The End of the Knight

"Arggghhh...!" A scream of pain broke the silence of the night in the narrow alley.

Mogul screamed in pain after his stomach was badly injured by a lightning shot from Alvar's hand. Apparently before Mogul's claws hit Alvar's face, Alvar immediately shot his electric power into Mogul's body. There was a gaping hole in Mogul's stomach. The lizard monster died instantly and its scaly body fell on Alvar's body beneath it.

With great difficulty, Alvar lifted Mogul's corpse. His breath was short. “I have to return home immediately. They are in danger.”

While walking quickly, Alvar took out his cell phone and immediately called Margareth.

"Hi, Darling. What took you so long? Did something happen?” asked Margareth from behind her cell phone.

“Margareth. Listen to me carefully..."

Hearing her husband's serious tone, Margareth's face suddenly tensed. “What really happened, Alvar? Are you okay?"

“Hurry up and pack up our thing.. We have to get out of that house right now!"

Margareth became increasingly panicked. “What's going on?! Why are you so scared?”

“That monster, Margareth. The monster has found us. We have to get far away from here immediately.”

“Oh no... Oke then. I'll tell Elron right away.”

Before Alvar had time to respond to Margareth's words, Margareth spoke again in a serious tone. "Be careful, Alvar. We are all waiting for you at home.”

"Yes. I'm on my way home. See you soon.”

After closing his cell phone, Alvar ran to return to his house. But just running a few steps, suddenly a voice startled him.

“Hello, Alvar. Long time no see you, hehehe..."

The voice sounded heavy and threatening. Alvar's eyes immediately widened. He knew this kind of scary sound very well. Suddenly a frightening aura made the hairs on Alvar's neck stand up. He looked back and a tall and large lizard monster appeared from behind the dark shadows.

“G-General Ustanac...?!” When he saw General Ustanac, Alvar immediately mounted his fighting stance.

“You have killed my favorite henchman. It turns out you are a tough knight, Alvar. It would be an honor to be able to kill you.”

General Ustanac walked up to Alvar. Alvar became increasingly tense. He still remembered very well the fighting skills of General Ustanac. He knew he wouldn't win this time. Even so, Alvar did not back down. He would still fight the general with all his might.

"Now, tell me where the artifact is," General Ustanac said.

"Never! You better give up and back to your planet immediately!”

General Ustanac smiled sarcastically. “I will offer you something.”

Alvar looked confused by the lizard monster's words. "What do you mean?"

“If you tell me the whereabouts of the artifact, I will allow you to join our nation. I will give you a high position. How? Do you accept my offer?”

Alvar became increasingly angry with General Ustanac. “You think I'm stupid? You just want to trap me! I will give you nothing but this!”

Alvar suddenly attacked General Ustanac with his lightning ball. Due to his high fighting ability, with his shield, General Ustanac managed to repel Alvar's lightning attack.

It turned out that while General Ustanac was busy repelling Alvar's attacks, Alvar used him to escape. He knew that he would not win against the general.

"Grrr..." General Ustanac growled in annoyance. He immediately ran after Alvar.

Alvar jumped high towards a tall building to avoid General Ustanac's pursuit. Occasionally he fired electric balls at General Ustanac, but each attack was deflected by the monster.

General Ustanac also jumped through tall buildings to chase Alvar. Luckily it was nighttime, not many people were still wandering outside so they couldn't see the two extraterrestrial creatures in action.

Several times General Ustanac fired his laser weapon at Alvar, but Alvar was able to avoid it until he reached the tallest building in the city. Alvar seemed cornered at that time. He was already at the edge of the 30-story building.

“Where else are you going, Alvar? You can't run from me anymore." General Ustanac smiled confidently. He thought he would achieve victory soon.

"I will not reveal the whereabouts of the artifact, even if my life is at stake!" shouted Alvar.

“That was the wrong decision, Alvar!” General Ustanac immediately fired his laser weapon but Alvar avoided it and immediately counterattacked the monster. The two of them shot at each other until finally the laser weapon that General Ustanac was holding was hit by a ball of lightning and fell to the ground.

General Ustanac became increasingly annoyed, he immediately took out a mace hammer from behind his back. The monster immediately ran quickly towards Alvar, Alvar tried to block it with his electric ball.

General Ustanac was indeed very tough. He was able to repel all of Alvar's attacks. When he was close to Alvar, the general without hesitation immediately swung his mace at Alvar's body. Luckily Alvar was still able to avoid it and he even immediately responded with a fist towards General Ustanac's face.

"Erghhh..!" General Ustanac grimaced in pain when Alvar's punch hit his face. Alvar's blow was so hard that one of General Ustanac's sharp teeth fell out and bleed.

General Ustanac wiped the blood that came out of his mouth while looking at Alvar. “It's not wrong for them to call you the fiercest knight in the world of Viltrum. In my entire life, only you have managed to hurt me."

With a gasp for breath, Alvar just stared intently at General Ustanac. He prepared again to face the monster's attack.

"But it's enough that you hurt me once. Now I'm going to hurt you. Very badly!”

As fast as lightning, General Ustanac swung his mace again and this time his attack hit Alvar's body heavily.

“Uaghhh!” Alvar screamed in pain and his body was thrown against the wall of the building until the wall was partially destroyed.

“Cough!” Fresh blood came out of Alvar's mouth. It seemed he was seriously injured by the general's attack.

General Ustanac walked slowly towards Alvar who was still lying on the ground. Alvar couldn't do much at that time. Part of his body was crushed. General Ustanac smiled at the condition of the Viltrum knight.

“Because I'm kind, I'll give you one more chance. Please accept my offer. You will live in prosperity. You don't have to suffer like this.”

"No! Just kill me!” said Alvar with his mouth covered in blood.

General Ustanac sighed. “Okay, if that's your wish. I will end your life now!”

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