The test (part two)

"come on mike,let go, before it's late". Erin said.

"Alright, good luck bro,see you in the base".mike said leaving with erin.

"Yeah bro,see you too".Noah replied.

"Come on, let's go."Noah's partner whose name is Justin said.

"Alright".Noah replied.

They all went separate ways and to make things worst for them the rain began to fall cats and dogs.


"Come on Erin,faster".mike said.

"It's just too hard to see in this goddamn heavy rain, can't see clearly". Erin replied.


"Is that your stomach mike."Erin asked

"No, I thought it was you".mike replied.

"Wait if it is not you and me then what the fuck is growling" Erin asked.



"The sound is coming close mike". Erin said.

"Say something,man" Erin snapped.

"Holy shit".mike said.

"What...what". Erin asked.

"Erin, slowly take three step forward and duck".mike replied.

"Don't tell me the creature is behind me".Erin said.

"Do you really want to hear my answer ".mike asked.

"No..oo"., Erin replied.

She did exactly what mike said and ducked, immediately mike sent his dagger straight to the beast head.



The beast screamed in pain and died after some minutes of struggling.

"Nice target".Erin said.

"Thanks".mike replied.



"Don't tell me more are coming".Erin said.

"Okay ".mike replied.

"Any ideas". Erin asked.

"Just only one thing left to do".mike replied.

"Which is??". Erin asked.

"Runnnnnnn".mike shouted.

They ran as fast as they could but the beasts ain't giving up, untill the two of them reached an end.

"Ohh,what should we do now". Erin asked.

"We might as well jump ".mike replied.

"You must be crazy,am not gonna jump ,is like a thousand feet down". Erin said.

"Erin forgive me".mike said.

"For what". Erin asked.

"For doing this". mike replied carrying Erin and jumping.


Erin screamed.


"Come on man,keep running,come on". Justin said.

"Yeah...yeah." Noah replied running.


"Noah!!!,help me am sinking in quick sand ". Justin called.

He was about to sink completely but Noah came in time.

"Gat you man" Noah said holding Justin hands.

"Don't let go man.. don't let go". Justin said.

"Man,if you don't stop talking,I will walk away".Noah warned drawing Justin out 

"Thanks man". Justin said.

"Man,no need to thank me,we are friends now,and friends always watch each other's backs".Noah said.



"Hope is not what you think am thinking". Justin asked.

"No it can't be a,it start with the b word."Noah replied.

"Runnnnnnn ".they both chroused.


"Mike,you are totally not my shit list". Erin said 

"Stop acting like a baby ".mike replied.

"Either you got eaten by the beasts or you get soaked,which do you prefer.".mike asked.

"Alright am sorry,I just hate being wet". Erin said.

"Okay,let keep running,we need to get back to base early tomorrow morning ".mike said .


"I guess they didn't make it". squad leader James said.

"No,let's wait for them, this is still morning and it haven't ended yet."commander crugger replied.

"And don't expell anyone,those that could not make it,send them to the space eagles force,the training there will be easy for them to handle and those with average let them be promoted too". commander crugger said 

"Alright sir ". squad leader James replied.

"They are here sir". one of the space soldiers shouted.

"Open the gate ". squad leader James said 

The gate was opened,mike and Erin came in tired.

"We are both with 1000 point sir".mike shouted 

"Good job, trainees,go to the army canteen to eat,you must be hungry ". squad leader James said.

Justin and Noah came in second,jerdy and Emily came in third and some other trainees too.


"Man am tired".mike said.

"My legs hurts". Erin said.

"Mike,you made it".Noah shouted going to mike,

"Man I didn't know you made it". Noah said.

"Who is the new friend ".mike asked.

"My name is Justin". Justin replied.

"Any friend of Noah is a friend of mine,my name is Mike,and this is Erin".mike said.

"So you two are the ones that came first,mike and erin right, my name is Jayden and this is my sis emily nice to meet you ". Jayden said.

"We wish to be friends ".Jayden continued.

"No problem this are my three friends Noah,erin,and Justin".mike replied.

"Are you here to avenge your parents too".emily asked.

"Yeah ".mike replied.

"My sister and I have lived a very hard life ever since our parents died,we finally now have the opportunity to revenge,we wouldn't lose it". jerdy said.

"That's is why we must always work hard and always watch each other's backs,to become the justice squad ". mike continued..

[Alright trainees, break time is over]

[Get your asses to the hall]

"Alright let's go". mike said 

"Hope is not another extreme training". Emily smiled.


"Took you all so long ". squad leader said.

"Sorry sir ". they chroused.

"Apology accepted". squad leader James said.

"Now for today's training , since you are in the y-squad,your training is upgraded,you will learn how to kill with a space gun". squad leader James said bringing out a bag full of space guns and distributed it to the trainees.

"For now you will be learning on how to deal with handy space guns,later you will learn with the big boys,the crakas has four level of defense,first is the crakas themselves, second is the crakas sea monsters,third is the crakas megabit and fourth is the drone.The first am gonna teach you is how to kill a crakas with the help of your space gun and dagger,it is easy to kill a crakas with a gun,but not easy with a dagger,with a dagger you must have to pass their attacks to go for their neck,but to do that you must be skilled with marital art, in other words hand to hand combat,now that you are in the y-squad, serious work have started and anyone that fails to pass any of the test will be demoted,you will all group into 6,and there will be a sparring contest and any group that wind will be given 3 promotion to v-squad,I will give each group a combat book and you must all practice it before the day after tomorrow,oh and I should not forget,your group must have a leader,I want four boys to come out of each groups". squad leader James said.

"Come on,mike go for it ". jerdy said.

Mike and other boys stood up.

"Now you see the box in front of you,four papers with different groups alphabet is inside,so move closer and pick a paper". squad leader James explained.

They moved closer and picked a paper and took two step back.

"What is your group". squad leader James asked.

"My group is group a".mike replied.

"My group is group b".xandre replied.

"My group is group c".Zack replied.

"My group is group d".lorgan replied 

"So who want to join their group". squad leader James asked.

Noah,Erin,Justin, jerdy and emily stood up and Joined mike,while some joined the others.

"Okay your names". squad leader James asked.

"Mike, group a ".mike replied.

"Xandre group b". xandre replied.

"Zack group c". Zack replied.

"Lorgan group d".lorgan replied.

Squad leader James gave them each a combat book and sent them to the fields,train hard.


"Hey,a squad losers". xandre called going to mike.

"Hey xandre,you are supposed to be leading your group mot putting your nose in other people business ".mike said.

"What,who do you think you are". xandre asked.

"Well am a human like you,I just don't tolerate shits from people who thinks they can just act as they want".mike replied.

"Alright then,but you will regret what you said to me ". xandre left.

"Man,you got his nerves ". Noah said.

"He lack brains". mike replied turning back and saw three familiar men walking.

"Why are you staring at them like that". Erin asked.

"Those are ones who who attacked me when I was on earth".mike replied.

"What,those freaks".Noah said.

"Am going to get my necklace back". Mike said leaving.

"Wait man,come back ". Noah shouted.but mike be continued 

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