chapter six(threat)

"what are you doing,you are not supposed to move".the soldier said pointing his gun at mike.

mike turned back with the mask on his face.

"take the mask off".the soldiers ordered.

"no more talking, let's blast him".the third soldier said.

why the guns, aren't you trained soldiers,use your combat skill am just one man".mike asked moving closer to the soldiers.

"let's take him down ".the soldier said sending a punch straight to mike,but mike dodged it and slapped him,the remaining two were coming for a strike but mike pined their arm and sent them in the air with two punch.

the last soldier got up and was using his legs against mike but mike stayed in a perfect stance and took him down with a kick.




the soldiers yelled in pain.

"he is gonna kill us".one of the soldiers said.

"what are you waiting for,kill us".the soldiers yelled.

" sorry but am not your enemy".mike said helping the soldiers with a hand.

"so you are not gonna kill us".the soldiers asked

"never,am not an enemy or a killer am just a normal kid trying to do what is right,".mike replied.

"so you are not a crakas,or a crakas spy".the soldier asked.

"hell no,am not".mike replied.

"please don't tell anyone about what you see".mike added.

"let's just say we are not telling anyone,why are you walking around in these late hours that there is curfew".the soldiers asked.

"errrrrr...rrr".mike thought thinking of what to say.

"oh,I wanted to pee but I didn't know the way to the restroom,also I was scared of being caught by the guards,so I wore a mask to hide my identity".mike lied hoping the soldiers would believe his lies.

"ummmm, you should have said that earlier man,the way to the restroom is behind the training hall,and again don't come out in the curfew again or else I will show no mercy". the soldiers said.

"thanks so much,I will go there now".mike said leaving.

"prefff,man that was close".mike said.

"I guess my business with Luca and his goon will have to wait till next time".mike added going to his room,he entered and hidden the mask under the bed.

"good thing,that Justin and jerdy are asleep,but where the hell is Noah,maybe he went out to pee".mike thought sleeping.

(mike in a dream,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,)

"where is my daddy and my mummy".mike asked.

"kid,I don't know how to say this but your parents are dead,the invasion was too strong to deal with,a lot of people died including your parents". Amanda said.

"I saw this with your dad,a necklace.It was in a gift box may be it was meant for you". Amanda said.

"sorry kid". Amanda added leaving.

"I will make sure the crakas are dealt with,I will surely fight back,,,,,,, REVENGEEEEEEEEEE".mike cried.


"jerdy and Justin woke up and surprisedly they saw mike.

"mike bro,wake up man,it's morning". Justin said tapping mike.

"yeah what".mike asked.

"when did you enter the room".jerdy asked.

"last night,you guys were already asleep ".mike replied.

"wait a minute,I think we are forgetting something ". Justin said.

"I just can figure it out". Justin added.

"oh no,shit Noah".mike shouted.

"I didn't see him when I entered last night ".mike exclaimed.

"what!!,but Noah is right here". Justin said checking Noah bed.

"holy fucking shit,noah is missing ". Justin said.

*come on we have to find him, jerdy you search the fields, Justin search the weaponry warehouse,I will search the restroom". mike ordered.and they splited.

mike went to the restroom and searched every corner,but couldn't find Noah.


"Noah, where are you, man". Justin mumbled search the weapon store. but couldn't find Noah, but he saw something strange the training hall was opened.

"strange,the training hall is not supposed to be opened by this time". Justin said going there.

"did you find him yet".mike shouted.


"something is in the training hall". Justin replied taking out his space gun.

"wait for me". mike said taking out his space gun too.

they both entered the hall and searched every corner and they finally found Noah on the ground.

"oh no,do you think he his". Justin paused.

"no,he can't be....he can't be dead".mike said.

"Huh what,who died".Noah asked waking up.



mike and Justin screamed.

"Guys are you yelling ".Noah asked.

"who died".Noah asked.

"you ". Justin replied.

"who is sergeant yu".Noah asked.

"no not Yu is you".mike asked.

"who". Noah asked.

"you". Justin replied.

"well let's forget about that,mike where were you last night " Noah asked.

hearing Noah question mike began to laugh unnecessarily.

'why is he laughing,as something entered his brain". Justin asked.

"don't be silly". Noah replied.

"answer me and stop laughing".Noah shouted.

"alright,i was outside thinking about how I lost to those fools that sole my necklace".mike lied.

"so that was all what you did last night".Noah asked.

"yeah man stop pushing words to my mouth".mike replied.

"but man you have a lot to learn in the skill book". Justin said.

"don't worry I will practice everything ".mike said.

"and you will have to practice it today, everything ".Noah said.

"let's go".Noah added.

they went out and saw all the trainees going somewhere.

"oh, they found you ".jerdy said.

"jerdy,where are they going ".mike asked.

"I have no idea where they are going".jerdy replied.

"there is Erin and Emily ". Justin said.

"Erin, Emily ". Justin called.

"wassup guys". Erin said.

"we are cool". mike replied.

"where are they going ".mike asked.

they are going to check who they will duel with on the board".Erin replied.

"cool, let's check it out". Justin Said.

"alright then, let's go".mike agreed.

"they followed the trainees to the board where the group names are.

they reached the board and saw their group name.

"man are we up to it,we are dueling with group b, xandre group".Noah asked.

"those are the names, let's check it out". Justin said.

"group a versus group b,the fighters list are mike versus xandre,Noah versus Koda, Justin versus Jake,jerdy versus march,Erin versus Blake and Emily versus stark.". Justin read.

"man,are we up against them,even xandre is strong with or without the book" Justin asked.

"guys,do you believe we can win".mike asked.

"yeah,we do" ,they replied.

"if you really do believe,you don't have to be scared of anything ".mike said.

"as for xandre,I will be totally prepared for him,I must practice the book ".mike added.

"well you have 5 skills to practice ".Noah said.

'the tiger kick,mantis technique,the tiger claw,the monkey jump and the axe kick".Noah added.

"okay since you have the book with you, I will go to the fields to practice".mike said.

"yeah,I have it".Noah replied bringing it out of his pocket and gave mike.

"alright,I will go to the fields now to practice".mike said leaving.


"now for the first one,the tiger kick".mike practice the skill and got it in some minutes,he moved to the mantis technique,the tiger claw,the monkey jump and lastly the axe kick,he was practicing it when xandre and his team came.

"what do you want xandre".mike asked.

"no..... nothing,I just came to check up on you before I kick your ass tommorow,I see you are just practicing your skill book,you are such a fucking loser,there is no way you can perfect it all before tommorow,well even with the book,you are still not a match for me,I am much more stronger than you with or without the book,so you and your pathetic group will be defeated,cuz we are gonna mop the floor with your faces and when we are done with you and your group,no one will recognize any of you cuz they will only be seeing the sign of our punches on your faces and you will all be nicknamed the group of shame,you will all learn to respect us,the one and only invincible group b". xandre said.

"oh are you gonna cry". xandre asked.

"look closely you brainless fool,do you see any tears".mike replied.

"don't underestimate us xandre,you might be strong but you know nothing about us,and for what you said you and the ant's you call team are gonna regret it".mike added.

"what!!!!!!!!". xandre yelled in anger.................. be continued.

(the duel is about to start who will win between xandre group and mike group,or will there be even a win,find out next in chapter 7)


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