the necklace

"mike, come back".Noah shouted about to follow mike but jerdy pulled him by the collar.

"are you crazy,if you follow him, things will be twice as worst,let's just observe,if things goes wrong,only then we can act".jerdy said.

"i guess you are right".Noah agreed.

"hey you three fools".mike called.

"are you referring to us".the guy who took mike necklace whose name is Luca asked.

"yeah,fool".mike replied.

"hey,watch your tongue cuz if I were you I would be quiet,I won't want my tongue cut off". Drax warned.

"holy motherfucker,I thought so,I being thinking why he was so confident to open his dirty mouth at us, guys don't you remember him,this is the weak, stinky,hopeless fool we beat up back on earth".sky said.

hearing what sky said mike head was flaming in anger.

"you gonna wish you never said that".mike mumbled.

"so now that you guys remember me,give me what is rightfully mine,pls and I promise you won't see me again pls".mike pleaded.

"hahaha,you are still funny,when are you gonna learn that what I have taken is rightfully mine forever,so learn to live with it".Luca said taking the necklace out of his pocket.

"am begging you for the last time, please give me back my necklace ".mike pleaded.

"and am also telling you for the last time,the necklace is mine forever".Luca replied.

"come on guys,let go,I gat no time to waste with this stinky animal,I gat more important things to do".Luca said.

"wait,you face looks nice*.mike paused.

"yeah I know".Luca replied.

"sure, for me to punch".mike continued with a pitiful blow on his face send Luca flat on the ground.

"urghhhh,my nose".Luca said.

"what are you two waiting for,beat the hell out of him".

"okay now it's time to act".jerdy said.

as sky and drax was about to hit mike hard,Noah and Justin grabbed them by the hands, while jerdy took them down.

"go get your necklace,bro,we got this,we are 15% sure we can handle things". Justin said.

"do you really have to talk bro". jerdy asked.

"I was just trying to be encouraging,okay then we are 5% sure". Justin said.

"should we help or keep on watching ".Erin asked.

"nah, let's just stay cool and pray that they don't get killed ". Emily replied.

"ummm,good idea".Erin agreed.

"thanks so much brother's ".mike said going to where Luca was and before he could get back up,mike sent a kick straight to his stomach.



"how does it feels,the pain how does it feels like ".mike asked.

"answer me, fool ".mike shouted sending another kick to Luca face.


"that's for what you did to me back on earth".mike said, about to take is necklace out of Luca pockets but xandre sent him a kick straight to his spine sending him flying flat to the ground.



"xandre,I thought I told you not to put your dirty nose in my business".mike said clenching his teeth.

"yeah right,so you are telling me not to put my nose in a business that as something to do with my brother,if so forget about it ". xandre replied.


"this....this piece of shit is your brother ". mike clenched his fist.

*what, don't you ever in your life call my brother a piece of shit,you are the one who is a piece of shit". xandre shouted about to kick mike again but mike got up quickly and sent his fist aiming straight for xandre face,but xandre dodged it and gave mike a clean uppercut straight to his chin.luca got up too and landed a kick on mike stomach.

"I can't stand here while mike is in pain".Erin said.

"relax sister,you must tolerate everything,if you want them to be alive". Emily said.

"the two brothers were beating mike roughly on the ground and after some minutes of pain for mike they stopped.luca pulled him by the collar and had an eye contact with him.

"if you ever mess with me again,I swear I won't hesitate,I won't think twice to kill you.*.Luca said.

"sky,drax let's go,we gat no time to waste*.Luca called.

"ok boss,I guess I will deal with you later*.sky said kicking noah.And drax leaving jerdy and Justin neck.

immediately they went to mike side.

"bro,are you okay,hope you ain't hurt". Noah asked.

" should have just leave them alone, fighting with high class s.s fighters is like asking for death". Justin said.

"yeah, Justin is right".jerdy agreed

"not to mention the guy could have killed you".Erin said.

"or even be banished out of the camp for going head to head against a s s soldier*. Emily said.

"alright guys stop,I know what I did went far,but I can't leave my necklace alone just like is all I had left of my parents,the necklace is the reason am alive till now,so I can't leave it".mike said.

"we understand you bro,but you know those guys are high skilled fighters,it ain't gonna be easy for a trainee to go up against a fighter ".Noah said.

"yeah, that's why am promising you guys that I will never be defeated again,I promise I will never get you guys in trouble again".mike paused.

"you guys should practice the book without me,I be back".mike continued.

*where are you going ". Erin asked.

*just practice the book,I be back soon".mike replied leaving.

"Erin,I know you are worried,but the mike that I know since childhood will never give up on anything".Noah said.

"come on, let's practice".jerdy said.


"i let my friends down,I was disgraced in the public,I didn't show the true strength of a leader,am a failure,and am sick and tired of being a push over,I must level up, but how,who can I run to for help."mike thought.

after some minutes of thinking mike heard a sound coming from the s.s base.

"huh, what kind of sound is that".mike said going to the direction.

he peeped through the window and found out that is squad leader James that's training.

"wow,he is so fast,with is legs,hands and body,he is amazing".mike mumbled.

he kept watching untill squad leader James hit his palm on the table and left.

"mike entered slowly,and went to the table,and saw something that caught his attention.

"wow,the deadly secret of combat, this is what I have being looking for,it will surely help me".mike mumbled.but he accidentally toughed the table and it broke in halves.


"who is there". squad leader asked bringing out his gun.

"what should I do,am dead,am dead*.mike mumbled.

not knowing when he kneeled and raised his hands.

"wow what a surprise,you are mike the group a leader and the one that was beaten in the fields,what a surprise". squad leader James said.

"am sorry sir".mike pleaded.

"skip that,boy". squad leader James said.

"what are you doing here". squad leader James asked.

"errr ..rrrr..I ...I...came... .to".mike stammered.

"umm,I see that you are here for my book". squad leader James suggested.

"am So much sorry sir".mike pleaded.

"no problem". squad leader James said.

"what are you even doing in the force, don't you have parents". squad leader James asked.

"as a matter of fact,I grew up not knowing my parents,all I was told was that my parents was killed In the bloody war invasion,I suffered all my life, wandering in the streets of avaton with my little bowl begging for food and money,even the orphanage I stayed treated me like shit,she turned me to a money making bank,I gat no light,hope or dream,and an opportunity came to me to join the force, which was my only chance to destroy the crakas,so that's is why am in the force".mike replied.

"wow, what a touchy story of yours,but why were you causing trouble In the fields". squad leader James asked.

"I was trying to get the only thing I had left of my parents, which is my necklace".mike replied.

*but are you sure you can survive the force,you gat no skills ". squad leader James asked.

"well,am sure cuz my only skill is hope,and I we never stop having it as my weapon ".mike replied.

"ok then you amazed me,to make your hope stronger,I will teach you the deadly secret of combat that will guard you at all your journey,

which is the..

snake bite

lion fist and the crab claws.......................

to be continued.....

thanks for reading everyone 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

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