Special Child

14 years later.

“Eron! Elron! Come on, get out of your room. We're almost late.” Margareth shouted quite loudly from the 1st floor of her house. Not long after, a 12 year old teenager ran out of his room on the 2nd floor.

"Sorry I'm late. I just found my drawing book," said Elron while carrying a green bag on his shoulder.

After 14 years had passed, Margareth's appearance had changed slightly. Her hair was cut short at shoulder length and her body looked a little fatter. That morning, in her SUV, Margareth took her only child, Elron, to school which was not far from her house.

While driving her car, occasionally Margareth saw Elron sitting in the back seat. Elron looked gloomy at that.

"What is it, Honey?" asked Margaret.

"Mom, can I ask you something?"

“Of course, Honey. Anything you can ask."

“Mom, why do I change schools so often? I can't make many friends like this.”

Margareth's face immediately changed. She looks sad. “I'm sorry, Elron. Our circumstances force us to move from place to place like this. Your father's job doesn't allow us to stay in 1 place for a long time.”

Hearing his mother's explanation, Elron just bowed his head in silence. He had to accept a situation he didn't like. After driving for 10 minutes, the car carrying Margareth and Elron arrived at Elron's school.

Margareth escorted Elron to the school door. “Bye, Elron. Have a nice day."

Elron just smiled slightly and he immediately walked into the school building. Margareth's gaze looked very sad. He felt sorry for his only child, but he didn't have much choice.

After dropping her child off at school, Margareth immediately returned to the house she rented. It turned out that a man was waiting for him on the front porch of his house.

“Are you home, Darling?” Alvar hugged Margareth's body with great warmth.

Apparently, since Alvar accidentally met Margareth 14 years ago, the seeds of romance arose between them. Even though they were both from different planets, they felt they complemented each other, until a year later they decided to get married.

"Yes, but the road is a bit congested." Margareth looked gloomy at that time. She did not answer her husband's questions.

Alvar followed Margareth's steps into the house. "What is it, Honey. You look gloomy. Is there any problem?"

Margareth and Alvar sat together in the family room. Alvar looked worried about Margareth's condition.

“This is about Elron. He was talking to me. He said it was difficult to make friends because we often moved from place to place," said Alvar.

Alvar took a deep breath. “I knew this day would come. This is indeed quite difficult for Elron. At a very young age, he often has to adapt to his new environment. But this was our agreement when we had Elron."

"Yes, I understand. I saw our child's face earlier. It seems like he's tired because we keep moving from city to city. He wants to settle down and have lots of friends. How long do we have to live like this?”

Alvar's hand held Margareth's hand. "I am sorry, Dear. I can't be a husband and head of the family like the others. You know that if we don't move around, the Dark Mist people can find us and the artifact. The risk is too big.”

“I understand, but it seems Elron doesn't understand yet. Someday we have to tell the truth about all this. I feel sorry for him."

Alvar embraced Margareth's body. "Yes, Dear. Someday we'll tell him. At one time..."


Planet Kandahar.

A monster ran quickly to face General Ustanac who was sitting on his throne. He prostrated himself in front of his superior.

“Permission to appear, General. I have important news.”

"What is it?"

“I found a signal that shows the location where the artifact is.”

General Ustanac immediately got up from his golden chair. The news conveyed by his subordinates made him both surprised and happy. "Where is the location?"

“We found the location is in the Milky Way galaxy. The artifact was detected on a planet called planet Earth.”

"Hmmm... After all these years of searching for the artifact, we have finally found it again. Now, we go straight to planet Earth and find that artifact!”

General Ustanac ordered his troops to go straight to earth. Dozens of Dark Mist warships began to move closer to Earth. It seems like the threat to Earth is becoming more real.

Using warp power, the Dark Mist warships immediately arrived at planet Earth. Their technological progress is very far ahead of current human technology. They turned their warships transparent until they were invisible to man-made radars. General Ustanac was indeed smart, he didn't want to be careless and immediately attack a planet he had never been to. The monster wanted to secretly observe the situation first while looking for the whereabouts of the artifact.

General Ustanac ordered one of his trusted men to check the situation. “Mogul, immediately find the location of the artifact and report it to me!”

"Yes, General."

General Ustanac's enthusiasm burned again. The look in his eyes shows his power-hungry ambition. He was confident that this time the artifact would be found and become his. “Soon, I will rule this universe, hahaha...”

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