Who Are You?

After experiencing an accident on planet Earth, Alvar, who was still injured, received treatment from Margareth. Even though Alvar was a stranger, Margareth continued to patiently care for Alvar. Gradually they got to know each other.

"How are your injuries, Alvar?" Margareth removed the bandage that was stuck to the forehead of the man with the thick mustache.

“It seems to be better. Thank you very much, Margareth. I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there at that time. I don't know what to use, I have to repay all your kindness."

Margareth smiled as she looked at Alvar's face. "Alvar, not all the kindness we do to someone must be repaid by the same person. The universe will definitely repay the kindness we have done in its own way."

Alvar was increasingly amazed by the woman he had only known for a few days. He didn't expect that earthlings would have such a friendly nature.

"Alvar..." Margareth suddenly looked at Alvar's face seriously. She sat on the edge of the bed, right next to Alvar.

"What is it?"

“There are some things I've wanted to ask you for a long time. But at that time I was waiting for you to recover first. Now seems like a good time to ask.”

Alvar's face looked a little tense when he heard Margareth's words. It seemed Alvar could already guess what the sweet-looking woman would ask.

"What do you want to ask?"

"The first. Why can you drift in that ocean? I didn't see any ships at that time. The second time, when I saved you. You're wearing white clothes that look out of place. Your outfit looks like it's from outer space. Where do you come from?"

Alvar took a deep breath. His prediction was true based on the question asked by Margareth.

“I'll tell you the truth, Margareth. Actually, I'm not from this planet. I'm from a planet very far away.

Margareth was silent while looking at Alvar's face in confusion and suddenly laughed. “You mean you're from outer space? Hahaha... Looks like you hit your head quite hard!”

Alvar smiled. He understood why Margareth didn't believe him.

"Okay. Because you don't believe me. I'll show you something. Can we walk out of this house?”

"N-now?" Margaret looked confused, but she complied with the man's request.

The two of them walked out of Margareth's house. This was the first time Alvar had left the house since his plane crash. It turned out that at the back of Margareth's house, there was a large yard filled with grass and other plants.

Alvar looked around him. "Looks like this place is suitable for me to prove myself."

“Prove? What do you want to prove?” asked Margaret.

Alvar didn't answer. He just smiled mysteriously. Immediately, Alvar took a deep breath and clenched his fists tightly. Suddenly an electric current began to appear in Alvar's hand.

“What the...?” Margareth was surprised to see that. In her entire life she had never seen anything like this.

The lightning bolt in Alvar's hand grew bigger and suddenly...


Alvar shot a bolt of lightning that hit a rock 10 meters away from him. The rock immediately shattered. So shocked, Margareth fell to her knees.

“W-what is that?!”

"Now you believe that I am not from this world."

Margareth could only stare in amazement and fear. Her body shook.

"S-so it's true that you come from outer space?"

Alvar walked over to Margareth. At that moment, Margareth immediately got up and stepped back away.

"Don't come near me!" said Margareth in a trembling voice. She looked scared.

Alvar understood when he saw Margareth was afraid. He raised both hands up. “Don't worry, I won't hurt you. If I wanted to, I would have done it a long time ago."

“S-so which planet are you from? What is your purpose in coming here?”

"I'll tell you the truth. I come from the Viltrum nation.”

“Vi-Viltrum?” In her entire life, Margareth had only heard the name of the planet where Alvar lived.

“You don't need to be afraid of me. I come from a nation that loves peace. In fact, I am very grateful to you for saving me.” Alvar tried to convince Margareth, even though he knew it wouldn't be easy.

“Then, what is your purpose in coming to this planet?” Margareth asked with a suspicious look.

“Actually, I came here by accident. I have to go and escape from the pursuit of other nations."

Margareth frowned as a sign that she was increasingly confused by Alvar's confession. “Other nations?”

"Yes. It's called the Dark Mist nation. They are ambitious to take the things in my bag."

"What's in that bag?"

"So that you can believe it better, shouldn't we go inside and see what's inside the bag."

Margaret was silent for a moment. She thought what Alvar said was true. Finally the two of them went back into the house. Alvar immediately took his black bag and was about to open it.

"Wait..." said Margareth with a tense face.

Alvar looked at Margareth's tense face and he smiled. "Don't worry, this thing is not dangerous if it is in the hands of the right person."

Alvar removed a triangular object measuring 50 cm from that place. Margareth's eyes opened wide when she saw the object from outer space. He approached the artifact to get a better look. This 27 year old woman saw an object that resembled a metal she had never seen before for the first time.

"What's this...?" Margareth looked very curious. The fear began to fade away.

Even though Alvar had just met Margareth, for some reason the man trusted her. He believed that Margareth would not do anything evil and take advantage of the situation.

“This is an artifact called 'Delandra'. It is believed that Delandra can give extraordinary powers to selected people. The leader of the Dark Mist, General Ustanac, wants to control this thing and conquer the universe.”

“Hmm, it seems like the person you mentioned is a dangerous person.”

"Of course. I hope he doesn't find me here. Otherwise, the world you live in is in danger.”

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