ustanac ordered his warships to fire on Alvar's plane. Luckily, Alvar was skilled at piloting his plane, so the shots from the Dark Mist warship only barely hit him.

Alvar took his ship out of Planet Nemeris. Because the situation at that time was very critical, Alvar didn't know where he was going to take the artifact. What was important to him was to get the artifact as far away from the Dark Mist as possible. General Ustanac and his soldiers could only see the plane going away and disappearing behind the clouds.

After being far enough away from planet Nemeris, Alvar pressed several buttons on his plane's control machine and he discovered a planet very far away.

“It seems that the planet is suitable for hiding this artifact. This planet is called Earth.” Alvar immediately pressed one of the buttons in the control room of his plane and immediately the plane flew off and moved to another dimension.

2 seconds later, the plane piloted by Alvar moved to a new galaxy. In front of the plane, a round, bluish planet was visible. Alvar's eyes didn't blink, amazed at the appearance of the planet he had seen for the first time.

“What a beautiful planet...”

Not wanting to waste much time, Alvar immediately piloted his plane into the planet he had never been to before. The plane driven by Alvar suffered slight damage when it was hit by the Dark Mist warship. This causes the plane to become unstable when it enters the earth's atmosphere.

Alvar was panicked at that time. He tried his best to control his ship so it wouldn't fall into flames. “I have to survive! I have to secure the artifact!”

Alvar's ship continued to accelerate towards the earth's mainland. His right wing appeared to have been partially burned. Alvar didn't give up. Quickly, he took the bag containing the artifact and immediately exited the plane via the ejection seat. His body landed in deep sea water.

Finally, Alvar's plane hit sea water and exploded. Luckily Alvar had gotten out of the plane. The injured Alvar had difficulty saving himself from the fierce sea waves. His body swayed in the vast sea. He was getting weaker and almost unconscious. Before he became unconscious, Alvar faintly heard a woman's voice from a distance until not long after, his vision became increasingly blurry and suddenly everything went dark.


Alvar's eyes suddenly opened wide. His face was covered in sweat and his breathing was ragged. A white bandage was stuck to his injured forehead. "Where am I?"

As he was about to get out of bed, Alvar winced in pain at his injured head. Suddenly a brown-haired woman came over to him.

“Don't move yet. It looks like your head injury is quite serious." The woman held Alvar's shoulders who was still lying on the bed.

With a confused face, Alvar looked at the blue-eyed woman. "Who are you? What happened?"

“You just had a terrible accident. Get some rest first. Let me introduce myself, my name is Margareth. I saved you from the sea."

Alvar looked at Margareth's face carefully. For some reason, at that time Alvar immediately felt comfortable in the presence of the woman he had met for the first time. He immediately followed Margareth's words to stay lying on the bed.

Just lying down for a few seconds, Alvar suddenly remembered something very important.

"Where? Where is that thing?!” Alvar was very afraid of losing the valuable artifact.

“You mean, that thing?” Margareth pointed to a black bag in the corner of the room.

Alvar's eyes immediately glanced in the direction Margaret was pointing. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief. The precious artifact was now safe in his hands. However, Alvar will not always live in peace. Dark Mist will not stop at nothing to obtain an object that is thought to be able to rule the universe.

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