Found Out

With his small plane, Mogul descended to earth alone. At that time, humans were not aware of its presence. The ship landed in a deserted meadow. It was already evening by then. There was the sound of wolves howling and crickets calling to each other.

With his advanced technology, Mogul uses a tool that allows him to appear transparent. He does not want his presence to be known by creatures on planet Earth. “I have to find him as soon as possible.”


Alvar residence.

Alvar, Margareth and Elron were gathering in the dining room for dinner. This has become a routine that the Alvar family does every day.

“How was school today, Elron?” asked Alvar.

"There's nothing special." Elron answered with a flat face and did not look at his father's face. He doesn't seem to be in a good mood.

“Elron, I have to tell you something. Looks like next month we have to move again from this place."

Elron's expression immediately changed. He didn't seem to like hearing news from his father. "Move again? Why do we move so often?! I just made a friend, now I have to move again?! If it goes on like this, I won't have any friends forever!”

Margareth tried to calm Elron, who looked emotional. "Honey, we also want to settle down like other families, but your father's job requires us to move frequently."

“Why don't you just quit your job?! I'm sick of having to live like this all the time!" Elron got up from his chair and walked out of the dining room.

Margareth tried to stop him. “Elron, wait. Don’t go..."

Elron ignored his mother's request. He walked quickly up to the 2nd floor and went straight into his room. There was a loud slam of the door from Elron's room. It seemed Elron was really disappointed at that time.

Alvar and Margareth, who were still in the dining room, could only bow their heads languidly. They feel guilty towards their only child.

"How long do we have to go on like this?" said Margaret.

"To be honest, I don't even know. We, the Viltrum nation, are sworn to guard that artifact for the rest of our lives. This is all my fault. I should just live alone. I should have never involved you in this problem of mine. I'm sorry, Margareth."

Margareth held Alvar's hand and looked at him deeply. “Honey, don't blame yourself. When I met you 14 years old, I never thought I could fall in love with a creature from another planet like you."

The husband and wife chuckled together. It's true what Margaret said. No one would have thought that people from different planets could fall in love, even get married and have children. All of this was truly destined.

“What about Elron? I feel guilty for him.”

"It doesn't matter. I'll talk to him later."

“Hmmm... Alright then. I'm going out for a while to buy a drink. I'll be right back."

Alvar left his house to go to the nearest supermarket. Apparently Alvar was quite familiar with the surrounding environment. Several people were seen greeting him on the way, but unfortunately he would soon have to leave the city.

When the man with the thick mustache was about to return to his house, he walked down a quiet and quite dark alley. Only a few dim lights adorned the road. As his feet stepped further into the alley, he suddenly felt something strange. His face immediately looked tense and he immediately stopped in his tracks.

Alvar looked quickly behind him. He felt like someone was stalking him. His eyes glanced here and there, but there was no one there. Alvar continued his steps. Even though he didn't see anyone that night, he felt something strange, until suddenly a laser beam shot at him. Luckily Alvar was able to move quickly and was able to avoid the attack. The laser shot hit the asphalt of the road and the asphalt appeared to be burnt.

"Come out! I know you are here!” Alvar threw down his groceries and immediately got into a stance ready to fight.

From behind the darkness, suddenly the shadow of a lizard monster appeared. The lizard's 4 arms appeared from the shadows. Alvar's eyes widened. He didn't expect that one of the monsters from Dark Mist would manage to find him.

"Im-impossible..." said Alvar in a trembling voice.

The monster continued to approach Alvar. The sound of a wild animal growling came out of the monster's mouth. When the monster approached, Alvar was ready to defend himself.

“Hello, Alvar. Finally after all this time, we meet again," said Mogul.

"How did you find me?"

“Hahaha... For many years, we have been searching hard for you. It turns out you are on this backward planet. You didn't think we'd never find you, did you?”

Alvar could not hide his fear. Actually, he is not afraid that he will get hurt or die. He was more afraid of the safety of Margareth and Elron.

“You guys will never get that artifact!”

“There's nothing General Ustanac can't get. Now hand over the artifact!”

Mogul pointed his laser gun at Alvar. The atmosphere in the narrow alley became increasingly tense.

“You won't get anything!”

“Then you should die right now!” Mogul immediately fired his laser gun at Alvar.

Alvar deftly avoided the shot and he immediately shot his electrical energy hitting the body

"Arghhh...!" Mogul's body immediately bounced and hit the wall. A puff of smoke could be seen coming out of his body which was hit by the lightning shock.

Alvar's breath was short after expending his strength. He saw Mogul's body motionless. “I think he’s dead..”

Just as Alvar felt calm because he had succeeded in defeating Mogul, suddenly Mogul's body moved again and with lightning speed, Mogul immediately lunged and strangled Alvar's neck until Alvar fell to the ground. The other two hands held Alvar's hand firmly.

“You think I'm that easy to die, huh?!”

"L-let go of me..." Alvar's face turned red from difficulty breathing. Mogul's sharp claws injured part of his face. Fresh blood flowed down his cheeks.

"Arghhh...!" Alvar groaned in pain.

“Now, tell me where the artifact is!” shouted Mogul.

"No! I'd rather die than tell you!"

"Okay then! You will die now!”

Mogul swung his claws at Alvar's face.

"Arggghhh...!" A scream of pain broke the silence of the night in the narrow alley.

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