Deep Regret

After traveling quite a distance, the car carrying Margareth and Elron arrived at a simple flat. They immediately got out of the car and Margareth immediately took out some cash from her backpack to rent one of the rooms there.

As soon as the two of them entered the room, Margareth immediately took out her cell phone and tried to contact Alvar again, but she still didn't get any response. While waiting for his mother, Elron sat on the edge of the bed in the room and turned on an old television.

“What happened to you, Alvar?” Margareth's tears began to drip down her cheeks. The feeling of anxiety and worry was unstoppable until suddenly...

“Mom, come here quickly. Look!" Elron called, pointing at the television.

Margareth wiped away the tears that rolled down her cheeks and immediately sat beside Elron. Her eyes immediately bulged wide when she saw a news story showing an adult man who was found dead in an alley not far from Margareth's previous residence.

"Oh no..." Margareth got up as she continued to watch the shocking news. Her body suddenly felt weak and trembling. Tears fell from the corners of her eyes again.

“Mom... Is that dad?” Elron stared blankly at the news. He is still wondering whether the victim who died was his father.

Margareth's tears flowed even harder. Margareth knew very well that the man who died was her husband. He recognized him from the clothes Alvar wore.

Margareth immediately hugged her child tightly. She cried uncontrollably. Elron became increasingly confused and anxious. His face turned red and tears began to roll down his cheeks.

"Your dad, Elron... Your dad has left us..." said Margareth in a trembling voice.

When he heard that his father had died, Elron's body shattered. His heart felt very painful. His breath hitched. Elron remembers very well that when he last met his father, he was annoyed with him and acted carelessly towards him.

"Dad... I- I'm sorry, Dad..." Elron couldn't hold back his tears any longer. He cried along with his mother. They hugged tightly.

“I'm really sorry, Mom. I shouldn't have behaved like that. I was really stupid…” Elron was very sorry for being so rude to his father. If he had known it would be like this, of course Elron would not have been so curt and hugged his father tightly.

“Don't blame yourself, Elron. Your father really loves you..." said Margareth in a trembling voice.

While continuing to cry, Margareth and Elron continued to listen to news about Alvar. In the news, it was reported that Alvar had been killed by the claws of a wild animal. As soon as Margareth heard this, she immediately realized that it was the Dark Mist people who killed Alvar.

Margareth was so shocked. She felt guilty for not being able to accompany her husband at the end of his life. Now Margareth only has Elron in this world and she must fight alone to face the Dark Mist race.


Since Alvar's death, Margareth and Elron continued to move cities to avoid being chased by the Dark Mist, until without realizing it, 3 years had passed since Alvar's death. Now, Elron is 15 years old. His height already surpassed his mother's height. His face became even more handsome, looking like his father.

After 3 years, Elron started to get used to living on the move. He no longer complains like before. He was already used to living without his father's presence.

"Mother, I'll go first..." In a plaid shirt and jeans, Elron looked like he was ready to go somewhere.

"Okay. Be careful on the way. Don't forget, immediately...”

"Yes, I know, ma'am. I'll go straight home."

Elron kissed his mother's forehead as a sign of goodbye. He went to a library not far from where he lived. As usual, Elron walked alone without anyone accompanying him. While walking, Elron uses earphones in his ears to listen to his favorite songs. As the blonde young man was walking, without realizing it, a pair of eyes stared intently at Elron.

While waiting for her only child to return, Margareth busied herself with tidying up her rental house. While cleaning out his cupboard, he accidentally saw a photo showing him, Alvar and Elron sitting together in a park. They all smile cheerfully in the photo.

As soon as she saw the photo, Margareth sighed, her face looked sad. It was like he was remembering his past when Alvar was still alive.

“Oh, Alvar. If only you were still alive, we wouldn't be living this hard.” Tears suddenly dripped down Margareth's cheeks. Even though 3 years have passed, sadness always comes over him.


After 2 hours had passed, Elron had finished reading in the library. He remembered his mother's message saying he had to go straight home. While putting his earphones back on, Elron walked casually towards his house.

Without realizing it, someone or something was secretly following him. Elron, who was enjoying listening to songs through his earphones, didn't realize that a mysterious person was secretly following him from behind.

Step by step, Elron continued to walk towards his house until suddenly he stopped in his tracks. It seemed like his instincts told him that someone was watching him.

Elron looked back and his eyes moved left and right. He found no one there. After making sure there is nothing out of the ordinary. Elron continued his journey back until he arrived at a quiet alley.

When Elron was halfway into the alley, suddenly from behind something pushed him hard until he fell onto the asphalt of the road. His elbow was bleeding from the asphalt.

"Erghhh..." Elron groaned in pain. Slowly standing up, Elron looked confused and looked around. There was no one in the alley but himself.

"What happened? I felt like someone had pushed me.” Elron, who was confused, couldn't do much. When he was about to continue his journey, suddenly he heard a deep and scary voice.

“Finally... Finally we found you...”

Elron was so surprised. He looked around him and found no one there. He thought he met a ghost. He was very scared at that time. When he was about to run away, a punch hit his face.

"Arghhh!" Elron fell back to the ground. Fresh blood came out of his mouth.

A mysterious voice was heard again. “You are not as strong as your father...”

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