Secret Power

Elron, who was still lying on the ground, was very surprised to hear the mysterious voice. He looked around and found no one there.

“Wh-who are you?!” Elron dared to raise his voice. He felt both scared and curious.

Immediately a large lizard monster appeared in front of Elron. The monster deliberately appeared to scare Elron. Elron's eyes immediately bulged and his mouth opened wide. He still half couldn't believe that what was in front of him was a wild monster.

“W-who are you?!” Full of fear, Elron slowly got up and walked backwards away from the monster. He stared dumbfounded at the lizard monster in front of him. Elron was even more surprised when he realized that the monster could talk to him.

“Hmmm, I suspect your father never told you about us. We are the Dark Mist nation that will rule this universe.”

"You know my father?" Elron asked while holding his injured hand. While asking, his eyes glanced here and there to find a way out of there. He was sure that the monster had evil intentions towards him.

The monster continued to walk slowly towards Elron. Elron was increasingly pressed. The monster showed its sharp teeth to scare Elron. "Now, tell me where is the artifact?"

“A-artifact? What artifact do you mean?”

"Do not pretend! Quickly tell me where that thing is!” The lizard monster raised its hand and showed its sharp claws.

Elron was getting more and more scared by that time. He was getting cornered. His face was covered with cold sweat. His breathing was rapid. He didn't know who to ask for help, because there was no one there.

“Don't hurt me... Please... I don't know what you're talking about.”

“Son and father are the same. They love to lie!” The monster immediately strangled Elron's neck so that it was difficult for Elron to breathe. Their body sizes look very different.

"Erghh... Ughh..." Elron's breath hitched. His face turned red. He thought he would die right then and there, until suddenly Elron's cell phone rang loudly.

The lizard monster heard the ringing sound from the cellphone for the first time and it made him a little confused and loosened his grip. When the monster was off guard, Elron took the opportunity to pick up a nearby stone and smash it straight into the monster's face.

“Arghhh!” The monster looked like it was in pain. The stone hit one of his eyes. The hand that was holding Elron was released. Elron took advantage of the incident to escape. He ran as fast as he could to get out of the quiet alley.

The injured monster attempts to recapture Elron. He immediately took out his laser gun and shot it straight at Elron's feet

“Aaaa!” Elron screamed in pain as the laser bullet penetrated his leg. He immediately fell down.

"Erghh.. Ughh..." Elron continued to moan in pain while the monster walked towards him.

“You stupid human. You think you can escape from me, huh?” said the monster confidently.

Elron could only stare at the monster while enduring the pain. His body was violently pulled and lifted by the scaly monster. The monster brought its face closer to Elron's.

“I'll give you one last chance, tell me where the artifact is located. If you say so, I will let you go.”

“I-I told you. I don't know about that artifact. I never heard of it.” Elron wasn't lying. Alvar and Margareth never told him anything about the artifact. This aims to protect Elron and the artifact itself.

Hearing Elron's answer made General Ustanac's men even more annoyed. With great strength, he threw Elron's thin body until it hit the wall.

"Ughh!" Elron screamed in pain. His body felt crushed. Fresh blood came out of his mouth.

‘Will my life end here?’ Elron thought he would die right then and there. At that time, all he could think of was Margareth. Elron couldn't imagine how Margareth would feel if she had died at that time.

The monster strangled Elron again until Elron's body was lifted in the air. Elron's two hands gripped the monster's hands to get free, but their strength was completely incomparable.

Elron's face grew redder. His breath became more labored. With all his might, Elron struggled to get free, but the monster still strangled him tightly.

“You will soon meet your father in the afterlife. Die!” said the monster.

Elron could barely breathe anymore, his life was on the line. When his life was about to end, his eyes suddenly emitted a bright blue light. The monster was so shocked.

“W-what is this?!”

Elron gripped his hands tightly and suddenly wisps of blue electric balls appeared from his hands and suddenly...


Elron shot the electric ball into the monster's body. The monster's body immediately flew far away and hit the wall until part of the wall was destroyed. From the monster's stomach a thin layer of smoke could be seen. It seemed like the monster's stomach was burned by Elron's lightning attack.

With his blazing blue eyes, Elron stared at the monster that was lying helpless. At that time, Elron didn't seem like himself. The injuries he suffered seemed meaningless.

The monster turned out to be still alive. While grimacing in pain, the monster slowly rose to its feet.

“This can't be... Is it possible that he inherited his father's power?” The monster looked at Elron in fear. Now things have turned 180 degrees. The monster felt intimidated by Elron's presence.

“I can't fight him like this.” The monster uses a device that makes it invisible. He immediately walked away from that place.

When the monster had run away, Elron's eyes suddenly returned to normal. His body immediately fell limp, lying on the road. Elron thought he would die right then and there, until suddenly he heard a woman's voice calling his name. The voice sounded very familiar to the young man's ears.

“Elron... Elron... Hang on..."

Not long after that, Elron's vision began to blur and 2 seconds later everything went dark.

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