levelling up

"is this a dream,is he really gonna teach the skill".mike mumbled.

"sir are you really gonna teach me the three skills you just mentioned". mike asked.

"yes boy,you will need them in all your journey against the whole galaxy". squad leader James replied.

"I will give you the skill book that deals with the three skills immediately after I teach you the basics about the skills,the training is quite complicated but for a boy with a lot of confidence ,you should be able to survive". squad leader James explained.

"now let's start with the snake bite,the skill is a very venomous technique that can only be active when used on your opponent weak body spot,like the armpit,neck,spine and stomach,also the skill is a technique that can never be used out of anger or else you might kill or paralyze the person,to use the skill you must be in a perfect battle stance,if you opponent is about to strike pin him or her and strike with the snake bite.The second skill which is the lion fist some call it the bone breaker while some call it the first of iron,the reason for this deadly names is because the skill is a really powerful technique that can break through anything,no matter how strong,if you're perfectly trained in the skill you can break anything without stresss,you will learn more about it later,now for the most important technique which is the crab claws,some call it the point breaker while some call it the iron bender.The crab claws is a technique of defense,in which if your opponent is using iron glove,iron boot, gun or blade against you and it can also be used to break the opponent wrist,neck, ankles,but it's quite deadly if it is used wrongly,it can paralyze whoever you are fighting with.Thats all about the techniques but before I give you the skill book,I will give you a lion fist magic, follow me". squad leader James said.

mike followed and after some minutes they reached an iced water.

"take off your shirt and lay in the water". squad leader James ordered.

"but sir.......,just do as I say". squad leader James cutted in.

"man,am gonna freeze to death".mike mumbled.

He took off his shirt and layed in the water.

"so cooooooold".mike mumbled.

"if you are determined to sucesss,you won't freeze to death". squad leader James said switching on the fan to it's highest level.

"dad,mum".mike called clenching his teeth.


"shouldn't we be worried about mike,he is gone for hours and in 2 hours time there will be curfew".Erin said.

"don't worry,your boyfriend will be back". Justin replied.

"mike is not...............am just worried about him, that's all". Erin said.

"I just hope he is not in another trouble". jerdy said.

"all I know is that mike won't stop until he gets his necklace back ".Noah said.

"so that means,he is in trouble". Emily asked.

"yeah,he might be". Noah replied.

"why are you so relaxed, shouldn't you be worried". Emily asked.

"I have knew mike since when we were little,and if mike is in a difficult situation,he will always find a way out" .Noah replied.

"what is the next skill chapter".Noah asked.

"well we have practiced the tiger kick, Mantis technique,tiger claw and the monkey jump".Erin replied.

"the last one is the axe kick".Erin added.

"alright then, let's practice it,we only have today and tomorrow to perfect everything ".Noah said.


"xandre, aren't you gonna train with us".mik asked

"no...no.no,I don't need the training anymore,am already a great fighter, it's you guys that need training ". xandre replied.

"but...........,no fucking but".xandre cutted in.

"I so much regret being in your team".jake said.

"what!!!!!!".xandre yelled sending Jake a strong kick in the chest.

"xandre,what gives...".Koda paused.

"you guys should just leave me alone ". xandre yelled.


"good job mike, you can come out of the ice now". squad leader James said.

mike came out shivering with his teeth clenching hard.

"sir,why did you told me to lay in a really cold water".mike asked.

"you will understand soon boy,just follow me". squad leader James replied.

"hope is not another extreme training, cuz am gonna die".mike mumbled.

after some seconds of walking,they reached an empty room with a table made from hardwood.

"you see that table over there,I want you to break it with your fist". squad leader James said.

"hahahaha,sir for a second I thought you said I should break the table with my fist hahahaha,you are playing right... right ".mike asked.

"ummm,does this face look like a face that joke's unnecessarily". squad leader James asked.

"holy shit,this man is gonna kill me".mike mumbled.

mike went to the table,and examined it with his eye.

"how am I gonna break a table made of hardwood with my fist,it is suicide".mike mumbled.

mike raise his fist up in the sky and hit it hard on the table.

"huh,wh...what is this shit, nothing happened,not even a scratch".mike said.

"wow,you really did it". squad leader James said.

"what do you mean by I did it".mike asked.

"touch the table and you will see what I mean".

mike touched the table and surprisedly it broke in halves.

"good take the book and get out of here I gat to sleep". squad leader James said.


"now for my first target,Luca and his goons,now if I was a bully where would I be,he might be where there is nobody,maybe in the forest,I gat to go fast,but I need a mask,that can help me with everything,the one that can hide my identity,maybe a demon mask".mike thought.

running to the gates.


"mike,where are you,why aren't you back,there is curfew,what should I do,I can't leave mike,I must go out,thank God, Justin and jerdy are asleep,.time to go.


"mike,bro where are you man,".Noah searched the warehouse and there was no one,but after some seconds he heard some footstep,


Noah hid behind a weapon store hiding

"wow,since there is no one here this is perfect time to deal with my dancing steps".the guard said.

he brought out a mp3 and played an awful song

"holy mother,this song is killing my ear".Noah mumbled.

"oh no,he is dancing,oh my God,get me out of here". Noah cried.

"if this guy continue,am gonna pass out ".Noah said.


"Erin,why can't you sleep". Emily asked.

"mike is out there in the curfew and you are telling me to sleep,I can't sleep ". Erin replied.

"so you really care about him that much". Emily asked.

"yeah, eversince the day I met mike,I have grew some feelings for him,I don't know the type of feeling but mike is much more important in my heart,than other things ".Erin replied.


"where can I get a mask,how".mike thought.

"this mask is useless,i don't even know why I bought it ".a guard said throwing it in the bush.

"a mask is the perfect one ".mike mumbled.

he waited until the guard left and went to the bushes.

"cool,a lion mask is the most perfect type*.mike said

mike went to the direction of the forest and was about to get to the gate when a space soldier stopped him.

"hold it right there".the soldier said.

"shhhhhit".mike clenched his fist.

"who are you".the second soldier asked.

"why asking,he is a criminal".the third soldier said.

"turn around".the soldier said.

but mike ignored.

"I said turn around".the soldier shouted taking out his space gun.

"don't make me tell you again".the soldier said.

"let's just blast him".the second soldier said.

"I guess there is nothing else to do but to try out the new skills".mike said wearing the mask...........................to be continued.


thanks for reading this far.





watch out for chapter 6

will mike get out of the trouble,find out in the next chapter.👍👍👍👍👍.

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